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Everything posted by Village

  1. Anti-perspirants in general are bad because they block the body's main route of detoxification, which is through sweating. Much of the bad smell is also simply the body detoxing the very deodorant that's supposed to reduce your body odor, ironically. And aside from that it's diet - if you smell bad without a deodorant, your body is toxic. Eat a lot of high quality pasture meats, raw dairy if you can source it, only organic plant foods and don't overdo the spices. Obviously cut all junk food too. It'll take a few weeks to months to improve, though you can speed up sweating all the toxicity out with 30-45 mins hot baths (40-41C). Eventually you'll just have a natural smell that is not unpleasant. I shower once a month in average and don't use deodorant at all and I'm good. And it's not genetic because I always used to stink very easily.
  2. >Says I'm disconnected from reality >Sends more news, which are purposefully made to manipulate your sense of reality You need to stop believing everything you read or watch online, personally I'd recommend to avoid news altogether.
  3. I don't see how being paranoid enough to communicate behind a screen rather than face to face is a good idea tbh, even during a scamdemic. Just fuels the paranoia and the fearmongering if anything.
  4. Thanks, good to know that social media is superior to actual, genuine face-to-face communication. LOL.
  5. You're right about the germ theory and about eating our natural diet, yet you—or the people who promote fruitarianism and made up these points that every fruitarian repeats—came to the wrong diet conclusion. Basing your diet solely on man-made fruit that was cultivated in the past few 100 years and needs to be shipped to you from China, New Zealand or South America, is the least natural diet there is. Assuming you live in North America or Europe, you'd only have access to fruit for 2-3 months per year, and wild fruit is nothing like our modern, big and sweet Frankenstein fruit. The conclusion you should've come to by looking at nature, is to eat raw meat. Fruitarianism is a detoxifying diet for sure, but not a nourishing one. You obviously see many of the ailments caused by SAD diet go away, but eventually the nutritional deficiency of fruitarianism will lead to further disease. Your body needs a lot of protein, a lot of fat, all of the vitamins and minerals (many of which are not present in the vegan diet at all, let alone in the fruitarian diet). You'll last longer if you drink your urine due to the bioavailable protein.
  6. Just stop reading the news. It's a pandemic of fearmongering if anything.
  7. @Michael569 I agree, he has some good stuff but generally he's full of shit.
  8. God hasn't given us the big, juicy, sweet fruits that are available all year round and shipped to you from across the world - they are man-made, LOL. They're cultivated. A wild banana is tiny, with a thick skin and big seeds and tastes like shit. A wild apple is the size of a cherry. A wild carrot is a toxic root. Assuming you live in Europe or North America, no fruit is available to you for 9 out of 12 months a year. Fruitarianism is the least natural diet there is, you'd never even think of it if not for modern cultivation and food transportation. That's why all fruitarians look like they came out of a concentration camp. Cooked meat is. Raw meat is perfect in its nutrition, water content, texture, taste and digestibility. I never add anything to it. And it's available all year round and is what people eat in nature. If you ever eat a freshly butchered animal, when it's warm and with the blood and everything - you'll immediately understand what it's all about.
  9. No one who grew up in civilization will reach that.
  10. Our lifespan nowadays is 30-50% of what it used to be in nature (much of it spent in degenerative disease, at that) and we're brainwashed to be proud of that, lol. All creatures in nature live 7 times the time it takes them to reach maturity. For humans, that's 147 years. This can be observed in certain very remote indigenous groups, such as the Hadzabe, Massai, Eskimo, Hunza and several others. I agree, of course you would eat wild fruit, herbs, and mushrooms on occasion when they're available, as well as dairy, eggs and honey.
  11. Heart disease was practically non-existent 100 years ago. Meat, eggs and dairy have been around since forever. No amount of soyence can cover this up.
  12. I've enjoyed it since the very first time, and raw meat anyhow always looked delicious to me as a child but mom would never let me try. Cold meat is kind of bland but it'd never make me gag. I think it has to do with the fearmongering about it. I don't get why this community likes to brag about their so called open-mindedness for different perspectives, yet when you bring an actually different perspective—that doesn't align with their pre-established new-age, left-wing, plant-based agenda—most get defensive and emotional about it. Stage Green much, isn't it? I'm not trying to insult btw, I'm honestly asking. As for Sv3rige, he got food poisoning once from eating the bone marrow of an overly medicated animal (which nobody recommends you do), and he literally got arrested for eating meat - it's all recorded in video. I know he comes off as an eccentric psychopath sometimes, but I've talked to him and I know many who know him in real life and he's pretty chill. So we can spare the character assassination. I don't watch Bobby and the rest of them really. However, if you actually listen to Sv3rige instead of to vegan commentaries about him, you'll figure out he has nothing to do with Stage Orange. If anything (and I agree with this), he'd say that Stage Purple is how we are made to live, and any deviation from nature is a deviation from wellbeing. So this whole model of SD is simply a concept that was made by modern people who have never experienced a natural life. If you really can't stand Sv3rige (though if you cross him off without actually giving him a proper listen - it's your loss) but are curious about the diet, look up Aajonus Vonderplanitz - the founder of the Primal Diet. He's the one who spent decades researching nutrition, experimenting and working with thousands of clients. Sv3rige merely popularized it. In the end, I don't care what any of you choose to eat - it's simply that raw meat changed my life and I want to share the joy. But I find it bizarre that people, and in this case Leo, suffer so much going from one man-made diet to another, putting your food on fire, spending thousands of dollars on synthetic supplements, injecting those vaccines, swallowing those nootropic drugs, and then wondering what went wrong? It'll never occur to 99% of people that your natural state is health - and every bit of health you lack is a mirror of your deviation from nature.
  13. Those studies were done on the Eskimos who were introduced to grains and other western foods. The ones who live traditionally on 100% raw (and rotten) fish had an exceptionally long life expectancy. Just a reminder that 99% of "studies" are not science. Anyhow, I didn't watch the blog video, but I'm assuming you're doing the standard cooked carnivore diet. It's much better than any plant-based diet out there, but it's nonetheless an unnatural diet and it gets boring to eat a dry steak all day, and as you said - it's not a long term solution. If you really want to heal, look into Aajonus Vonderplanitz and the primal diet. I've had a messed up gut all of my life, and this is the only thing that truly heals me every passing day. And yeah, we're talking raw meat. I know people here aren't fond of Sv3rige, but just so you get the reasoning behind eating raw meat:
  14. Sure, let's all eat an unnatural, toxic diet that has been marketed as healthy (or be outright junk food addicts) and cripple our immune system instead of eating our natural diet of raw meat and blood, and then inject rushed vaccines with unknown long-term (and 2nd gen) effects into our veins to compensate. Sounds like a plan.
  15. I'm thinking how much money I'd need to accept eating this garbage every day.
  16. It's designed to cause skin cancer (read the ingredient list) which was ultra rare before the invention of sunscreen. Also, you usually wear it when you're hot and your pores are open, so the chemicals leak further into your body. If you gradually tan then you won't need anything to protect your skin even when spending hours in the sun. Otherwise, you can use raw butter or olive oil. I sunbathed for 2.5 hours last week but it was my first time since previous summer so I got somewhat sunburnt - I smeared raw butter on my face and the redness went away within a day with no peeling/dryness.
  17. Phytates, lectins, omega-6, pesticides (organic or inorganic ones). Really no reason to eat nuts at all.
  18. Quit on September. Never again.
  19. You are a vampire in denial. If milk and blood intimidate you then, for the sake of demonstration, drink coconut water and compare it to regular water. It's so much more hydrating. It's not just the H2O that you need - it's the minerals and electrolytes that make the water absorbable. This is why filtered water is useless, let alone distilled. Mineral water is the best if you insist on drinking water, but of course you don't want to drink plastic so hence my recommendation (notice I said naturally sparkling - it has no synthetically added CO2).
  20. Same, cooked eggs make me nauseous. I drink 8-10 raw eggs a day and get 0 problems.
  21. It's horrible. It just dehydrates you as it is completely devoid of electrolytes and minerals so your cells can't utilize it. It's best not to drink water at all and hydrate from raw milk, blood, fruit, and avoid salt and cooked (dry) foods. But if you do drink water, naturally sparkling mineral water in glass bottles is the best you can get. I like Borjomi; I heard Gerolsteiner is good too.
  22. All forms of heating your food are destructive and unhealthy.
  23. I never wake up in the morning and say "man, I'd love to do stretching right now!", rather, I might think "they say it's healthy to do stretching", while my body tells me to forget that and go have breakfast instead. So I listen to my body. I generally don't force myself to do anything I don't truly want to.