Apparition of Jack

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About Apparition of Jack

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  1. I don’t know Leo. I feel like in recent years you’ve become far too apologetic for the world “as it is”, if that makes sense. Sure it’s good to always be conscious of one’s biases and there are limits to stage Green, but in an age where countless Americans are dying due to a lack of healthcare which totally has the potential to be remedied through concerted effort, talking about how lame progressive thought can be sort of feels like… apolitical “both sides suckism” to me. If I’m being honest man, this is something I’ve wanted to say for a while, but I honestly feel like you’re still dealing with some sort of toxic stage red / hyper masculine shadow. No one is denying your brilliant insights or commitment to consciousness, but a lot of your attitude towards the world at large seems to just be explaining why the world is shitty rather than imagining what the world could be. Of course there are dangers in trying to recreate society, but there’s also dangers in letting the corruption fester too long. I don’t know dude. I could be wrong. But it’s just something I’ve noticed and thought I might point out.
  2. @Leo Gura “Crystal-clutching” LOL
  3. What a joke. Zuckerberg’s always been in it for the grift, pretensions of impartiality aside.
  4. Nothing. There’s no strategic or material reason for the US to attempt this that it doesn’t already have access too. It’s just collective ego-backlash trying to assert American superiority on the world because they’re pissed off neoliberalism didn’t make them all ultra-rich rockstars like it promised. It’s pure delirium, plain and simple.
  5. Don’t you think pro-active counter-measures could be made to oppose this though? The EU could work to integrate more to better be able to resist American aggression, for instance. Or Canada could start working with sympathetic US politicians to undermine Trump’s ability to try shit against them. Being needlessly worried is bad but if it leads to effective actions in response that wouldn’t be bad right?
  6. @Breakingthewall And do you really think the Ukrainians will want to ally with him now, after he occupied a fifth of their territory, killed thousands of their civilians and turned millions more into refugees? If there was ever a slim chance of Ukraine staying by Russia’s side before all this, that chance is now gone and Ukraine will want to move more close to the West than ever
  7. @Breakingthewall And what of the people of Ukraine? Clearly their lives are just Putin’s to sacrifice however he wishes, right?
  8. Pouring one out for my homie Jimmy 🙏 😔 🍺
  9. Alf is trying to find a parking spot
  10. TIK is just one of countless grifters out there who’ve mistaken greed for wisdom. If there’s one thing I despise about current civilisation it’s the fact too many people attribute divine properties to money, rather than seeing it for the illusionary tool that it is.
  11. As a shaman connected to the Earth, I have to deal with her rage and suffering in the face of his gross anthropocentric narcissism.
  12. Whatever Biden’s family have done, Trump’s family have done 100 times worse. It’s not wrong to criticise Biden per se, but it’s deeply hypocritical to go after him and not the endless list of corrupt excesses Trump and other GOP families have committed.
  13. What the hell is going on?