Apparition of Jack

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Everything posted by Apparition of Jack

  1. @ttm Having a spiritual teacher not talk about Love is like having a math teacher not talk about addition. You could try to do it but such a basic requirement of the topic would be lacking in your understanding that you'd find it hard to really get a handle on all the rest of it, and would show that the teacher themself has gaps in their understanding too.
  2. @EternalForest I think you've made a common mistake (one that I have made myself) of assuming that once you recongise non-duality, all you're left to do is just sit there in enlightenment and not worry about anything at all going on around you. In some sense this is true, if you so choose you could just sit on your ass staring at trees all day, but in another thats just a shallow way of looking at it. Because remember, non-duality is so non-dual that it even allows for duality within it. Look at Leo. He's enlightened and yet he runs a forum, has a girlfriend, talks about philosophy and politics, does the shopping, posts memes, and all that regular stuff. Another thing to note is that while Tier 1, as you say, is guided by some sort of "innocent bliss", it's an innocence thats dependent very strongly on how the world is around you, and how the world moves will push and shove you about whether you want it to or not. Sure if you're young and healthy with no major responsibilities life might seem fun and breezy, but if you get older and sick, or if you end up in bad relationship after bad relatioship, or you suddenly find yourself looking after sick family members, or you get into financial trouble, or if you find yourself in a warzone, or if a political party that makes life harder for you gets into power, etc. etc. then being at Tier 1 will make it just that much harder to navigate these trials. Being at Tier 2 lets you be pro-active in creating your reality, rather than reactive, which is a great place to be. To me, the whole point of Tier 2 is that it gives you the tools to create the life you choose, not the life you've been told to want or the life you can't seem to get. If at Tier 2 you still want to have a family and go to soccer matches and watch movies, you can choose to do all these things, but if you don't want to do these things either, then you can also choose not to. You're not being compelled to do these things by your conditioning, or your society, or your hormones, or anything else like that. You're coming from a place of wisdom and control rather than ignorance and compulsion, which is an incredibly powerful framework to operate form.
  3. @supremeyingyang Germany is way too advanced to ever have a stage Blue government in all honesty, even the stage Blue nationalist parties seem to be facing a lot of backlash. What are the problems facing Germany that you think are being unaddressed? What do you think needs to be done to fix them? I'm trying to get a handle on your national situation and what seems to be your issue with finding out how to solve them.
  4. @-Rowan I'd say so yeah, or maybe it's Orange making fun of Orange-Green marketing.
  5. What's the voting system like in Germany? Do you have preferential voting, where if your first candidate doesnt get picked, it goes to your second candidate and so on? If so, you can vote for the most conscious, holistic parties out there even if they don't have that much support without "wasting" your vote, since then it just go to your second party, and so on. What are the parties in Germany like?
  6. @tenta Why do you watch such nonsense?
  7. Leo has mentioned Hegel as having non-dual knowledge before, and I think looking at history through the lens of non-duality/consciousness/infinite evolution would be very illuminating
  8. If, once you've started to self-actualise and grow in awareness/consciousness/development, you start to look around the world and see that other people and society at large aren't progressing as fast as you, it's easy to begin to feel frustrated and to want to just tell society to "wake up!" and get with the times. While such reactions are to be expected, they also belie the very real process of evolution that is unfolding, day by day, in countless millions of big and little ways. Hence I'm opening this thread for people to document the evidence that society is really evolving, in real time, giving concrete examples that everyone can understand. I'll start with an example of emerging Green/Yellow values: The WHO has recently announced the new name for the coronavirus (it's called Covid-19, short for Corona Virus Disease 2019) and has taken careful steps to ensure that the new name doesn't cause one region/culture/animal/ethnic group to be unfairly demonised by people, the same way previous viruses have. Such a move from the WHO would not have likely happened even just 10 years ago. Also, while people will still unfairly be targeted during this current outbreak, the positive news is that because so many people have taken a Green/Yellow approach to this, the effects of this discrimination will be much smaller than they otherwise would've be. This is evolution in action. This is just one example among many. What will other people share with us?
  9. @Annoynymous Nice! I even heard about that. It’s a small thing but still a step in the right direction
  10. Some people are born more naturally attuned to spiritual matters than others, yes. These are the priests, shamans, healers, poets, ( visitors.. ) of any given society. Someone born into strong states of meditative absorption tends to be very rare and when they do arise they usually end up being powerful teachers. Also place matters too. I can't say this for sure but from what I've heard people end up clustering in places depending on, among other things, their spiritual development in their past lives. This is why so many gurus and yogis arise in India, so many CEOs and entrepreneurs arise in the US, so many warlords and fighters arise in Africa and so on.
  11. I'm using the term "objective" here rather loosely, since as we all know everything is ultimately relative. I just mean in the sense of taking the biggest-picture, most conscious stance that takes into account as many factors as possible in any one given moment of space and time. For instance, an "objective" stance on the climate issue would be that CO^2 emissions do indeed create a greenhouse effect which in turn slowly heats up the planet over time. This position has been arrived at through an understanding the context of human pollution, the nature of Earth's ecosystems, how data is measured and the motivations of climate scientists taking down the data, and so on. Obviously such a statement isn't taking into account the fact that the physical world is just a manifestation of Infinite Imagination, or that the words describing this process are inherently limited and dualistic nature and so can be misinterpreted or fail to provide a complete picture and so fourth, but for the purposes of understanding where humanity is at, in our current relative geopolitical climate, it's useful to use this relative terminology. We can't be engaging in deep epistemology when discussing every political and social issue we face, essentially.
  12. Nature. Seriously, nature is fucking incredible. I was feeling anxious today and I couldn't pin point the cause, but then when I opened my windowed and just absorbed the energy of the leaves in front of me I started to feel calmer and more aware and I managed to get through the rest of the day. <- This here is a guy looking through a small window at the wonderful nature outside
  13. All news sources are biased to some degree, this is an inescapabe fact due to the nature of language. You're right that even higher-consciousness news sources like TYT / The Humanist Report fall into the trap of self-bias and ideology, it's just the difference in ideology is one of stage Blue conservatism (Fox News) and stage Green progressivism (TYT/THR). The point is though to be as aware of ideology as possible and to move beyond it. If you want to be truly objective about news, you'll have to expose yourself to a number of different sources and always keep a critical mind about the information being presented (along with how it's being presented) and come to your own own conclusions. Learning epistemology and how bias works can be helpful in this too.
  14. The point is that there isn't one. "Whiteness" is a social construct that's only a few hundred years old at most, and exists because the people coming up with it had specific survival interests in promoting it. That's not to say there aren't distinct European (or European-descended) ethnic groups out there, just that labelling them all as "white" only works in very limited contexts and ultimately ends up causing more confusion than it gets rid of.
  15. @Annoynymous That's because that's what the interviews are designed to do. Fox News interviews are not good faith discussions between two people with differing ideas, they're "the host" (who is supposed to be a stand-in for the audience / the audience's beliefs) inviting different "crazy" guests on to make fun of and to reaffirm their own ideological supremacy over the guest / guest's beliefs. Of course this only works if you agree with Fox New's ideology in the first place, so if you're more developed than that the host, in this case Tucker Carlson, you will recognise that they're being dismissive and rude.
  16. Well, it depends on context. Just because say, a Chinese nationalist and an American nationalist are both blue, that obviously doesn't mean they'll see eye-to-eye, lol. Content is important, not just structure.
  17. Good news for everyone interested in self-actualisation, sustainability, humanism, awakening, etc. He's won the popular vote in these two states and is set to win even more, as he has large support from minorities who have so far been under-represented in these two mostly-white states. Not to mention all the other support he has as well. If you're politically-minded at all and his message resonates with you, it would be good to get involved in supporting his movement. Even non-Americans can get involved through things like text banking for him. I'm not sure if posting political links is allowed here but a quick google search of "Text for Bernie" or "Call for Bernie" can set you straight if you're interested in this. Of course, we should support him in a non-ideological and conscious manner, and avoid getting too heated or too upset about the twists and turns of this primary. There are still a lot of undecided voters out there and being calm and respectful can go a long way in getting people on board with his ideas. Spiral Wizardry would help a lot. But there is cause for hope and there is a lot of momentum on his side. He has a winning strategy and is frankly just a very cool person Let's help the world evolve to Green everybody!
  18. @Leo Gura I run on renewable resources (Love :P)
  19. @Leo Gura Forgive my ignorance on how US primaries work, but what's stopping something like a secret paper ballot being used to elect the nominee instead? From what I understand such a method of voting tends to be the most secure and with the least problems. Is there any reason why this can't be used?
  20. @silene IMO the Cross is one of the world's most successful cases of marketing ever. It's such a straightforward symbol (literally just two lines) that can be applied anywhere, and yet when you see it you know instantly what it means. I would even go so far as to say that our modern understanding of brand logos was at least in part heavily influenced by the Western mind's attempt to attach so much meaning to geometrically basic symbols. Christianity would never have had the staying power that it did if it didn't co-opt the image of the Cross as it's main symbol.
  21. That doesn't sound like Green to me. That sounds more like unhealthy code Red or Orange co-opting vaguely-Green sounding language. True Green still has a sense of ethics and code of conduct, it's just based on an individual's capacity for compassion/empathy, rather than dogmatic rules as was the case in Blue.
  22. In some cases, there are groups that have always been ignored and neglected by society no matter the time and place. In other cases, the groups who get ignored and neglected depending upon the specific society/culture that you're from. For instance, homeless people, the disabled, the elderly (especially those without large families), kids from rough homes, etc. tend to be ignored and overlooked in every society. These people can "fall through the cracks" so to speak, since it's easy for most people to overlook them and it's hard to find people willing to take the time and effort to properly accommodate their needs. In other examples though, it'll depend specifically on the culture. For instance, let's say you're the child of a peasant family in code Blue Imperial China in the year 1900. You've managed to get your hands on a few code Orange western science books, and have found a passion for chemistry that you never knew existed, and you realise it's what you want to dedicate your life too. You want to travel to Beijing or Shanghai and go study at the big universities there so you can become a chemical engineer to help your society. However, if you try to tell your parents this your wish though, you may be told you're being crazy or unrealistic and that you should do what everyone has always expected of you - become a peasant, find a partner to have kids with, and just live out your life in the same village you grew up in. You're not being neglected in the sense that your physical needs aren't being met, but rather your creative and intellectual potential is being neglected just because it doesn't align with the dominant cultural paradigm you're born in. You, a budding scientist, are being neglected not because you come from an underprivileged place in society, but because the specific cultural norms of your society don't allow for your potential to flourish. If you had been born in the same village just 50 years later, when China began to take a huge interest in science and engineering and was looking for as many people interested in it as possible, those needs would not be being neglected, since you'd be encouraged to seek them out and develop them as much as you can.