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Everything posted by isabel

  1. I've had multiple mini-glimpses with just 30 minutes a day of meditation but I also listen to chanting, and non-dual speakers a lot on you tube, plus I try to meditate or self inquire any time I'm just walking, waiting in line, doing the dishes, etc. oh actually sometimes I go longer 45 to 90 minutes on the weekends...and I do graphic design so I don't have to think while I work, I can listen to videos or whatever so I do that all day so the mini-glimpses are really the coolest thing ever for me, there is no mistaking having one, I just all of the sudden feel like everything is absolutely perfect, I laugh, I cry, I am amazed, things look really detailed, and more intricate than I ever noticed before...everything is either very beautiful or extremely funny, it's very funny, all of it at first I didn't even know why that happened because it doesn't happen for me during meditation but just randomly with no notice but now I think it's because meditation causes that to happen later just at random times I started with the instructions in the "psychology of mystical awakening" and I also try to read from this book a little each day, then I also tried meditating to sounds and just having only sounds in my mind, and I am now following along with rupert spira's guided meditations, love them I haven't done any psychedelics for spiritual reasons but I did a lot when I was a kid just for fun I'm going through some pretty intense ups and downs too, idk why that happens yet but I don't really care because I feel like it's totally worth it and I'm in an upswing right now so...
  2. what's the difference between experiencing the truth and knowing it's the truth and experiencing the truth and doubting it?
  3. maybe try looking at it a different way, instead of "I don't exist" try "I don't exist in the way I used to think that I did" because "I" as a person don't exist either, yet here I am typing away, thinking about breakfast... time doesn't exist either, yet my alarm clock went off at 6 am this morning...
  4. idk but I have that too, it started last fall mine was sudden onset so they gave me a bunch of medication which didn't do anything and they did a bunch of tests including a brain scan and found nothing which is what happens most of the time, they just can't find a cause, they say but in very rare cases they do find something so if you can see a doctor just to rule it out, I would do that I've been experiencing spiritual growth as well, and it also disappears for me when I focus on something else otherwise it's very very loud and I also read that tinnitus is angels singing so I'm just going to go with that...
  5. I just watched a lisa cairns video the other day and a person came on and thanked her for recommending therapy (sorry this isn't exact) but basically the person said that they were older around 60 or something and that they were so glad that they finally got into therapy and can finally relax and meditate and are finally experiencing what they have been working toward for so long...
  6. following along with rupert spira's guided meditations showed me this thoughts, sounds, objects, my own body all appear in the same place
  7. @Jkris I actually don't know but I would do self enquiry in the way that he describes he says to do it because you want to know the truth he says don't do it as a practice meaning don't use it as a means to an end
  8. if you do self inquiry as a practice or a discipline in order to gain something or achieve something then you just go around and around on the surface instead of going deeper into the truth of what you really are
  9. no, I just thought that was funny "we are the weirdos, mister" from the craft...
  10. Watch leo's episode on what is a zen devil, stay safe. we are the zen devils, mister
  11. I don't mind zen devils...what's a zen devil? yes, I've seen that park
  12. lol if you play along it works hahaha but the location is off by about 10 miles... what color is my hair?
  13. I don't have the code, but I am in the US, I will be playing the washington state lottery, probably buy my tickets on friday, thanks!
  14. I'd like to win the lottery next week, could you arrange it for me?
  15. yes I see it, even my darkest thoughts are made from god but I get lost so often now my question is how to see that all the time? thank you!
  16. how do you manifest a certain outcome without expecting it? I thought imagining/knowing or expecting something to happen was part of it? confused, thank you
  17. who cares then? if you can get her in the beginning and the real truth is that you just want to get laid then why do you care what she thinks? just do your rebound thing (without leading her to believe it's more than what it is) also after your rebound if you want more, you should know that lots of girls prefer boring doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing if you're with someone that you care about and you can do online dating and search for someone who is into whatever you're into...staying home, meditating, or whatever
  18. I started purposefully focusing on positive energies and was able to almost completely change my life then one thing after another happened and I wasn't able to stay positive, now I'm just all messed up so what is this? is this just life or am I really creating this by the way I think? details: I was in mental and physical pain every day, hated waking up in the morning, could barely walk, suffering financially as well, couldn't take it anymore, found hope in "law of attraction" type videos, started doing it, turned everything around, was pain free, started making money found deeper stuff, eckart tolle, rupert spira, watched them every day, started meditating every day, had a profound mystical experience then my narcissistic mother showed up and told me none of the horrific abuse of my childhood happened and that I am actually the bad one not her then doctors told me I might have a brain tumor, had to go through 2 months of tests and not knowing, turns out I'm fine but I still have symptoms and they don't know why then one of my room mates moved out and the other one had a mental break down so I've been spending my savings on rent, now my savings is going fast and we don't have enough money coming in to cover the rent so I've learned that my happiness doesn't depend on anything outside myself but come on...I don't want it to be this challenging, this is too much, what do I do? thanks
  19. @Nahm thank you, I love what you said and thank you for mentioning abraham hicks too, it's funny because I love her but I have been wondering if she was authentic so you answered another question that I didn't even ask...
  20. @DrewNows wow that video is amazing, it's all right there at the end, it explains everything, of course I don't understand it but it is right there, seems to be exactly what I'm doing, so I'll just listen to it a few more times and see what happens, who knows someday it might sink in @Truth Addict you'd think it would be terrifying but it's not, it's the opposite... thanksss!
  21. ugh! thanks you guys! do enlightened people have challenges like this arising? do they live a life of ease? and if they do is it because they are not attached to the outcome or is it because hard challenges just don't arise? I was wondering if these thoughts are correct: things will never stop "going wrong" I have no control over anything just subscribed to lisa cairns, she's beautiful, can't wait to listen...
  22. I see that everything is just something that I'm aware of, my ego, my body, my thoughts, feelings, states of mind, trees... but I don't see non-duality or any of that other stuff, how did you finally see that? how long did it take?
  23. does the dark night have only to do with difficult emotions or difficulty staying on the path? or also with things going horribly wrong in life? like troublesome people from the past showing up, circumstances where you suddenly can't pay rent, weird symptoms where doctors think you have a brain tumor...etc
  24. I have semi-awareness of my separate self not total and I also underwent jaw surgery for an impacted wisdom tooth and I'm quite old, I was scared but it was literally nothing they gave me the anesthesia and less than one second later I woke up in the recovery room, no time passed for me at all and there was 0 pain.