Apparition of Jack

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Everything posted by Apparition of Jack

  1. If white progressives are being dismissive or patronising of the opinions of minorities, then odds are they're not fully Green and still have a Blue/Orange shadow. A lot of white progressives, especially if they come from well-to-do backgrounds, simply don't have the same lived in experience of oppression and discrimination that minority progressives do, and hence aren't as strongly committed to fighting injustice due to a lack of survival need to do so. Also, since they are from well-to-do white backgrounds, then they personally benefit from an unjust Orange/Blue system that affords them special privileges, even if they're aware that they benefit from this or not. They might be on board with redressing a lot of social ills, but not if it comes at the cost of their personal privileged position, which they might reflexively defend when they feel it being threatened. Think about the blind guy from Get Out if you've seen that movie. This isn't to excuse their behaviour though, just to point out there's a cause for this attitude, which can be addressed if they're made aware of their own shadow and shown how they would benefit from taking a more holistic approach to social justice.
  2. @Revolutionary Think Yang is cool but his vision isn't as holistic as Bernie's IMO. His UBI is very popular, but it by itself doesn't do enough to redress wealth inequality, and it comes at the cost of existing welfare benefits, which is a bad idea. Also he seems a little to attached to the idea that it's automation that is the main source of America's ills, and while this has some truth to it there are structural issues that go much deeper than just job automation causing these problems. Bernie's vision - a mass movement of working-class Americans getting energised and involved in fighting for their rights to make America a more equitable, sustainable, enjoyable place to live - has more long-term staying power in terms of actually transforming America than Yang's UBI IMO. Plus Bernie has the experience and record of pushing great policy, whereas Yang - as successful as he is - is still a political newcomer who would very likely be stonewalled by Congress.
  3. I've decided to delete this post. I am unconfident that the information I put fourth was helpful.
  4. @Leo Gura Do you fear death? I remember in one of your "live awakening" videos you said you don't care if you live or die, but for some reason I am compelled to ask anyway.
  5. A fantastic example of two people elaborating on the Green mindset vs the Orange mindset, especially towards the end of the video.
  6. I like Rare Earth, he has good insights, but I’ve noticed he’s stuck in the secular-rationalist-materialist paradigm as far as explaining religion and mysticism goes. Still, he makes interesting videos.
  7. @Hypnofrik So long as science clings to the materialist paradigm, true AI will never be possible.
  8. Are you sure you're not still putting out those vibes into the world yourself? True selfless love has absolutely no concept of "strength" or "weakness." It just does what it does always - love selflessly, no matter the context. If you are having issues where other people perceive your love to be "weak" (or perhaps you perceive them perceiving that), then it could mean you still have latent issues with manifesting love, perhaps this time directed at yourself.
  9. Yes, of course. That phrase was the one I was most hesitant to include in this post because I knew it would be the one that would make people feel uncomfortable the most, but I felt compelled to write it anyway. Integration between nations will obviously be an uncomfortable process, even for the most advanced people in a society. I know a lot of Orange/Green people who talk about international peace and multiculturalism who would still feel a backlash against the idea of joining another nation, since national identity is something we still have deeply ingrained inside of us. It would have to be a long-term process that is conscious and considerate of all parties involved, since it would be such a big change for everyone. Focusing on the positives of integration - better wealth, better education, reduced risk of war, more technological opportunities, hell, even better sex - would do a lot to convince people to get on board.
  10. One way I try to look at this is break down what people's different passions are. You're right that if everyone just did the first thing that came to mind that made them feel good, nothing productive would happen and society would collapse. But I still feel like there are ways to improve the lives of even people who are most comfortable being simple worker drones or something like that. For instance, a lot of hands-on, routine-oriented people might find some enjoyment and security out of getting work at a large furniture factory, but over time the excessive hours and poor conditions of that factory might start getting to them. In such a situation I would say that, instead of dropping out of that and going and becoming a wandering guitarist, which would be a lifestyle that doesn't appeal to them, they could simply start their own furniture shop, but one that values craftsmanship and quality over cheapness and quantity. They could still have that routine, but it would be a routine that also lets them explore their creativity in a way they never knew they had. They're not traveling the country in a van playing gigs at hipster bars, but they're still engaging with the creative processes of life in a way that makes sense to them, and moreso than what they were before.
  11. @Leo Gura I consider debating with people like Ben Shapiro to be like debating a four year old who is convinced society is run by a giant purple monkey and that anything bad that happens is a result of this monkey’s temper tantrums. Their positions are so nonsensical and absurd that to treat them as some sort of coherent narrative is wrong IMO.
  12. Probably Red/Blue, as most military people from that part of the world would be.
  13. @Etherial Cat Prior to running for President, Trump was a Democrat. He supported gun legislation, has a strong anti-war bent to him and has said things off the cuff like "I love everybody", a very stage Green sentiment to have (and my gut tells me a least part of him truly believes that.) He seems pretty liberal when it comes to things like sexual identity and lifestyle choices, and in my estimation he doesn't have the psychology of a conservative. The problem is that all of this is vastly overshadowed by his unhealthy Red and Orange, as well as some elements of Blue. The power dynamics of the toxic stage Red/Blue/Orange environments he puts himself in means that this Green shadow will never manifest in this lifetime. Had something different happened in his life - had he stumbled upon a hippie commune as a young man, or not been treated so poorly by his father, or something else to that degree - it's possible he may have developed this shadow more and ended up as just a usual, liberal NY socialite, instead of a toxic chauvinist president. Don't get me wrong, he still would've been deeply embedded in Red and Orange, as he is today, and controversy still would've followed him, but those aspects of him would've been tempered by a slighter deeper understanding of Green that could've made him less power-thirsty and narcissistic.
  14. @Etherial Cat The emerging Stage Green society is still dealing with its Blue and Orange shadows. Backlashes like this are to be expected as even well-meaning people struggle with their own underdevelopment. A lot of the new Green energy probably had Orange or even Blue parents, which will obviously have left an imprint. We’ll get there though.
  15. I'm not sure your examples are correct. I've lived in China and there was certainly no universal healthcare. I'm not sure how true it is that Russia has low government debt; it might be, but if so that wouldn't so much about the actual health of the economy, as there would be so much corruption that billions of dollars that should be going to the public are instead being haemorraged to the oligarchs. Also keep in mind government debt isnt' necessarily a bad thing, so long as the debt is being used to fund high-quality public projects that will create massive returns on investment. It can be tempting to think that if an "Enlightened Despot" came into a country who know what was best for everyone, things would just work well, but this ultimately can never be true just based on how collective ego and social dynamics work. Even the most conscious, enlightened leader would preside over much corruption and oppression if their power was unaccountable, even if they didn't desire it. It might not even be themselves doing the corruption, it could be just the people who work for them with lower levels of consciousness who abuse their closeness to authority to benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else. Ultimately, and it sounds boring, but democracy will always be the most conscious and effective form of government. Because democracy doesn't just mean "leaders are elected", it also means that the society itself has a strong cultural attitude of self-governance, that people take a conscious effort to be engaged in their political process, that citizens are informed and knowledgeable about the issues, and so on. Look at this tweet by Bernie Sanders - this is the sort of attitude we need to cultivate in our societies in order to create the most effective and conscious governance possible.
  16. This thread is very timely for me because I've been thinking about my own art and my own creative process Forgive me for rambling a bit here but I'd like to share some of my own thoughts about art. I can't remember where he said it, but I remember Leo saying that what all artists are truly seeking, even if they're not consciously aware of it, is their own connection to Spirit/Truth/Love/Consciousness. I think this is why so much beautiful art has come out of the great religious traditions of the world - Buddhist cave paintings, Hindu iconography, Islamic geometry, and so on. Art can be one of the most powerful tools for getting people to appreciate / think about / experience the Divine, since it appeals to our most basic senses (sight sound etc.) without relying on too many years of intense personal study or direction from a teacher to do so. Not only that, but art does so in a way that appeals directly to the current cultural climate of any given time and place. Why do you think Star Wars was so popular when it came out in 1977? Because it managed to capture the feelings of both new technological abilities (computers, robots, etc.) as well as the legacy of WW2 (Stormtroopers, air battles, etc.) as well as a bunch of other things that people in the modern, post-WW2 70s were experiencing. Throw in some good old fashioned mysticism and non-duality (the Force, the Jedi etc.), and you have a bona-fide work of spiritual art that resonates with people so much they make two more bad trilogies from it Right now there exists so many awesome works of art that haven't been put to paper yet, that capture perfectly the feelings of the issues that people are feeling about the world today. There's works of art that deal with climate change, multiculturalism, technology, sexuality, etc. that when they manifest will help people to awaken and become more conscious of their own lives and the lives of others. There are movies, video games, songs, drawings, and everything else that will come at just the right time when they need them, and if you're a conscious artist interested in self-actualisation and Love, you can be the vehicle for some of them Another thing to point out is that art can also be used for very unconscious purposes too. Look at the modern advertising industry - there's so many (visually/phonetically) appealing ads, billboards, even websites (in a sense, Facebook is a visual art), etc. out there today, but because they exist to try and push you some kind of shitty product, the result is very damaging for the world as a whole, and it does disservice to the true purpose of art. This is also true of politics. Art can be weaponised to push a very unconscious political agenda. Look at the Nazis - Adolf Hitler was famously an art student before becoming a political radical, and he used his understanding of aesthetics to help push the Nazi's insane agenda. Throw a bunch of nice-looking swastikas and eagles on everything, call it a "national renewal", and suddenly you have people turning in their best friends to be killed because that friend had a Jewish grandfather. We have to be careful and conscious with art, not just our own but also the art that's being pushed into the world, because otherwise it can be used to animate people to do harmful things to themselves and others. @rNOW I guess all in all I'd say just and use your drawing as a tool for Consciousness/Love/Awakening, in whatever way comes naturally to you. Let your intuition guide what you put onto paper - no matter how silly or out there it might feel at first - and just see how it goes. People LOVE an artist who can tap into feelings they didn't even know they had, and if you get good at this you could really do a lot of positive in this world EDIT: Here’s a quick sketch of mine that I channel to represent Love/Wisdom/Creation in my own esoteric way
  17. Consciousness!
  18. @Leo Gura I'd like to hear your thoughts on this, because I share many of the same sentiments as Derek does. A couple of months ago when the current trouble in Kashmir kicked up and Sadhguru spoke out on that, you said he intuivitely understood Spiral Dynamics because he put the blame at the lack of a unified Indian identity, not the current ruling party, which seems fair enough. However, again with these recent protests, he seems to be deflecting from criticising the government directly and instead criticising misinformation about the current citizenship bill, but to me - and many others - it can't help but feel like there actually is a sinister toxic Blue ethnonationalist underpinning to this bill that explicitly doesn't include Muslims under its protection. Like, I'm trying to understand the POV Sadhguru is coming from, but he seems way too quick to dismiss criticisms of the policies of the BJP and it almost sounds like he's peddling their propaganda at times. I know he's trying the best he can to create a unified Indian identity based on respect and dialogue and he doesn't want to muddy the waters, but when people's lives are at stake with such a reactionary government in power, it genuinely feels like he's unsympathetic to the plight of the people who are being negatively affected. Go look on the YouTube comments on any of his videos with a vaguely political leaning, and it's just an endless stream of people using his words to push reactionary bullshit blaming the INC / liberals / Marxists / etc. for the sufferings that the BJP has caused. He seems too blase with his words. Am I missing anything here?
  19. I liked the one set in feudal China as it was being slowly overtaken by the British / industrialisation. It spoke to me of how mysticism/magic has slowly died as part of our collective experience of reality, only to be replaced with machines and engineering.
  20. Utter horseshit. Forgive me for the strong language but there's basically nothing to be gained other than low-consciousness mind-viruses by listening to alt-right nonsense like Felix Rex.
  21. Leo has spoken about Plotinus before, and has described him as a "Western Zen master." As much as it's accurate to say that someone can be "enlightened," I would 100% say that Plotinus was enlightened. What's even cooler is that his teachings have pervaded Western thought for the last 1800 years, we've just collectively forgotten how to recognise it. Figures like Meister Eckhart, John Scotus Eriugena and Georg W. Hegel were all influenced by him. Non-Duality is a deeply Western teaching, if you know how to spot it.
  22. @Husseinisdoingfine Deeply stage Blue people tend to dislike anything that gets them to break down their assumptions, like how modern art does, since they're much more strongly identified with their "cultural" ego than stage Orange or Green people. To them, anything that doesn't completely reaffirm what they believe is "solid" and "true" - for example - repainting the Mona Lisa to look like a modern hipster, or creating abstract sculputers that don't perfectly resemble humans - comes across as threatening, hence why they will call these things "Satanic", "Cultural Marxism," and so on. To them, in their reality, the experience of seeing a piece of modern art is so threatening to their egos that the experience literally comes across as the work of Satan. This is why also capitalistic Disney movies designed to make billions of dollars are called "Communist" (the complete opposite of Disney's ideology) in their eyes, because these new movies might have a black female leader, or a hispanic soldier, which goes against what their cultural ego is conditioned to believe is "the truth" - that white males are the "heroes" of stories and anything else is clearly "false". I'm rambling now so I'll end it here. Writing these out helps me understand my own thoughts better.
  23. @Leo Gura Are you naturally bald? If not, why do you shave your head?
  24. Benefits are for fulfilling your short-term needs for sex, food, money, status, drugs, etc if you’re the dictator. Long-term benefits are limited because you can be overthrown and killed. For everyone else’s needs benefits are almost non-existent, instead being replaced with countless negatives. On the whole dictatorship is a very low-consciousness political system. If you’re serious about self-actualising and raising consciousness it is to be avoided at all costs.