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Everything posted by DivineSoda

  1. “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase “each other” doesn’t make any sense. The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don’t go back to sleep. People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch. The door is round and open. Don’t go back to sleep.” -Rumi
  2. Both sides of this debate are being irrational to a degree. We don't know as much as we think we do. We believe and make the facts fit that belief. Let's allow radical open-mindedness to apply more here ?
  3. Please don't take what I said personally. Your comment had utility to the conversation so I had to quote it, and I'm glad you said it ?. There are non-dual teachers that speak of conspiracies. They exist. But it's not just about the teaching is it? It has something to do with the teacher, that's why you picked another prominent, well-respected expert-figure like Sadhguru. That's the essence of this conversation. We place extra value (however minuscule) on the words of authority figures we respect (consciously or unconsciously). I realize you never said you agreed with Sadhguru. But you also said make of it what you will. I'm saying, make nothing of it. Not Sadhguru, not Leo. And again, this isn't a comment about you personally. I'm speaking generally to all including myself. ❤️
  4. That's the problem with relinquishing your ability to truly think freely to external authority/expert figures.. whether they be scientists, institutions, or non-dual teachers. You like so much what they say about certain things, that all their words now have some impact on your own belief and thought structure. You lose the ability to freely distinguish and discern truth for yourself. Personally, if someone like Sadhguru says something.. my internal reaction is something like "huh, is that so?". Nothing more, nothing less.
  5. Wow, thank you for sharing that ?
  6. Yes! I was pretty fired up after watching this. It makes you realize how brilliant, passionate, and heart-centered humans can be. Just imagine how many gorgeous people all around the world are being activated and inspired as a result of this pandemic. People are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and this is all a part of the great awakening we're living right now. It's beautiful.
  7. You mentioned in another post that you are new to meditation. I would start there. Work in some sessions meditating on the parts of Leo you "dislike". See if you can transform those feelings into something closer to what @SilentTears said. ♥️
  8. Good on you for speaking your heart. Remain vigilant and question everything, just know that you don't actually know what this truly is. You've just chosen to believe a narrative for the time being. It's too new to definitively know one way or another. But you're right, we shouldn't flat out ignore the theory simply because "oMG cOnSPirACy tHeoRY!" Always leave room for the unknown in your thinking ♥️
  9. This may sound crazy, but start a mass movement of not voting. Come up with a clear list of demands to fix the rigged election process. There's so much broken with the process, we have to address these issues first rather than continue to prop up the system by voting for the lesser of two evils time and time again. Do not vote until the demands are met. I'm considering putting together a website to do just that.
  10. Bingo. And on the Internet, you don't know who is real, and who is not. It's designed to look crazy so you look the other way. Also of course, there are legit lower consciousness people peddling this stuff. But like you said, let your research take you where it takes you. I'm convinced you have not looked into this deeply. It takes a lot of work. A lot of reading and open mindedness. Google searches, online comments, and YouTube videos are not going to do it. Forget about Corona conspiracies. There is not enough evidence as of yet. Go back in our history and start there.
  11. You have to put in the time and read books that go against the mainstream narrative and make up your own mind. Your google searches aren't going to do it. Watching a few YouTube videos are not going to do it. Listening to people like David Icke and then saying "nah, it doesn't sound right." That's not going to do it. There is more than enough evidence in the mainstream for you to be suspicious enough of our leaders to dig deeper (in general). I argue it's our moral obligation. There's a lot of garbage in the conspiracy world, and people just use that to hide behind the term "conspiracy theory" to get you to laugh it off and look the other way. It's not all garbage. Learn about some of the more obvious conspiracies and then go from there. My suggestion is to go back to our past. Forget about trying to grasp this whole 5g Corona thing, because there is not enough solid evidence yet.
  12. Correct. Snopes is mostly garbage, do not fall for it.
  13. Censorship has been an ongoing problem for about 7 years now. You are correct in observing how bad it has become. The moment we stop blinding ourselves from the darker realities, the tides will turn. Our collective ego still stands, but it's losing steam. This is what the process of awakening looks like. Messy, but so very much needed.
  14. Hopefully it'll teach the people a lesson.. to stop believing and perpetuating this false Blue vs. Red paradigm (like most on this forum). Every time you vote for the lesser of two evils, you are creating the same shit over and over again. This is old paradigm thinking. Raise your standards. Demand better.
  15. I wrote this article the other day regarding this exact topic. If you have time, I think it's worth a read: --------------------------------------- During the Coronavirus pandemic, a lot of conspiracy theories have been floating around the Internet ranging from it’s a man-made bio-weapon virus, to it’s a 5G radiation thing.. either way Bill Gates is involved. Most people would automatically roll their eyes at these theories, because they’ve heard them many times before and have already made up their minds about how they feel about the subject. If someone were to ask me I would say: I don’t know. I simply don’t know for sure either way, and neither do you. You believe, one way or another. And there’s a big difference. To the people who believe in conspiracies, and to those who do not: this is for you. TO THE CONSPIRACY THEORISTS… Okay I get it, why must I pick on you first? Don’t worry, I will get to the non-believers in a minute. But I have a special soft spot for conspiracy theorists because I myself was once one. You may be thinking, impossible! Once you’re awake you don’t go back to sleep! Suspicious! Well just hold your horses. I never said I’m going back on what I once learned to be true. The things I’ve seen have very much shaped who I am today and how I view the world. But I will admit, after years of intensely reading up on all the classic conspiracies and fully going down the rabbit hole, I’ve dropped it. Discovering difficult truths in my external world compelled me to go inward and discover the truth of who I am as an individual. As within, so without. Here’s what I learned.. ready? There is a higher truth/order that is above even the wildest overarching conspiracies. You thought you knew everything, and then there was more. Life is multi-dimensional and you are stuck in this one dark version of reality. To all the truth seekers out there I plead, don’t stop there.. keep going. Look, I get it. There is no higher aspiration in life than truth. Truth = Consciousness = Light = Love = God. If truth is all we have, then there should be no higher aspiration than to go around preaching your beliefs about conspiracies to everyone you know, right? Very noble. But let me ask you, how is that going for you? Do you feel more connected to the world? When you look around and see what’s happening in our society, do you like what you see? Are you truly happy? I know what it feels like. It’s a bitter-sweet concoction of utter despair and simultaneous sense of grandeur that you know something others don’t. And that makes you better, or more “woke”. But the thing is, you don’t know. You believe. You can clearly see the lies, illusions and cover-ups.. and so do I. But you don’t really know the truth behind it all. That much you speculate. For example I hear, “Oh the Coronavirus is a man-made virus designed to crash the global economy and usher in the NWO’s Agenda 21. I know this.. because 9/11.” It’s like, what? It’s certainly plausible given all the other crazy things they’ve done. But you can’t possibly know that for sure. You watched a few videos, read a few articles, put 2 and 2 together, and you’re on-board. You believe, and thus have exchanged one delusion for another. But I invite you to take a step back from all of this for just one moment. Ask yourself some deeper questions. What is the meaning of life? Why are you here? What happens when you die? Are you just a mere human living out a finite life in a fixed timeline? When the powers that be finally wipe us all out and go on living their utopia on Earth, is that it? You believe you’re a separate individual from other people, especially TPTB.. but is that so? If there’s one thing I’ve learned on my journey, it’s that this thing we call reality is far stranger than we could ever imagine. Ancient wisdom suggests that this entire experience is akin to an illusion or dream. So who are you to say that others are asleep when you yourself could be dreaming? You have no idea what is real and what is not. Nobody does. Always leave room in your understanding for the unknown. There has never existed on the face of this Earth a human being that knew it all. Now let me digress. Despite everything I just said, I feel you.. very much. You are just trying to spread the truth and end the suffering on this planet for yourself and all beings. There is indeed a certain nobility to that. But going around exposing conspiracies is not the only way. What do you think is going to happen if all the secrets get revealed once and for all? We can then live in a utopia? No, we wont. Sooner or later we will end up creating the same mess for ourselves, over and over again because we haven’t addressed the root cause. You. What happens in our reality is a reflection of what goes on inside you. Inside all of us. It’s a co-creation. As within, so without. You cannot expect to fully understand your external reality without understanding the truth of who you are inside. They are intrinsically connected, you cannot escape that. In that regard, this whole fucked up reality we’re currently experiencing is a blessing. It’s forcing us to wake up and face the truth (inside and out). This is a process and it’s happening right now, all over the world. We are in fact, waking up. It’s happening. And that process doesn’t end with revealing the secrets of those who govern us. It’s a revelation that goes far deeper than that. So to all the conspiracy theorists out there, stop isolating yourselves from the world. You are one in the same. Go deeper in your mission to seek the truth. Be humble and know that you don’t know it all. Speak your truth when it feels right in the moment, but don’t waste all your life force energy on conspiracy theories. Be smart about it. This process is unfolding as it may and there is every reason to be optimistic, even in the face of such chaos.. because if you open your eyes (and I mean really open them), you will begin to see the unseen. TO THE NON-BELIEVERS… You too believe you know it all. It’s so very obvious how silly conspiracy theories are right? You’ve looked into them before and they don’t pass your bullshit test. Well, you’re certainly in good company. You have the vast majority of the world on your side, especially the experts and people smarter than even you. But you believe in conspiracies too, you just don’t realize it. For example, the way the U.S. convinced the world that we needed to invade Iraq in 2003. That was a conspiracy. People conspired to garner consensus based on false information. The media was complicit, whether they were aware of it or not. And they did it, just like they always do. They say the war is for one reason (to get rid of bad guys), and it turns out there were other motives all long. That one was obvious, but do you know how many other wars were played out like this? Have you really studied our history deeply? Studied meaning spent a substantial amount of time and effort into research. And not just the books you like, but the ones that try to tell the truth that you will never read in our approved history books (Noam Chomsky, for example). Have you given these books a chance? How many? I know.. who really has the time for that these days? Besides, other people have studied those things and have already given you the gist of what/how to think. What you do accept is how badly the world is in decline. That much you can see (and complain about). Our politics are corrupt, mainstream media is biased, we’re destroying our environment, our climate is changing, we’re constantly being warned how much time we have left to fix things before it’s too late, they screwed Bernie Sanders once again, Donald Trump is a maniac. Etc. Etc. You can see that. But then your ego gets in the way. You think you know the solution, because whatever ideology you subscribe to rants about how to fix it all the time. And you parrot this to others as if these were original thoughts. We just need the right President, Obama was good, Trump is bad, more people need to vote, we all need to drive Tesla’s and buy more re-usable bags and recycle more, the Republicans are holding us back, we need to believe in science more, war is bad but sometimes necessary, Communism is bad, Capitalism is better, China/Russia/Iran are evil, the U.S. is a force for good, other people’s stupidity and ignorance is the problem, Wall Street is the problem, middle America is the problem, religion is the problem, etc, etc. You more or less have it figured out. "They call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin Back to conspiracies.. what ideas or words come up for you when you hear the term “conspiracy theory”? Crazy? Fake news? Not real? Tin-foil hat? What if I told you that those ideas were not your original thoughts? You got them from outside and have adopted them as your own. That’s exactly what is happening. Conspiracies exist, often. I’m not talking about aliens, or reptilian overlords, or the flat earth. I’m talking about exposed truths that you hear about in even the mainstream news. When stuff like that leaks into the public domain, you are getting just a taste of the truth. Just enough so the pressure is released, but not enough to compel you to dig deeper. Conspiracies and cover-ups exist, that is a historical fact. But one of the biggest fallacies that prevents people from mentally accepting the bigger ones like 9/11, is the notion that so many people have to be in on it. So it can’t be possible. In reality, they don’t all need to be in on it. Perhaps a few key players, sure. But everyone does not need to be in on it. Many will play their role in the lie/illusion without even realizing it. Why? Because the system itself is based on a false paradigm of reality. One where in general, there is trust that the government cares about it’s own people. Incompetence sure, but never direct malice. That’s just not possible, right? The bottom line is, if you’ve looked into these things and not seen anything earth shattering, you’re not looking deep enough. Your simple google searches aren’t going to do it. Your YouTube videos aren’t going to do it. Reading online discussions and comments are not going to do it. If you want the real truth, you have to dig deeper. There are plenty of books that will cover this kind of stuff, some better than others. Some are absolute shit. I’ve yet to come across one that isn’t biased and speaks only truth. But the information is there in plain sight. You just have to do the work. A truly self-actualized, free-thinking individual is one that consciously practices radical open-mindedness. Only then can you even have the opportunity to consider the real, in-depth information. Not just the superficial “Here’s what you need to know” stuff. This is what’s lacking in today’s world. We’re too distracted. Too stressed. Too afraid to ask questions, especially those that are not socially acceptable. But that’s the most important thing in a free society. It’s the only thing that can hold our leaders accountable for what they do. It’s even one of the paramount founding principles of this country. Things like a free press. We don’t have a free press today. Not on TV, not on the Internet. We have censorship. And it’s getting worse. This is exactly what books like 1984 warned us about. FREE YOUR MIND At some point, we have to let go of our ideas of right and wrong. Our self-righteousness. We have to open our minds, especially if we believe they are already open. Go further. Question everything. Don’t shame others for doing so. Let go of all ideologies, no matter how noble they may seem. Let go of your allegiances to your identities: your political party, your social cause, your nation, yourself. Accept that you do not know everything, and then fulfill your moral obligation to know more. There is always more. Never stop growing. Always leave room for the unknown. In this process, go inward. Look at yourself and your own actions. Are they in alignment with the world you claim to wish to see? Become aware of your judgments of others. Even if you think you are right and they are wrong. Know that people out there are slaves to their own minds. They are victims of their own intellect and imagination. And so too are you. So am I. That’s okay. We can come together at a place where we can be compassionate where we differ, and respect each other for where we are the same. This is the only way we can truly create a better world for ourselves. Through love, not fear. The time is now. Free. Your. Mind. ❤️
  16. Leo not believing in conspiracies is the conspiracy! Haha I'm jk. There could be various reasons for this ranging from he thinks they are all non-sense, to they exist but it's a waste of spiritual energy to focus on them. He's read stuff like Noam Chomsky's work so that should've been enough of a clue. I personally think everyone should allow themselves to be open-minded enough to see them for what they are, face the truth head on, and then move on. Because many people also get stuck on conspiracies and it becomes an obsession and then that definitely becomes a dangerous thing. People don't understand.. they aren't pointless considerations. It's not about, oh we didn't land on the Moon, now what? It's like no dude, 9/11 was a lie. An obvious one too. I'm not claiming to know the exact truth, but just look at the enormity of this cover-up. Look at how the system has become so efficient at fucking with reality, that you can't even see it. This is the state of the society we live in. It's such a thorough illusion, that even people like Leo can't see it. The purpose is you see lies like that, and then you are morally obligated to dig deeper. Not to necessarily focus on more classical "conspiracy theories", but to now understand the way they are able to make murderous war happen.. over and over again. The way our entire political process is rigged, through and through. The way the mass media, even the internet, is complicit in maintaining the illusion. It's our education system, our health system, or financial system.. on and on. That's some real shit. And guess what? Whether you believe in them or not, I believe we are living in a tremendous time that will inevitably lead to a revelation. The lies are struggling to hold up, and eventually the dam will break. Some people will get to say I told you so and get be on the right side of history. But that doesn't matter one bit. That's ego stuff. I totally get why people don't want to talk about conspiracies, and that's okay. We are co-creating a new era of Truth whether we like it or not. I believe Donald Trump himself is part of this process whether he realizes it or not. He's so obviously shit, that it's forceing us to care more. To ask questions. To not accept the lies, and demand truth. And I dig it. I think we needed to be smacked in the face to finally wake up. I have nothing but optimism for the future. Don't worry about conspiracies, it will all unfold as it may. You just stay in your truth and be the very best version of yourself you can be. You don't need Leo to validate anything ♥️
  17. What do you think the placebo effect is?
  18. Well this thread is sure to get locked. In all honesty, I want the truth to be revealed. I'm not claiming to know exactly what that truth is, but I sure as hell know it's not what circulates around 99.9% of our news (TV, social media, YouTube). Truth = Light = Consciousness = Love
  19. Things are happening simultaneously in harmony and balance. You will see the darkest of the dark and the lightest of the light. You get to choose where your attention goes.
  20. You haven't looked into the issue deeply.
  21. You say "conspiracy theory" as if that implies "not real", "crazy", or "made up". I know why you say it like this, but I want to point out that the actual meaning is precisely what this video is implying. And that's okay. Don't let what other people have said about that phrase impact your willingness to look deeper and ask questions. That's healthy. Buying into them is another thing. But inquire, it's okay. See what they have to say. Do your own research (as the man in the video suggests). Do not take anybody else''s word for it. You're right, there is some intriguing information regarding 5G that is worth looking further into. Have you yourself looked further into it? That's all that matters.
  22. UBI is at best a sort of patching up of very serious, systemic issues. Our solutions (and imagination) are too shallow. At some point, we must grow up and face the root causes. They are obvious and plenty. People here might argue that the population is not ready for such conscious action/leadership. I would say if it's done right, we can at least move things along much faster than these baby steps. Anything less than this is a distraction from what's truly needed. These measures are all too little, too late. We need to start thinking/dreaming bigger.
  23. I should add.. yes I could be deluding myself as well. We all are to some degree I suppose. But I think that's the potential of sharing different ideas with each other (in a more conscious way). We are collectively undeluding ourselves in the process ? ^^^ perhaps another delusion?
  24. Actively preventing change? Any progress you think we're making when a Democrat is in office is an illusion. Little things happen here and there, but if you take a step back, you get the same picture of a nation (and world based off it) in decline. Why? Because we keep doing the same thing over and over. Vote for the lesser of two evils. If an advanced alien race looked at our behaviors today they would think we are absolutely mental. We deserve so much better. But we don't demand that for ourselves, because we are traumatized, brainwashed, and generally hopeless. If we knew the power we truly had, we wouldn't tolerate this non-sense. We wouldn't compromise. The transition into a new era may look messy, but we have to face this one way or another. It doesn't have to be fueled by violence, anger, hate, etc. It can be a revolution based on love. Disobedience can be done right. So yes. Don't vote for the same old shit, you will get the same old shit results. You don't realize the power of your disobedience to the system. They want you very much to vote. Can't you tell? It maintains the story that we are in control. We are not. The entire election process is so thoroughly corrupt, inside and out, right down to the sources of information that inform you. Everyone is confused on what's true. I don't have all the answers, but I do know that it starts with honoring the potential that's within all of us, and backing that up with positive/loving thoughts and actions. Going along with the program and settling for the lesser of two evils, is the opposite of that. You may be right, but thinking only 4 years ahead at a time is short-sighted. Hundreds of thousands died all around the world because of Obama. He just picked up where Bush left off and actually accelerated our ruthless foreign policy that murders people for all the wrong reasons. In a thousand years time, we will look back on our country's actions and realize how insane we really were. You talk about devilry.. you support it every time you vote for the lesser evil, and every time you spread these opinions through your platform as if they were absolute truth. You're behind the curve here Leo, and you're too ignorant and frankly egotistical to see it. I suggest you add some books to your reading list that help you to understand things about this country that we don't like to talk about. If you aspire to get into 'conscious politics', please raise your standards. I love you and the content you create, but I had to say it like this because it seems you have a certain stubbornness with certain issues ❤️