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About DivineSoda

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  1. Toxicities are everywhere. Our immunity is shot. That's why coronavirus is as deadly as it is. This is the trend. Medicine will not save us, nor is that it's goal.
  2. Yea we'll stop. Much sooner than that. Infertility will be the cause. Something like the movie Children of Men.
  3. Democracy works better when it's not fucked with from every which way. Educated people would make the difference, but not because of their vote. They wouldn't accept such a corrupt election process in the first place.
  4. Yes! Truth is resonance. And that truth evolves over time as you raise/lower your vibration.
  5. Is it possible to have an unbiased political arbiter of truth? Should we even delegate this task to forces outside of ourselves? How do we know what is fact vs 'fake news'? Saw this on my feed this morning regarding Snopes.com:
  6. I think the whole free will philosophical debate is misleading. You can have both free will and determinism. You can be both a self and a no-self. It's not one or the other. You are the awareness, the watcher.. and you're the do'er.
  7. Ha, best answer you're going to get here. It won't be for long however, as we're gearing up for a new global standard (whatever it'll be called). This is why we have countries like India testing the removal of certain paper notes. And now in the U.S. during coronavirus, they say paper money is dirty, so card only. And at the same time, they're running out of small coins. So this is all to prepare us for a purely digital currency. But the dollar as we know it is done. It's a house of cards that will crumble under the weight of it's own debt (@ 26 trillion now).
  8. I'm not going to share specific sources here on this forum, I've tried that before. All I can say is, nobody has it all right. Take what resonates and leave the rest. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. You have to take in a wide variety of sources, even the fringe ones you want so badly to label as "conspiracy theory". Trust that you can discern what's true and what's not while keeping an open mind. And allow yourself to revise your own beliefs from time to time as you evolve. Don't let anyone, no matter who it is, ever tell you something is crazy or delusional. It's all perspective and everyone is at different levels of development (and no-one knows what level they're truly at).
  9. Good question. Unfortunately I am not free to share my opinion on that matter here on this forum. However as a blanket rule, stay away from mainstream media. And by mainstream, I do mean a lot more than just Fox, CNN, MSNBC, etc (but that's a great start). Most of the stuff shared online and especially here on this forum would fall under MSM. Wise men since the beginning of media/newspapers have warned against this trap. And you can label me all the things for saying that, I don't care one lick (stage red, dualistic, no nuance, close-minded, delusional, binary, hyper-simplistic, non-woke buffoon). @John Doe No sir, none of what you listed I would consider good sources of news. You're only looking surface level, so you're going to get just a better "sounding" surface level news. At the end of the day, you'll still be complaining about the same things everyone else is regarding the world, which will continue to distract you from the issues that really matter (the root causes to all our problems).
  10. I know! I can't get past a guy opening his video with strobe lights, swigging bottles of vodka, smoking a huge blunt, telling people to kill themselves, and slurring his speech as he breaks down truth. I barely watched those videos, I admit, and I already gathered that much. I guess it's judgement. I haven't nothing against him other than I feel like he doesn't have an effect "presentation layer". I can listen to his words and be like "yes, the information is good." But others won't get past those superficialities and will be trigger, rendering his style ineffective. I'm completely open to have my mind changed though. I just feel there are more universally resonant delivery formats that would reach more people. This could very well be my own shit though, I realize. There are many many resources that resonate with me that I don't share because I realize people are not ready for the 0-100 full blown truth. You gotta ease them into it gently sometimes. But who knows, I'm still figuring all this out (and will be for the rest of my life!). @louhad The fact that you and others here don't similarly post outrageous stuff from the other MSM outlets tells me that you don't see how corrupt they are. They are just as bad and that is my assertion. Just bad/corrupt in a very different way. Which is worse is subjective I suppose, but all you have to do is look at the state of affairs in the world to realize that MSM (left/right/up/down) has failed us. Nobody knows what the truth is anymore and everyone just clings to their ideologies and argues. This is what we get when our quality of information is trash. Garbage in. Garbage out.
  11. @DrewNows Unless I'm missing something, I implore you to find a higher quality source than that guy. I watched a couple of those videos you previously posted and although his information is decent, he still rubs me the wrong way (getting wasted, high off his ass, cursing telling people to kill themselves, etc). @Forestluv I can't speak for your Columbia experience. All I know is that CNN and all the other Mainstream media news outlets lie, deceive, and manipulate. That's the name of their game. It's public relations. It's marketing. They know the lower human psyche. All of them (left, right, up, down, whatever). Raise your standard. There are many higher quality news outlets you can find online (or better yet read books). As long as you're open minded enough to not dismiss non-mainstream by calling them names (which I see a lot here), then you have a hope of reaching a bit of truth. But MSM? Forget about it. What makes him fascist? Why are you so caught up in playing the same left/right name calling game as everyone else? Should I just call you a commie then? This is inherently limited thinking. Let go of the labels man. The highest conscious politics doesn't have a name or a label. It's a blend between many different existing ideologies and then some. When are we going to graduate from this shit? @louhad By the way, do you mind posting the actual video from that screengrab so we can get some context? I'm curious if what he was saying is as ridiculous as we're all assuming.
  12. I'm saying they are not higher stages. They just have a better presentation layer, which makes them more deceptive to viewers that are higher stages of the Spiral (like you and others on this forum). That in my opinion makes them more dangerous than Fox (who appeals to lower stages viewers). Btw I'm personally not a fan of spiral dynamics as much as you seem to be, but I'm trying to speak your language. Spiral dynamics has become an ideology imho.
  13. Fox News is an obvious shitshow. CNN and others are not. Which is more dangerous?
  14. I love you brother. Nothing I said was meant to be an attack or judgement or anything like that. Perhaps I assumed, and I'm sorry for that. This is a very sensitive topic for me. I'm starting to believe that the conspiracies might exist for our awakening. I don't quite know how yet, but it's something like the movie V for Vendetta. Keep being you. And if things get dark, I'll be there by your side to see you through it. We have nothing to fear ❤️