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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. Have you heard of people who claim to have telekentic or pyromancy siddhis? It stands to reason if those are possible, and many people seem to agree on some siddhis, then why not combat siddhis on a larger scale? You are connected to everything around you, so what i'm proposing isn't that much of a stretch. There are some paradoxes surrounding this topic though. Like how come there were no enlightened beings in Germany who stopped the Nazi's?
  2. This is a channel that talks about research, psychedelic therapy etc. I really like the intro/outro music
  3. Share your favorite YouTube Channels. It doesn't have to be based on nonduality/meditation, but any channel that you really enjoy and you feel resonates deeply. I've been loving listening to these History YouTube Channels while at work. The series on Napoleon is awesome.
  4. No I live in Canada. That's pretty interesting thanks
  5. I've heard first hand accounts of people with pyro and telekinetic siddhis so I think something alone this line is possible. And this post was inspired by my love for this napolean series I've been listening to
  6. So if someone broke into your house and tried to kill you, an enlightened being would have no desire for combat?
  7. @Gianna A few years ago I was really depressed, and did some inner work and felt way better for about 6 months. I noticed during this time that I needed less sleep and functioned even better than I had before i was depressed. Sleep is kind of like an addiction. I know that when I'm more unhappy I want to sleep more, but when things are going well I don't want/need as much sleep. I don't buy the hype that you need 8 hours of sleep. We only have so much time on earth so the less sleep the better, all things considered
  8. @soos_mite_ah But those limits can include combat siddhis
  9. @aurum Is rape in service of the greater good? Seems like there's plenty of stuff that exists that isn't for the greatest good
  10. Yeah, that's one of example of what's possible. Basically, it's about what are the limits of consciousness' imagination in reality
  11. oh my bad, I thought it was a post in your journal
  12. Incredible post, just read it. You should make a separate thread with just that information, it would be really helpful.
  13. Consciousness is not a concept. Pay attention, right now you are conscious. There is nothing conceptual about you being conscious right now as you read this.
  14. I am done. It's all consciousness. You are consciousness. I am so happy
  15. @Vibroverse I think it makes to think of everything as just being consciousness. If by vibrational you mean consciousness then it makes sense, but otherwise you might just be lost in concepts
  16. Why so strict? By your own logic your own teachings are nonsense
  17. Isn't this the purpose of spiritual teachers etc? Aren't we trying to evolve society so it becomes more loving and peaceful?
  18. @HypnoticMagician I don't know if I agree that meditation is dangerous. Like driving without a seatbelt is dangerous, but that doesn't compare in anyway to meditation. But I do agree that just engaging in mindfulness meditation practice without any other map or information about what the goals of the practice are, can lead to people getting stuck and making no progress. So in that sense I can see your point, if that's the point you're making. I was doing a 30-60 minute guided mindfulness meditation for like 2-3 years and made virtually 0 progress. It wasn't until I took psychedelic's that I finally realized what the entire purpose of practice was pointing towards.
  19. I can relate to a lot of this. My heart is also numb and I don't really feel any sensation in my chest like I can in other parts of my body. I feel tremendous pressure in my nose too. I've only managed to unblock my nose a handful of times with psychs, but when the blockage gets erased it feels like someone is literally breaking and cracking my nose from the inside. But the end result is incredible. When my nose gets fully cleared I get entire perceptual shifts in how I view reality, and it's like a huge weight is getting released from your head. When my nose was cleared I also had full breaths of bliss. I think there are certain trauma points in the body and these result in blockages. I know I have certain energetic points in my stomach and center of head, that when I feel into them i get an entire liberation of energy. I think spending as much time in meditation and feeling into these sensations throughout the body is the way forward. But i'm not sure I haven't solved this yet
  20. That's a good point thanks. I wonder how many high conscious beings just hold simple retreats for people? I'd be open to go someone like Mooji's events
  21. This is a mute point. If you're on this forum 99% chance you aren't going to happy with someone centered at stage blue or stage red
  22. @cjoseph90 I would only go out with guys who are compatible in terms of values, relationship minded, etc. You will lower your chance of getting used if you can effectively assess a man's character before having sex. I'd also say it depends on where you live and what the men YOU want, want. If most high quality men expect sex early then you may be forced to compromise. Personally, I wouldn't mind waiting up to 4 or 5 dates if I was seriously interested in a woman. But that would probably be the max. If you are holding out then you are making it seem like you either don't trust the person, or you are playing childish games by making a person wait an arbitrary time period.
  23. @Javfly33 Have you thought about taking a break from dating and pick up, and focusing on your emotional health and well being? You would probably get more benefit out pick up if you were more stable
  24. I have a pretty cool inner dream life. I basically get entire universes/plot lines in my dreams, I could probably make a movie out of some of the stuff I dream about. Lots of potential with this stuff. But I also don't see a lot of people talking about awesome stuff like that, but maybe they are out there and i just don't know about them