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Everything posted by ColdFacts

  1. Anything that goes to your advantage will also work against you, if you live by the sword you die by the sword. There is only one way which will benefit you both ways, but that is not for ordinary people.
  2. You actually have a point, why should i care, i mean you exist and are doing it right why should they have a second chance? Let them fry their brain. You are probably one of the few that has actual progress even though they might judge you in the back of their head. Thanks.
  3. That's the cowards way, real detachment is different, you will accept all the resistance head on without trying to somehow reduce it in order to make it more easy, that's pure weakness. People who deserve enlightenment are strong because they face their problems head on and they surely get their reward.
  4. Anything but psychedelics for kids, or some washed down version of it.
  5. You need to develop spiritual skills and tools, techniques, you seem to have none of the for even control some basic feelings like anger, you probably use only intuition. Pick any holy book and do what they say, that's your best bet.
  6. See i like you, and i respect you 1000X more than those who used substance to get to those conclusions. You make a fair point, see about that we can argue, they themselves can say what you said right here because they just bought the ideas unlike you, even if you might have taken things to get this idea you at least show signs of logic and rationality, identity unlike them who are like robots all of them the same argument and same unoriginal answer.
  7. To wiled the argument which people casually throw here like nothing, is hard, actually almost inhuman. Logic would get in the way, feelings, memories,ect it is divine knowledge yet here we have those guys leo included that can casually live by this and use it. Imagine this knowledge like a hot burning sword, if you grab it it will burn you. Now you guys dumbed yourselves to numb the pain and then went ahead and kept the burning sword which is now burning your hand. Basically you put both the knowledge and the substance against you, you are wayyyyyyyy lost.
  8. You are hiding behind the substance, you got this argument from your substance use, you never had this before the substance use, this very argument and the way you present it is 70% influenced by the substance. It's like taking steroids, you are pulling the weight but the drug is help, in the enlightenment case it is doing almost all the work for you. You can't argue against your argument, because you got it from enlightenment books but you lacked the confidence as it should be, now for that like a coward you went and used this substance now, it has both, yet none yours or of the reality. You're entirely stolen and fake identity, temporary and dependent, which is the opposite of anything enlightenment related.
  9. But there is nothing you can say, what can you say? You think you can buy enlightenment, what else needs to be said, tell me? You're a joke to anyone who takes enlightenment even a bit serious. Keep on frying your brain, that's all the skill and knowledge you have, together with the majority here.
  10. Let me ask you and leo a question. Do you think you can buy enlightenment or anything remotely divine? You guys look down on the materialistic reality, yet you yourself use a material for enlightenment do you not??????? Why is a material so crucial for your enlightenment??????? Oh yeah right, it's the same for you since you guys use logic only when it suits you, i mean your brain is probably fried by now for all i know.
  11. Your response and view on that mentality is purely emotional, you can't find one glimpse of logic whatsoever, only that substance, and no one can follow you without taking it either ever!! So whatever you think you have if you want to share as you might have probably concluded you need to make others take it otherwise you are alone no one will understand it the way you do. Leo, you, and all the others have lost against the "devil" and he is using your skills to make others fall into the same trap and you don't realize it. Emotions are rolling your minds back and forth as they wish all because they gain freedom from logic and commonsense and whatever skill you had once you killed them all with that substance, this this is your hell sadly.
  12. I bet you wouldn't be so sure in that reality if you had not taken this stuff, because if you had actually earned sober that strong confidence then you have every right to express it but, in reality you are expressing only your vulnerability to that substance and whatever information feel on that crater afterwards. Whatever you have right now is equal to you previous drugs which might be impressive at some level but human, plus this taking this substance, that's it that is your worth, you have stagnated it with this.
  13. I could tell you who I am and what i do, i could do a lot of things to explain this to you but no matter what i will do there will be only one resistance and that is your emotional investment on those false experiences which you have labeled as truth just so you can install enlightenment truths.
  14. I doubt that, if you have stayed for at least 6 months without the thing, then i guess that would be true to some extent otherwise no, unless some permanent brain rewiring is happening due to the substance.
  15. @Leo Gura As a noob i must ask, how long does it take for the normie reality pressure to kick in if you don't take it?
  16. But you need to take that stuff all the time for the truth to stick, at least once a month or the bad delusional reality will creep in again.
  17. You're going out of topic but at this point i don't really care, i think i did my share. In the end i did it for myself i like helping people, it just so happens that i have to care for them in order to feel good about myself, that simple. Now that i told you what i had to tell you do whatever you want, my mind won't judge me that much when i see this forum or leo when he shoots a video. Peacceecece fellas.
  18. If we take local anesthetic and inject it in your hands and then put a cold object then a hot object in your hands they will feel the same to you, does it mean that the object is truly so, no it doesn't, in fact you're just feeling the anesthetic. If we give any other animal like for example chimps some of this enlightenment psychedelics, shouldn't they also in some way experience enlightenment or at least human awareness, they don't they just go crazy. Any substance you use won't change the nature of your senses it will just distort them, it won't give them new abilities to gather new information it will just make them process that information in a distorted way. Evolution at least to our knowledge has created humans with the best body to comprehend reality, and for me it makes no sense that some substance found freely in nature can beat all those millions of years of evolution just like that. It's awareness in that state recommended by nature that created science, and religion too and everything we know so far that has value. If you can't trust your hands with distorted information processing why should you trust your own brain with distorted information processing? So far any substance has be useful in stopping the information of our senses like in a surgery and so on, and i can see benefit in stopping information to the brain in that sense for the enlightenment process but the same will have to your awareness and critical thinking and so on not just those part that actual help us in the enlightenment process so it is no use. This is what stops me from using those things, because it seems that it is a waste of time if you try them more than 5 times at best.
  19. I made a typo and edited it again, when taking the substance it removes that judgment which can make any sense, and you very well will end up misinterpreting what enlightened people have said about non duality. It's because they can't see any way to make that happen on their mortal life so they want to cheat out of the system take these things and call it even. You can reread my previous posts here about any question.
  20. People here seem to have build a entire life philosophy on this false certainty, which comes from a substance. I think we can agree it's a different level of certainty from what you said.
  21. We were talking about psychedelics and how they give you misleading certainty, not about me.
  22. You just proved my point exactly, it brings home conclusions not based on reality, at least the one before taking it. It could be thing like your case, it could also be bad, but what is certain is that you always won't be able to judge it, why because in that state up and down are the same. If you could not judge the situation right in the moment where you got it, why do you think you can afterwards without the thing? Because now it is out of your system? Even if you have crystal clear judgment now that won't help you judge that situation when you had none. It's like being blindfolded in a room with painted walls, now you get out of the room and now your job is to guess which color each wall had. See you get nothing but trouble out of it.
  23. Because it overrides all of your senses, everything in that state is equal to that substance. Do you think everything is equal to that substance? Because when you take it sure as hell it does, because you're out of our mind. How can you miss this??? If i sedate you all the time from morning to evening, do you think that life is equal to sleepy and tiredness? When you come out of that state do you really think that is the case, that experience is to be trusted, how is that then any different from anything else that you take? Oh no this one is special because it makes it easy to install enlightenment program, not is isn't special at all.
  24. You're looking at every angle to get your point hence the over analysis on what i said, topic was psychedelics. Whatever perception you get from them is equal in value to obtaing some of that stuff and snorting it plus whatever beliefs, thinking, ect you had prior to getting it, as you can see it will just enforce wrongly any information you had before taking it, when you are high it is easy to convince yourself of those truths spoken by enlightened people, why because you can't tell night from day, and then you go on taking that experience as if it is equal to experiences without taking that stuff and you get what you people have in mind right now, which has no correlation with anything.
  25. Who said that we have perfect sense of reality, me??? You want me to reject that so you can use it to make a point for something else but you don't know this. Of course we are far from perfect but those things won't make it any better, they will just enforce any idea which you can't deny or prove in reality and make it more true because it messes with your senses. I was disagreeing with the physiological part which you tried to describe, go talk to a professional about this they will give you a detailed explanation about this, if you were so interested you would have done it long ago and would have no doubts about this but you know what they will say and you don't like that.