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Everything posted by Village

  1. we're all vampires in denial
  2. The 2L per day thing was made up by CocaCola when they started selling bottled water in the 70's. Drink as much as your body asks for. When food is your source of hydration then you don't need to drink H2O at all, that is, when your diet is based on raw foods - meat, milk, blood and fruit. I find my digestion to be much better without water, which makes sense seeing as water dilutes the stomach acid and bloats you. Also remember that water is a solvent, it solves minerals and you end up excessively peeing them out. The body can't utilize plain H2O as much as it can, say, the water in fruit, that is bound with electrolytes and minerals.
  3. @7thLetter Organic = they sprayed the crops with organic toxins instead of chemicals.
  4. As much as your body wants, there is no magic number.
  5. @neutralempty They got some good stuff though I'm more of an Aajonus Vonderplanitz "shill" if I may. Also what do you mean they don't? Brain and butter have vitamins A, D and K2 and 0 sugar - all you need for healthy teeth, lolz.
  6. To answer OP's question: I think it's also for the same reason they get emotionally protective of amalgam fillings. They can't admit they'd been poisoning people for years and years.
  7. Greenland sharks do And people in indigenous tribes who never brushed their teeth didn't have a single cavity or missing tooth in their 100's (read Nutrition and Physical degeneration by Dr. Weston Price).
  8. @Red-White-Light Depends which animals. Some live far longer.
  9. OP isn't a vegan, he stated he loves salmon if you hadn't noticed, so I suggested him another non-vegan food. Seriously, what do you want? lol
  10. I guess she was just shocked by how safe and effective the vaccine was.
  11. I'd do nothing. I never wear mine either, and if anyone bothers me about it I just tell them I'm exempt due to breathing problems.
  12. @Opo By pain I mean the hunger and the general discomfort of starving. The side effects are accelerated aging (because starvation is extremely stressful to the body), weight loss, fatigue, brain damage if the fast is prolonged. In short, it just slowly kills you. You cannibalize yourself.
  13. Of course. Nobody's heard of heart disease, diabetes and cancers in the middle ages, but that's masked by misleading statistics about life expectancy (just as the "hunter gatherers drop dead in average at age 25" bs [their prime lmao]) to make you believe that the pharmaceutical industry makes us healthier.
  14. No, I literally just stated the ingredient list. Literally. Disease (in this case covid), heavy metals (aluminum and mercury), carcinogens (formaldehyde, polysorbate 80), among other toxins—and those are only the published ingredients. When you know what this concoction is made of and you were still fooled to inject it, there's nothing more to discuss. Just reread the ingredient list until it sinks in.
  15. @datamonster Humanity is at its lowest point in terms of health nowadays, so in this sense they're indeed successful.
  16. It's not the starvation that heals, it's the fact that you've gone days without eating carbohydrate-loaded unnatural garbage food.
  17. Aye, preferably wild and raw Though most obviously the strongest nootropic is brain. Spinach for the extra oxalates I assume? I heard it's very good if you want to get kidney stones.
  18. Never anymore. I used to do IF on conventional wisdom "healthy" diet simply because of the relief it provided from the constant bloating. The reason people feel good when they fast is that they cannibalize themselves and eat their own raw saturated fat stores. Just quit eating garbage and eat raw animal fats and you'll feel the same all the time, without the pain and unhealthy side effects of fasting of course.
  19. Can feel you man, it really sucks. The key to putting this show to an end is civil disobedience, but good luck with that when the majority of the population are sheeple who believe anything the media says despite pretending to dislike the media. Your North Korean paradise is there >>>>
  20. Do the exact opposite of what those organizations recommend and you'll be healthy.
  21. @Forestluv What did I distort? It's all written in the official ingredient list.
  22. Good comment. If we don't hunt then we'll play sports or violent video games or watch violent films. In the bubble of modern times we've been conditioned to believe that violence is bad, in reality it's just natural.
  23. Ah, lovely to see all the selfless, compassionate people here shaming anyone who doesn't want a cocktail of disease, heavy metals and carcinogens injected in their veins. They're so selfish to care about their health, smh. We, spiritual people, are selfless enough to completely dismiss other people's sovereignty over their own bodies in order to push our vaccine agenda. What do you know about people in 3rd world countries? Most Africans hold a huge grudge against vaccines, for good reasons.
  24. Go keto, carb cravings will go away after a while. People recommending sugar loaded fruits to someone who tries to break sugar addiction is ridiculous, lmao.