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About isabel

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  1. Hey, Ego. Why do you Worry?
    Hey, Ego. Why do you Worry?
    @Pamela Zamora Don't blame the ego. Ego is innocent.
    Ego simply fights for whatever you feel is important. It is a watchdog. It is doing its job.
    It is the best watchdog there is, because it will even protect whatever is important to you from you.
    It does that because you make the ego your enemy, and in doing so you make yourself its enemy.
    That is because you are your ego.
    To transcend the ego does not mean to permanently kill it.
    You can kill it to see a glimpse, but you are supposed to understand it by seeing how it's like when it's gone.
    The ego always comes back, because it is the most loyal watchdog there is.
    Make friends with it and form a team. That is what transcendence is. 1+1=3.

  2. what if ...?
    what if ...?
    There is no thing that creates thoughts. Thoughts arise within emptiness. Everything arises within emptiness.
    You cannot "experience" emptiness with the senses. But you can be conscious of it. Because it is consciousness. Emptiness is self-aware. That's what existence is.