Apparition of Jack

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Everything posted by Apparition of Jack

  1. @Mesopotamian Has the fact that Saudi Arabia is committing an inhuman war against the Yemeni people ever factored into this for you?
  2. For some reason, I see a lot of threads about the toxic manifestations of Green on this forum. Don’t get me wrong, obviously Green can be problematic, but toxic Green is SUCH a rarity and so limited in influence these days that it’s unhelpful to focus on it’s bad parts, especially considering how much more toxic Orange and Blue where dealing with in the world. And just to set the record completely straight, I want to point out just how developed and beneficial Green really is. I still feel it’s easy to stereotype Green people as “lazy pot-smoking hippies”, which is such a disservice to what Green truly can be. A healthy, developed Green person on this planet is such a rarity on the whole that you might as well be finding a unicorn, from a planetary perspective (most Green people are still dealing with Orange and lower shadows). Healthy Green is: Openly compassionate, kind, supportive and gentle More intelligent than Orange and Blue (yes, really) Insightful, wise, nuanced and able to grasp relativity Communicative, co-operative, sociable and fluid Democratic, able to compromise and non-hierarchical Non-judgemental, expressive, accepting and courageous Some examples of healthy Green people are: Bernie Sanders Martin Luther King, Jr Mahatma Gandhi Oprah Winfrey Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Sam Seder John F Kennedy Russel Brandt Joe Biden Bill Gates Just to name a few. We should be encouraging more people to move up the Spiral to Green in order to meet the social, economic and environmental challenges of the future. Obviously criticise Green when you need to, but let’s not make that our first instinct. Green is fucking awesome, and the more we’re able to accept and embrace it the more conscious and purposeful life will become for everyone.
  3. China is the biggest country in the world and despite a lot of growth most people still live in third-world conditions. I think it’s simple survival needs that people are so callous there, if you show sympathy or are nice to people you’ll quickly be taken advantage of
  4. I'm under the impression that any future GOP candidate will have to appeal to the Trumpist crowd, since at this point there's basically no chance of power within the GOP without appealing to the style of politics he unleashed. Ted Cruz is too much of a cynical career politician for this IMO. It could unironically be someone like Tucker Carlson or one of Trump's kids (yikes)
  5. Psychedelics make you aware of what’s going on in your subconscious. Even if you’re a rational person consciously but subconsciously you’re being affected by conspiracy thinking, then tripping might “wake you up” to your subconscious bias, but this doesn’t make it any less of a bias. The trick is to be made aware of your subconscious biases and then let go of them, not cling onto them because they came from a powerful trip or anything like that.
  6. Good question. It’s hard to say. Honestly they might be as advanced as each other. Both have some emerging Orange but are still very stuck in unhealthy Blue/Red. Both are dictatorships with a lot of corruption and oppression and very nationalistic populations. I honestly don’t know.
  7. Trump is out, Biden is in. A good day for truth, consciousness and love. But to the point. Trump needs to go to prison. He committed crimes unspeakable in a modern democracy and for democracy to function in the future then wrong-doers have to fear the repercussions of being criminals. It might be tempting to give him leeway because he’s an ex-President but this is a nonsense argument. He is not above the law as any citizen isn’t and must be held accountable for his devilry. Sometimes the most loving thing you can do is to punish people when they’ve done wrong.
  8. Am I crazy? The guy strikes me as 100% Green to me, not Orange or Blue. His reforms of perestroika and glasnost seem heavily centred in a green worldview. He envisioned the USSR becoming a stage Green social democracy like Sweden or Norway, not a stage Orange capitalist ratrace like America. After the USSR collapsed he has spent his time advocating for things like peace, climate action and nuclear disarmament. He’s not a stage Orange corporatist or stage Blue nationalist by any stretch of the imagination imo.
  9. This is honestly fucking horrible. I don’t comment on stuff too much these days but I felt I had to speak about this one. People could die because of this movie. Art deeply influences people’s ideas and behaviours and if some impressionable 14 year old kid watches this and thinks “yeah, if some gun-totting turd comes to MY school I’ll just outwit them like in that movie!” ... before getting themselves killed. Active shooter situations are not goddamn Hollywood action scenes. There’s no glory in them. Your goal should 100% be your own survival, not some foolhardy attempt to look like an action hero. Not only that, but by glorifying taking down school shooters it encourages kids to resolve more conflicts this way. It turns school zones into some fucked up “survival of the fittest” battle arena, not places of peace and learning. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so disturbing. Shame on you, Benjamin.
  10. I've seen a few Fox News people going on quickly going on air to denounce the people as "unAmerican" and "rioters" and all that - I get the strong impression they're trying to cover their asses
  11. How much chaos it there really? Yes, the situation in the US is tense, but so far we still have food chains, running water, electricity, etc. Without wanting to downplay the severity of the attack on the Capitol, even that - an actual attempted coup - only resulted in 5 deaths and so far more widespread violence hasn't occurred. For a nation dealing with massive economic, health and social issues, that is extremely bloodless when we look at similar situations in history. I undestand that our 24/7 media cycle, smartphones etc have made it seem like the world is a constant state of bad news, but if you take a step back and look at the actual situations critically you would see that things perhaps aren't so bad as your mind is projecting them to be. Also, let's not forget that there can be no growth without first a doing away with the old patterns that weren't serving us. While it might be tempting to think that the world ~5 years ago was more "stable", you have to remember that everything we're seeing today is just a result of the negative trends that were already happening during this time. It can be hard to see right now but everything going on is actually for the best right now, since it'll force societies out of their sleep and really make the positive reforms that will lead to a more humane, conscious, democratic society. Think of how most Americans are now on board with government stimulus ($2000 each, imagine trying to pass that 5 years ago!) Think about how many more people are now involved in democratic activity and are taking an active interest in their communities. Think about how close we are to getting healthcare in America. Think about how many people want life to be less focused on work and more focused on communities and hobbies thanks to all the people working from home. There is a lot of bad, yes, but there's positive things coming out of this. We just have to go through this period of tension first, and then we'll see all the massive benefits.
  12. @Leo Gura How much do you think the federal forces are prepared to defend democracy, and especially figures like Joe Biden? I know the higher-ups in the military don’t like Trump but I imagine there’s a lot of Trump sympathisers in the lower ranks What do you think the military should do about this?
  13. As we enter the Age of Aquarius I imagine a lot more of this kind of stuff will climb to the surface. As it stands the current paradigm of humanity inventing civilisation ~10,000 years ago just isn't sustainable IMO. There's far too much evidence (and far more will be revealed) that humans had advanced societies for much longer than that. I'm really looking forward to what we uncover.
  14. What the heck is going on in this thread? You guys are downplaying the very real effect an environment’s energy can have on someone. @Chr1st1ne Is this the first time you’ve been in a shop like this? Have you ever felt something similar at other places?
  15. It depends what you mean by “fall”. Certainly the situation won’t be the same as it was in previous decades, especially in relation to the power the US had over the world in geopolitical terms, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that America’s “fall” will be barbarian invasions and massive chaos the same way Rome fell for instance. I think modern society is simply to advanced and too adaptable for something like to happen save for the utmost extreme circumstances, and we’re a long way off from that. Rather, I think the “fall” will instead be a mindset shift where Americans simply wake up to the fact they’re not as powerful as they once were and that they have to learn to live in a world where China, Europe, India etc are just as if not more powerful than them in a lot of key ways. Of course, to the ego-mind that has been conditioned to believe that America will always be “#1” this might feel like an actual apocalypse, but that doesn’t mean it actually will be. Most American’s lives won’t be drastically different during this process; if anything Americans will become less arrogant and full of themselves.
  16. I think the point is that it’s too early for an M4A but not too early for a public option, and to get to M4A we’ll need a public option first. Too many Americans are still brainwashed to think public healthcare is a communist plot to destroy the west, so giving them a small taste of its benefits (public option) would finally convince enough people to go the distance (M4A.)
  17. Jimmy Dore is a grifter who is high on his own farts and once he got a taste of some modicum of power (being one of the major figures in the Movement for a People’s Party) he suddenly saw himself as some sort of “progressive kingmaker.” He’s utterly delusional and full of himself and almost certainly wants the Democrats to fail so he can increase his own power in the MPP and earn more money / fame / status / power etc as a result. IMO he should be ignored entirely and be considered as helpful as a Trump fascist in fighting for progressive change.
  18. I think Cyberpunk is interesting because it's yet again an example of unhealthy Stage Orange corporatism infesting good game design. When that "gameplay" trailer dropped last year (the one where the player saves the girl from the bathtub), I was thinking the whole time "this is fake, this is edited, the real game will look nothing like this", and it turns out I was right, lol. This is such blatant false advertising that for some reason gamers put up with and even accept as normal. If it were any other product (health products, cars, appliances, etc.) saying they can do stuff that they can't, people would be outraged, but because it's "just games" people don't seem to care despite how illegal the practice is. As a general rule of a thumb, if a game has either (a) been delayed numerous times or (b) has trailers that look "too good to be true", then odds are the end product will be shoddy and a buggy mess, no matter how many good reviews it gets. If you want to play big budget games, make sure their production process isn't full of controversy, and don't take what trailers and reviewers say at face value. Wait a little while after it comes out and see what the actual players are saying, and make a decision then. There are still good games being developed but you wan't be able to tell them based on hype / marketing / "reviews" (really just paid advertisments) say
  19. Well, his crazed lunacy certainly did force a lot of growth in people...
  20. Honestly? My own intuition plus what I’ve built up over the years reading other people’s testimonials etc. Ive had many experiences where I assume I was being contacted or directed by extra-terrestrial intelligences. I’m something of a shaman so I pick up a lot on the psychic currents happening beneath the surface. Of course I could be wrong but I’d be very surprised if something similar to this wasn’t happening.
  21. This is what I think, prepare for some out-there stuff: Aliens, especially benevolent aliens in our galactic neighbourhood (think possible the Pleiades), have been trying to uplift humanity for a long time, possibly millennia. This isn't a hands-on interventionist thing though, it's a more subtle influence of sending out positive psychic energy to guide us in the right direction even if we're not aware of it. Now, of course, since this is happening a lot of people pick up on it to varying degrees (including this Israeli guy), but because they haven't fully grasped the true nature of their own psyche or what the form of alien influence takes, their ego co-opts whatever first idea pops into their head ("Israel and the US are in cahoots with the aliens! The governments will let the world know when it's time!") when these things wouldn't really make sense on closer inspection. I mean, why would advanced aliens care about which specific earthling governments to help? They don't recognise our own arbitrary national distinctions. They want to help all of humanity, not just one country or another. Besides, people in governments are just as undeveloped and deluded as anyone else, so I don't see why they'd contact governments specifically. I think humanity is just slowly being made aware that we're not alone in the universe simply as part of the natural evolution of the universe. Odds are we're nearing the point where our evolved neighbours will deem it acceptable to contact us directly in which case we'll become a full-fledged member of interstellar society, or at the very least, we're closer than we were even just a century ago. It could still take some time.
  22. Let's not forget each stage includes the stages before it. So Orange will have an integrated Blue, Green will have an integrated Orange, etc. So a Green person like Vaush will accept certain points of the Blue worldview (discipline, laws, love of country, etc.) but won't get caught up in them if they start being detrimental. Healthy Blue to me would be someone like Mr Rogers or Theodore Roosevelt.
  23. These two guys are healthy Stage Green men (one is a therapist, the other is a screenwriter) who deconstruct blockbuster movies that show their insights into the healthy (and unhealthy) aspects of human psychology and well-being. In this video alone they talk about Love, spirituality, dogma vs. open-mindedness, and many other things that relate to self-actualization. Highly recommended. @Leo Gura you might like to check this out.
  24. Robert Reich and Richard Wolff are both good at explaining Stage Green economics in simple terms, but because they’re associated with the left a lot of conservatives might simply refuse to listen to them. Who knows though.