Apparition of Jack

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Everything posted by Apparition of Jack

  1. We’re only not having enough babies if you’re stuck in the paradigm of each nation-state being it’s own distinct unit. As globalisation and migration increases though, such a worldview becomes increasingly untenable. The world is having more than enough babies, they’re just being born in the third world instead of the first world. Who’s to say the engineers and architects of tomorrow all have to come from Europe and America? Maybe we should give Africa and India a chance.
  2. I’ve developed heart sores after receiving the Pfizer vaccine. I think there’s a strong correlation.
  3. I want to preface this by saying I am a student of science, believe in vaccines, masks, lockdowns etc and I would never jeopardise my intellectual integrity by falling into right-wing conspiracy nonsense. However, this is just my own personal anecdote, but ever since having two Pfizer jabs (mRNA) in September my life has been considerably worse. My breathing is stunted, my thinking is weak, I have barely any energy, etc. It’s not just me who felt this way, my mother has noticed a severe drop in my activity levels and this is without me even mentioning anything to her. You are free to dismiss my account all you want but I genuinely believe there is something messed up about mRNA technology and that it’s causing way worse issues for people than is currently being reported on. We live in tense times so I understand the desire to not “give an inch” to conspiracy bullshit, but again I have to say I am still on the side of science and this is undeniably what I am going through. This is nothing to say of the stage Orange devilry Pfizer has been engaged in even before Covid was a thing. Interestingly enough, all my friends/family who have had AstraZeneca (a conventional vaccine) haven’t had these bad side effects. I really think I got unlucky and took the screwed up vaccine over the one that’s safer and more reliable. Damn.
  4. The coming troubles might resemble, well, the Troubles of Ireland between the 70s and 90s. It was a constant low-energy civil war between competing ethnic groups, with periods of conflict and violence and periods of relative peace and stability. Some areas were severely damaged during the conflict, some areas saw no trouble at all. I find it hard to imagine a genuine widespread civil war breaking out, but some kind of sporadic violence / craziness / terrorist attacks are possible, alongside a general air of distrust and a cultural Cold War. Stay safe Americans.
  5. @Leo Gura Your ability to constantly let right-wing trolls dominate conversations here is frankly pathetic. You should be ashamed of yourself.
  6. @something_else he doesn’t have to be outright supporter but he’s doing this weird centrist grit where Trump’s lies are given more credence than they deserve
  7. Everything is always fully conscious but in terms of the mundane, shared physical world we live in Democrats are usually more conscious, yeah
  8. But the difference is there's only one Mona Lisa - sure there are copies, but they're imperfect copies, and the actual, singular Mona Lisa, with all its specific flaws and qualities, can only ever be that one painting in the Louvre. But with NFTs, right-clicking + saving one gives you exactly the same image as whoever "bought" it. In fact, NFTs aren't even the images themselves but rather just the "proof of ownership" token. If someone posted a NFT image here, I could easily just save that image and I'd have the exact same experience and enjoyment of it as whoever paid money for it. It's literally creating scarcity where there is none - an internet image is infinitely repeatable, and yet somehow paying thousands of dollars for a token means you "own" it? How does that follow?
  9. @Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj This is so dumb
  10. Well alright dude. I disagree on this issue but you do you.
  11. But... why not? Dude, you're super fucking smart and your insights are invaluable, but even you must surely understand the need to approach things on a grounded, personal level? That's what most people in this thread are asking. If we just wanted to sit about pondering the evolution of technology as a result of climate change or pontificate about how everything is all God's plan we could just build a shelter in the arctic and do that all while the rest of the world goes crazy. But unless you're some reclusive billionaire that just isn't possible for most people. Most people here have families, live in cities or towns, have jobs, hobbies, etc. And climate change is going to mess with all of that. Like don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to seeing all the cool shit that helps us deal with it, but that doesn't mean much to the people in Germany who just had their homes flooded last week, or the people in Canada who died of heatstroke, etc. How is telling a family in California who just lost their house in a wildfire that "don't worry, in 50 years time we'll have free solar everywhere" going to help them in that moment? When they're feeling sad, angry, upset, confused, distressed? Multiply that by millions and thats the sort of issue we're facing. We need rapid, immediate massive sociological, pyschological and economic restructuring right now to stave off the worst suffering but it's not being done. We're going to have to learn how to deal with suffering as much as we are going to have to learn how to grow crops in cities or whatever.
  12. @Leo Gura Leo, with all due respect, I feel you're taking too much of a "big picture" approach and not enough of well, a smaller, human picture approach to this thing. If you'd ask me if I thought climate change would wipe out humanity, the answer would be no, we're far too resourceful for that, but for virtually everyone the idea of us, as a vague generalised concept, surviving, doesn't mean much when individually and communally we're all threatened with very real catastrophes in the future. It's like someone worriedly asking in 1930s England "Are you worried about another world war? Do you think fascism could defeat democracy?" and just replying "Another world war? I'm not worried. 98% of humanity survived the last war so why should I care? Odds are that I'll survive. And even if fascism does defeat democracy, in 100 or so years it'll probably reform itself to democracy again." It kinda misses the point of all the very real suffering and danger that WW2 did bring to countless individuals and the global world order. No one is saying that there aren't massive and wonderful breakthroughs in technology to be had, but we can't just focus on that to get us through when the very real and deep sociological, psychological, emotional, spiritual etc. problems are staring us down the barrel of the gun right now.
  13. Throwing out a random post - don’t forget that there are higher forces at work here. Humanity will receive support from higher beings interested in our survival. If anything climate change could be the catalyst to re-awaken humanity into a spiritual understanding of the world. Don’t just think in terms of pure physics and data guys.
  14. It leads to violence and division and is frankly just stupid all round
  15. Why would Jewish Nationalism be a good thing? In general any sort of nationalism tends to be low-consciousness and problematic. Of course there’s nuances but I doubt you’ll find many people here arguing for Jewish nationalism.
  16. No lol, the market itself almost by definition leads to abuses. Not everything can be qualified through monetary exchanges alone. Sometimes you gotta bite the bullet and look beyond market mechanisms to make an actual conscious society.
  17. @rnd Most corporations are more corrupt than than the government and yet you don’t seem to have a problem giving money to corporations. Why is that?
  18. I think it’s a hive mind effect. A lot of people don’t like to believe there’s some collective intelligence at work in groups but really it’s there. When you’re out in public without a mask, you get caught into the non-mask wearing hive mind, and your thoughts will reflect that. Likewise when you’re wearing a mask. Its why homeless people can be ignored on major city streets despite thousands of people seeing them every hour. The “regular people” hive mind doesn’t want to acknowledge homelessness so that homeless person sort of exists “outside” of it. It’s also why if you see a homeless person, idk, talking to a box, you don’t think much of it, since they’re just doing “homeless people things”, but if a lawyer or banker started talking to a box a lot of people would find it really weird.
  19. @Danioover9000 It’s more like a call to ask the church to be more generous with charity
  20. Jordan Peterson really confuses me. I generally have a good sense of what people believe and what motivates them but JP is like a riddle to me. He’s someone who’s spent most of his life diving into dense psychological topics and seemingly investigating his own psyche, yet he falls prey to such basic stuff and seems completely inconsistent in his behaviours / ideas. Hes a weird one.
  21. @Nyseto Haha, good joke man, you had me going for a second
  22. You guys should get into solarpunk. It's a great literary genre inspired by steampunk / cyberpunk etc. but one that offers a more optimistic view of the future. It's about integrating technology and nature and creating a more sustainable, egalitarian world. Plus it just looks fucking cool IMO. Tell me your thoughts!