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Everything posted by Village

  1. I agree if you mean bulky because it has nothing to do with health, but generally speaking, a glowing skin, good weight and high energy levels are huge indicators of good health.
  2. Great advice, because you surely personally know the people who grew your celery and exactly what pesticides they did or did not use while cutting corners around the 'organic' label.
  3. Because grains are full of gut-wrecking anti nutrients.
  4. Ironic, but you're the one with the city talk. Oh, you've read articles and watched YouTube videos about parasites, but have probably never even seen a brain. I eat raw brains regularly.
  5. While he's right about the importance of meat and organs in our diet, he still religiously promotes a 100% carnivorous diet that has nothing to do with nature. No human in nature would ignore a juicy fruit during the heat of the summer, or ignore the caloric value of nuts, or the flavor of certain wild herbs and mushrooms. People who follow the trendy carnivore diet are as dogmatic as vegans (fortunately they're 10 times healthier than vegans, but still not ideal).
  6. Eat brain. No joke. You'll even have the most lucid dreams of your life if you eat a raw brain before bed.
  7. Carbs make your body produce insulin which essentially opens the gates for macronutrients into your cells. In the old times, people would fatten for the winter up by eating berries or whatever fruit was available at summer, and then slowly lose that weight during the winter when they had to eat a ketogenic diet because there was pretty much nothing but meat. This is not to say that carbs are evil as some people here understood it, it's just that the easiest way to lose weight is a ketogenic diet where you don't have all that insulin promoting growth all the time.
  8. In your place I wouldn't be getting so cozy in the underweight realm. The reason being that fat protects you from toxins. All the toxicity that doesn't get discarded immediately via diarrhea or vomit (and you can be sure there's plenty of that in our environment) gets stored in the body, heavy metals amongst it. If you're underweight and have no body fat, where do you think it goes? First, to the bone marrow which is pure fat, and once that fat is packed - to the organs, firstly to the brain as it is 60-80% fat. Fat people are in risk for certain diseases but their organs are protected, even if it's bad fat. Skinny people are not merely in risk but literally suffer from organ damage that will lead to serious disease in the future.
  9. "Equally valid" as long as you have the same political opinion, you mean.
  10. What kind of pain is it, could you describe it in more detail? Do some foods cause greater pain than others? Certainly don't take antibiotics unless you want to destroy your entire microbiome and develop candida or IBS issues. You don't even know whether you have a microbial infection or not. Also, brushing your teeth for 1 hour straight is extremely damaging, maybe your tooth enamel is all worn down from all the brushing, in which case you'll have to quit any acidic foods, sugary foods and grains while consuming plenty of high quality dairy and green juices to remineralize the teeth.
  11. How is it surprising that people want to eat what humans have always eaten? You admitted yourself you crave meat, otherwise you wouldn't be buying meat imitations.
  12. An absolute joke, basically vegans craving meat but instead of listening to their body they'll eat something that imitates meat but has none of the nutrition (rather, it's made of 20+ synthetic ingredients and some people actually believe it's healthier than a steak).
  13. Would you care to explain why there's pain every 6 months? Is it due to bacterial buildup from food getting stuck in there (I also have a wisdom tooth where food always gets stuck - I simply use a mini brush or grow out a nail to clean there everyday), is the tooth still growing - into the neighboring tooth? Does it bite the side of your mouth? Also, how old are you? The thing with wisdom teeth removal, aside from the nerve damage and other possible effects caused by the anesthesia drugs, is that it changes your facial structure, making your jaw smaller and less attractive. You might regret overgoing the procedure in the future, so I'd only do it if it's absolutely necessary and there are no other solutions.
  14. @RttPtt I wouldn't try to focus on something for 6 hours straight and instead go outside and live life. Then again, you said it makes you feel happy and satisfied, so may it bring a smile to your lips and a song to your heart. But does it, truly? Or is it the idea of achieving your life purpose that excites you? I'd be curious to investigate it, because evidently pursuing it for 6 hours straight gets exhausting and makes you look for something else out there.
  15. @Michael569 I've taken in other sources, I was into cold showers myself in the past.
  16. I wouldn't. And I certainly wouldn't use drugs or stress my body with cold showers and the like in order to manage to glue myself to the chair for so long. It really just sounds like sacrificing your body to fit in the system of modern life.
  17. For the brain yes, for the rest of the body not so much. The whole idea behind cold showers is to stress your body, which in turns releases adrenaline and cortisol and white blood cells. It causes an immune response in the body, which should already say everything about how healthy cold showers are, lol. People say that after a while they don't get sick anymore - good job, you depleted your bone marrow and your immune system has stopped working. It used to be common sense to listen to your body and not, for example, jump into cold water. Not so much anymore it seems.
  18. Everything is ego, but I hope it's common sense that yearning to have a good physique is perfectly natural. Everyone wants to be attractive. People who neglect their body are the ones who have a problem (not talking necessarily about working out).
  19. +1, just make sure they're very high quality since toxins from medicine, vaccines, poor diet and so on are stored in the organs and in the fat of the animal. Other than that, really you get what you pay for. Most peasant foods like grains, legumes and greens are marketed nowadays as health bombs, and it is a bomb but good luck being healthy eating it. I spend almost all of my income on food because I recognize its importance. Life in nature revolves around food, nowadays people treat it as a nonfactor or as a side thing at most, and then wonder why their life is shit, lol. You said you have a decent income, so eat like a king. This is not the domain to cheap out in.
  20. It's really not that complicated: coffee beans are seeds of the coffee plant. Some animals eat the coffee fruit and spit out the bean, some swallow the bean whole and shit it out whole. No animal eats coffee beans - not even rats and cockroaches. Why? Because as any seed, it's packed with toxins to keep animals away from eating the baby plan (caffeine is precisely that - a toxin). Only humans grind up the seeds and make a drink of it, which completely goes against what is naturally intended. Additionally, there are mycotoxins from molds that grow in most coffee beans. Consider the fact that overdosing on caffeine leads to poisoning. Drinking a little can't be healthy for you, it's simply less poisonous. The side effects are: dependency, digestive issues (due to caffeine being anti-microbial and due to its acidity), bad breath, yellow teeth, dark eye circles, excessive stress, and so on. The "benefits" are the psychotropic effects of the drug caffeine: namely that it gives you the illusion of energy (it's actually stress hormones being depleted from your adrenals, leading to adrenal fatigue in the long term). It's especially dangerous if you use coffee to stay awake when you're exhausted. Oh, and the "coffee is good for your heart", or the "study shows people who drink coffee have lower chance for X disease" stuff? I'm pretty sure a multi-billion dollar industry can afford to fund those.
  21. 300g per day will never give you iron overload, and anyhow you can always consume dairy to balance out the calcium-iron ratio. I know a guy who had iron overload, and he drank like a liter of blood per day for a month. And blood is way, way higher in iron than ground beef.
  22. Taking any supplement = admitting your diet is deficient. Regular supplements use synthetic forms of nutrients (which are not nutrients at all), and "natural" supplements usually solve food leftovers in kerosene or kerosene-derivatives that leach into the pill. Multivitamins are especially bad for this cause, and you mostly just stress your kidneys and piss it out as the body was not made to absorb nutrients in the form of condensed pills.
  23. I also craved sweets badly when I was eating plant-based. As of now, I haven't touched anything processed in over a year and I don't crave it in the tiniest bit. An unsatisfying diet will keep you hungry for something else. Aside from that, for me it's really that I've suffered enough. I've gone through the cycle of eating junk food, feeling like shit, getting acne and regretting it all so many times, that I won't ever want it again. At some point you realize that momentary tingling in the mouth has nothing to do with real happiness and you stop caring for it. This momentary pleasure will never compare to the amazing feeling of going through life in robust health.
  24. @HERO_ Pale, thin (her shoulder bones are coming out), generally unimpressive body shape.
  25. She doesn't look healthy enough to be taking health advice from tbh.