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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. @Zeroguy Haha I hear you man. I have the mindset as you, the best of the best have to be capable of leading and commanding... and if you can't do it then you have work to do. 90% of this forum, myself included rn, would be absolutely useless in a real conflict/war despite thinking they are high conscious and evolved. Look at all these people claiming to know what's true and right, when it's obvious to some of us that they don't know shit. I hate spiritual teachers as much as the next guy because of how useless so many of them are, but I don't understand your aversion to spirtuality. Wouldn't your greatest source of strength come from the truth? This is what I look up to right now. None of these fools on this forum could command like this. I will be impressed/respect their opinions when they integrate this ability
  2. Not surprising that Leo gave a strawman of JP's position on this. A lot of these leftist content creators who make fun of JP also don't like to admit that personal responsibility is at the heart of any societal progress, but they love to play the blame and shame game. I think Leo just does these kinds of videos for the views, you would think he has better things to do than do a JP takedown
  3. Are you at peace and happy, or do you still some dissatisfaction with your experience? @Vzdoh
  4. Funny story. I've been reading @Zeroguys journals recently, and I feel personally insulted by his views. I know it's my own selfishness, but I was thinking I bet a bunch of people read that and feel personally insulted. Then you see all the drama and I'm like yup
  5. @Someone here I know that, I'm not even there i'm just trying to gauge how open you are to the possibility. If you notice right now you probably have some anxious/depressed/etc feelings present. If you can become aware of those feelings in you that's a big first step. Notice there's the feelings, and then there's whatever you're thinking about those sensations that's kinda added on as another layer. If you can find a way to just be with and love those feelings without constant distraction from the mind, you would cease having any problems because the underlying emotional issues would be dealt with. Best advice I can give is to follow a quick few steps here and see if it resonates. 1. Become aware of the fact you are having an experience. You are aware right now reading this, just become conscious of that fact briefly. 2. Notice in the moment of being aware, you shift out of thinking and your attention is centered and present. Being aware and noticing it kind of silences the mind. And if you notice, the mind is constantly distracting you from just being aware of what's happening. 3. Notice that in that space of being aware the mind is quiet, even if it's only for a few moments until you're distracted again. Now from this space notice the feelings in the body, and allow them. You can be flexible here. Maybe breathe into the sensations of the body, maybe just notice them, maybe try feeling into them slightly, but the main point is to be in that space/recognition of being aware and then notice the depressed/anxious/body/etc feelings and sink into them
  6. @Someone here Can you see that all of your problems and struggles are subjective, and it's possible to alter your perspective so the way you view those problems and your world are completely changed? I guess i'm trying to guage if you think it's possible to be happy right here right now, despite whatever external conditions are occurring
  7. @DrewNows Yeah my habits are terrible, i'm banking on these neo advaita teachers paying off but i'm not so sure at this point even though I do think i'm progressing. The thing is, I know how deep a singular meditation session can be, albeit with psychidelics. I have felt so deeply into the sensations of my head that it literally wipes out suffering and leads to tremendous bliss and perceptual shifts. This stuff didn't come from clear eneergy, or life style changes... it was singular times of deeply sinking into the now and letting go of thinking and just focusing on being aware and conscious. I was thinking of working with a guy who talks about healing your inner child, I think of it as basically working on undoing your conditioning you got from your parents
  8. @Someone here Why do you want to pray to god?
  9. @Rilles I think your framing can have a big impact on your nerves here. Just think of it as you're trying to be a good guy and get to know her on the date. Your body language and energy will be much more important the content of what you're saying. Try and find some common ground and something you both like discussing. At the end of the date you don't have to do anything, just say good bye. If there's mutual attraction, the fact that you didn't make a move early won't hurt you. You can text her maybe that night saying you had a good time etc if you want to see her again. If you are overly nervous and a wreck it's going to be unattractive lol, so worst case this is just practice and you will be less nervous the next time around. I've been on a bunch of dates, but i've never been in a relationship so kinda opposite of you, and I found that if I just relaxed and acted with some confidence and calm that woman really resonated. But I can't say I planned that in advance, it was just kind of spontaneous
  10. @DrewNows I have a question for you. How come simply being aware isn't enough to bring happiness and bliss? I think I clearly understand the neo advaita teaching of bring attention to the simplicity of being aware or being conscious at all. And I can notice some energetic shifts when I do this, but I still haven't reached LSD levels of clarity and bliss, even though I'm pretty sure I am doing the techniques properly.
  11. Wait until I start teaching Non duality. Then these people will see what a good teacher actually is
  12. Nightmare. I have a similar problem as this guy, I have difficulty relaxing and I can't really let go and enjoy. This guy has to have a desire to change himself and become whole. If there is no intrinsic motivation to change then you will be bringing stuff like this up until the end of the relationship. Have you talked to him about he's basically screwed up and what healing looks like? I'd say either make peace with who he is and stop trying to change him, or find someone who's actually healed their trauma and is available for an intimate relationship
  13. @Endangered-EGO What's the longest you just sat down or layed down and just rested being aware? I've also experienced suffering being completely wiped from my system. The way I see it now, it's like our beings are contracted because of emotional trauma, and when we rest as being aware we begin to unwind the contraction, and if we unwind enough we will meet repressed emotional blocks and if we can feel into them they will be liberated and slowly therr will be no blocks anymore
  14. @Endangered-EGO Not right now, but I was working with a kriya yogi for about 6 months and that was really helpful, and from those conversations I have a decent sense of how go progress. Have you realized how important being aware is? You can rest everything and just go to that experience of being aware, it can be very profound once understood
  15. The goal of spiritual practice is to find peace in the present moment, and stop seeking for a better experience. That seeking can be drugs, spiritual practice, relationships etc. Basically, if you are still seeking and aren't at peace and happy then you have some form of a ego/spiritual ego. Many people on this forum have a spiritual ego. They talk about meditation practice, psychidelics etc... but if you honestly ask them are they happy and at peace right now they will say no.
  16. @impulse9 Can you change your beliefs around money and deposit 50 million USD into my bank account please? Reality is infinite and how hard can it to be given what you wrote above?
  17. Someone who believes that entities are real and can attack you, can you give a quick tldr on the phenomena. I do not buy this but I am completely open to new possibilities
  18. @Endangered-EGO Cool post. I'm at a similar point on the path, and I've begun to appreciate how important basic discipline is when you're stuck. I've had a few peak experiences and I'm basically stuck trying to get back to that place with meditation and psychs I've been stuck in a loop these past few months where I'll feel like I'm on meditation session away from having a break through, only to spend a few days thinking I'm completely stuck and this pattern just keeps on going. At least for me I've realized I have aversion to disgust and vomitting. and I've completely repressed my sexual energy. All my best psychidelic trips were a result of feeling deeply into disgust and my stomach, and liberating sexual energy so I'm more horny. Interestingly, the sexuality actually decreases my nausea and the only solution to the nausea is either repeated vomiting or the sexual Energy overtaking my nausea. I think my next step is to reach out to a guy who makes videos on healing your innerchild. I know I'm emotionally immature so I'm hoping this can Yield some results
  19. Just listened to one of her guided meditations on awareness and it was great. I've been looking for new dharma teachers recently so thanks a lot
  20. Just another dharma teacher with countless students with 0 direct experience of what he's actually talking about claiming that psychidelics can cause irreparable negative effects on a person. I was never a big fan of his teaching style but this is just pathetic imo.
  21. Anyone on this forum playing the new age of empires 4 beta?