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About capriciousduck

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  • Birthday 04/13/1997

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  1. Pluto's Piece of Text
    How to Become a Master of your Reality - LOA
    I will keep it short and simple, i see so many repetitive questions on the forums and i have a surge of energy to set it right once and for all.
    Start Behaving as if you already HAVE what you desire or ARE what you seek to be or KNOW what you seek to know or Understand. Behave as if you emit an infinitely strong electromagnetic force that the whole universe hears, sees and feels you, feel it deep in the core of your being, Fully and completely immerse yourself in your Beauty, your Love, your Passion, your Godliness even if you don't see and believe it yet, they key is to trick the mind/subconscious and the overall energetic matrix into believing and doing so. This is how you change yourself thus your reality.
    Keep doing this and repeating this, eventually you will trick your self into the belief that you are actually there already(which is ultimately true but you are just not aware of if yet) and in return, reality must comply with the vibration you are emitting because reality is absolutely, self-reflective.
    I always tell people, keep flooding the mind/body with thoughts and feelings that you prefer, at first it won't believe you but if you keep doing it and allow no gaps of your regular routine to take over again, your overall auric and cellular energetic matrix will start to behave and emit a vibration out into the universe that its already there thus the universe MUST and WILL comply because that's all you are feeding it, so to speak.
    Once you start getting the hang of this and hopefully mastering it, the focus on personal and small scale things naturally becomes obsolete as you will start to realize how powerful you actually are and you will naturally be lead to more global/universal/collective scale things. Don't worry about destroying the universe, creation has fail-safes that are unbreakable. Once you start becoming very powerful, Enlightenment takes over by nature, in turn you cannot destroy self.
    The Child that pretends and imagines creates and manipulates reality the same way the Master does. Do not be afraid to imagine, do not be afraid to pretend.
    You are absolutely and infinitely Loved, Blessed and Supported by Creation. Immerse yourself in the power of Love & Light and you will never be lead Astray!
    The Mirror will never smile first.
    Infinite Love!