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Everything posted by cly

  1. Hiking on trails, roaming/exploring the woods, mountains. (it's free)?
  2. When I meditate and fully lose track of time, like after about 40 minutes when I honestly can't tell if it has been 11 minutes or an hour...
  3. I didn't read every word in this forum so I apologize if I am repeating someone else. I love kombucha. Try drinking kombucha everyday and see improvement. I love it, if I crave sugar or an unhealthy snack I'll have a bottle of kombucha and it helps with that, also I drink it out of a wine glass sometimes which is fun because I rarely drink alcohol and it has a similar taste. There are many varieties and different tastes, so don't give up until you find one you like. I like katalyst bliss berry with a little hoppy mixed in, and also gt synergy passion berry bliss or ginger berry. Organic and raw. Yum I'm drinking some now in my wine glass. Happy Valentine. Be mine-ful?
  4. Uh, sometimes I see life as a video video game (I have never played too many video games, but I'm not clueless..I just grew up on pac man, frogger, asteroids...etc, arcade days...) any way, I still will occasionally envision life is like a big video game and I chose myself as my player and you sort of puppet yourself from some other universe(future)...anyway, you don't want to die and have your "Game Over" want to play it out and do the best you can with whatever tools or circumstances you came in with for as long as you can.. And like a video game you can pump up your strength or intelligence or whatever during your life(game), best you can do to be comfortable/happy, and still play inside what I call the "face value" world. Face value meaning, take everything at face value, it's real, not a video game!.. Like I said I have thought this occasionally and used this to help me understand different challenges or difficulties I have been through... I think it helps. It makes some of life's little surprise challenges seem more fun to overcome!
  5. There's no such word as the word can't!
  6. ...find a lucky penny, get the perfect parking space out of the blue...etc, you are on the right path.. And if random irritating things keep happening, like can't find your keys, or someone backed into your car... Sort of the universe saying you are not in sync, not on the right path for yourself, so you need to shift gears...get in sync (I take all these random coincidences with a grain of salt, not super literally) and sometimes I get signs I'm on the "wrong" path and I still stay on it and ride along the wrong path a bit knowing it's not ideal..
  7. Work, make money, it may not be your perfect job right away but that is basic survival as you then move onto the path toward your life purpose. Remember this, as you do begin to widdle down to what you truely want: live a life that is true to yourself, not what others expect of you or what others want you to do!
  8. .. maybe the book, The Voice of Knowledge, by don Miguel Ruiz, might be a tool to simplify the idea of meaning/what is meaning vs true self/essence, as you work on grasping emptiness.. I love all of the Four Agreements books...
  9. I think being in a relationship, no matter how long it lasts, will help you build more confidence, yeah.. Also, watch some more of videos... Like this one:
  10. In English:. "Walker, there is no path, you make the path while walking." from the tombstone of the poet Antonio Machado. In Spanish it is beautiful, "Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar."
  11. One of my all time favorites is LOST IN AMERICA with Albert Brooks... Always good for some laughs and to contemplate where you are at in life....
  12. Have you ever tried pacing? There are plenty of paths to follow once you get used to making time and consistently working out. My favorites are hiking, yoga and some leisurely biking. Before I really had a good habit I found I wanted to just get moving without putting a lot of effort in, to make plans and go somewhere and follow I would pace around my home. It started to feel really good and I would talk on the phone and pace instead of sitting around, long story short it got my heart rate up and lured me into being more active daily.... Try it if you haven't before, give it 10 minutes, be creative-try a few figure 8s.