Apparition of Jack

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Everything posted by Apparition of Jack

  1. What makes you think the focus is on unfulfilled desires?
  2. Felix does seem to have taken more interest in the "deeper" topics of life in recent months, but I think it'd be a far cry to say he's now wholeheartedly onboard the self-actualisation train or anything like that. He still seems very caught up in the Orange world of internet memes, shitposting, and so on (in no small part because he's built up an identity and source of $$ from it), and I also get the feeling he's dealing with a Blue shadow. Still, it's encouraging to see him maturing a little bit, and if he can grow successfully then he can act as a good conduit for getting younger people into philosophy / critical inquiry and so on.
  3. The word "person" comes from the Latin word "persona", meaning "mask" What might people be the mask of?
  4. Who says music and enlightenment are far apart? Art has always been a valid part of any journey towards liberation! So long as you use your music to channel beauty and truth and not just cheap entertainment for $$, I really don't see any issue with wanting to pursue that as part of your life purpose.
  5. I feel like I have the opposite story, Mandy. For most of my life I have grown up and lived in large urban conglomerates, and living in the country was not something I ever could've or would've imagined myself desiring (which I now do, for a whole list of spiritual / ethical / philosophical reasons.) In fact, I even remember visiting my grandparent's holiday property in the country and being afraid to go out at night because everything seemed so "lonely" and quiet! However, after developing spiritual tendencies in my late teens and having a very rude spiritual awakening in my early 20s, I have found myself detesting the ethos and aesthetics of modern urban society, probably for the reasons you've listed out. Being a spiritually sensitive person, I've found the urban environment I once loved and cherised (or perhaps had internalised?) to now to be borderline nightmarish at times. Endless electro-magnetic radiation, hordes of people whos faces look like they're on the verge of a nervous breakdown every waking moment, pollution, obnoxious, mind-controlling advertising everywhere, etc. It has resulted in me being diagnosed with "agoraphobia", yet I feel the more accurate diagnosis is simply "being fed up of modern bullshit" That's not to say there aren't benefits of living in such over-crowded hive-cities though. Having so many different types of people in one place means you're able to meet so many interesting characters with all sorts of wisdom to offer you. Also, since there's less of a strict "communal" culture, people tend to be more open-minded and relaxed about lifestyle choices, beliefs, etc. There's less pressure to conform to a set of family ideals or religious beliefs and so on. I could choose to do anything with my life and the society around me would be more or less accepting (unless it was something crazy like trying to evolve the stage Orange/Green paradigm towards a more Yellow/Turquoise one ;P ) In a sense, living here, in this environment, is kind of like being part of a "spiritual underground" for awakening. There are places you can go and people you can meet who will assist you along your journey, but they're few and far between and you have to be keen-eyed enough to know how to spot them and what to look for. For the most part, you have to put on a "mask" or a facade of the sort of "regular, mundane" (or in my view, crude and ignorant) life people expect of you, and its only with those you're very close to and in moments of privacy can you really be free to explore the universe.
  6. As the title says, a video on the non-dual nature of Christianity and Christian teachings, along with everything wrong with how Christianity manifests itself today. I think Leo has already mentioned in a couple of his vids he'd like to do this, so this is just to get attention to it. It would basically be the same thing he did on Islam except for Christianity instead. I think Christianity is a topic a lot of Westerners have a degree of affection for, even if they disagree with the dogma/corruption/oppression/etc. carried out in Jesus' name. Christian myths and imagery appeals to us on a very deep level, having been conditioned from birth to accept Christian ideas into our reality, even if many of us have come to reject the literal truth of them. Hearing Leo's ideas on it would be... revelatory, to say the least.
  7. The intro to one of my favourite TV series as a kid. With it's heavy emphasis on progress, using technology to save lives rather than take them, nations coming together rather than standing apart, etc. I'd say the values of this show are very Green in nature