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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. Does this person have references you can speak to? Maybe some other people who paid for this package could provide more specific insight
  2. I didn't use Neo advaita in a derogatory sense. I just meant teachers that are telling you look for the self, pointing at your own being etc. I guess there is a distinction to made between teachers like Rupert and Tony parsons/Jim Newman. I prefer the former, but I'm sure the latter have their place in pointing people in the right direction. One of my biggest issues with guys like Tony parsons/Jim Newman is the their spiritual arrogance. I heard Jim Newman say that Mooji isn't talking about what he's talking about, and he said it on a condescending tone I didn't appreciate that. But they may be right, I can't know for certain at this point
  3. Yeah I resonated with Mooji early on too. That's one thing that I've noticed very recently is the importance of the presence of spiritual teachers. You can tell that Mooji, Rupert, and Ekkart are always basking in their own presence as they speak
  4. I don't think the issue is that your actual biological development will be impaired, but you may have a psychotic/mental health response to the trips that could derail you. There have been posters on this forum who have said they were destabilized from psychidelics for months/years after bad trips, so you can't know for sure if that would happen to you. If you are dead-set on experimenting with psychs then I would say look into lighter drugs like weed first, and explore how it impacts you. Then if you transition to psychidelics increase your dose very slowly, and look for sources of literature on people who also did psychidelics in their teens I didn't trip until I was like 21 so I can't speak on doing it at 16 specifically
  5. @Insightful27 What do you think spiritual enlightenment is? What were your favorite meditation techniques? What does it mean to you when I say notice your own conscious presence right now?
  6. @Insightful27 Why do you want to take psychidelics? Have you look into any forms of meditation? Psychidelics are unnecessary for the ultimate goal of spirituality so don't feel like you need them for anything
  7. @Thought Art I would wait to invest in marketing until you have a decent amount of experience working with people, and you know you can help people. If you have lots of money and 8000 is no big deal then I would go for it, but otherwise I would be cautious. So he would help you create an online course about qigong? Or he would help you get clients for 1-1 conversations?
  8. Thanks a lot for the responses everyone. I think i'm going to take it slow and just start giving advice on some forums and see how people respond.
  9. There is so much power in simply resting as your own consciousness. Right now as you read this you are conscious. Just sit with that. Simply notice consciousness. Once you become aware of consciousness, notice there is a silence. It's just consciousness here and now. Prior to anything and everything is just you are this conscious presence reading this. Rest in this space. Just hang out in this space as consciousness. You are consciousness, that is what we are essentially. How often do you take time to reflect on the consciousness? Consciousness is what we are, but most people have probably never reflected on their own consciousness. Just wanted to share my thoughts on the importance and value of our conscious experience
  10. @Thought Art I'm not a big fan of trainings like that, unless the technique is very unique and effective. I believe I can just speak from direct experience and that will be enough
  11. @Thought Art I'm pretty confident I could show an open minded person that they are conscious presence. But I wouldn't know until I talked to more people. Lot's of people are interested in learning basic meditations nowadays, and I was thinking I could recommend a simple self inquiry. If you have a 1-1 convo with someone I think you can point them to themselves pretty reliably. And I don't have any certification or anything, I basically just have my direct experience and confidence in my understanding based on what i've learned from other teachers
  12. @Endangered-EGO I have a good sense of my limits. I wouldn't talk outside what i've directly experienced. @Inliytened1 Yeah that's a good point, the teaching is what matters and I get that.
  13. Rumi is my favorite teacher. This guy's words are divine
  14. I love this series so much. I've listened to this so many times this past week.
  15. @Waken This is what I was thinking too. I definitely believe I have a good enough level of understanding to point some people in the right direction and improve their practice. The thing is, I know I have some character issues and I don't know if they will come back to bite me, but at the same time I think I could be a really effective teacher for some people
  16. This is a little exchange I had with someone on the Healthy Gamer discord that I was really proud of. My part of the convo is in Bold, and the guy asking questions is in italics I have ADHD and I am trying to get better at my meditation practice. When I meditate it sometimes feels like i would need something to ground myselfe before starting. DrK talked about using breathing techniques right before meditation. Is there any pranyama you can reccomend especially for ADHD and Meditation in the morning? What kind of practice are you doing? Currently I am just doing Mindfulness Practice. I am really new to Meditation so I started my Jounrey with the Headspace App. Currently doing an Anxiety-Course I learned that this might not be the best practice for me, but this is what is suggested to me most often. That's cool you're just getting into it, and mindfulness can be fun to start meditation with it's very simple but of course at first there is always more to learn in a sense When you're doing mindfulness, try to really notice your own awareness notice how there's this always this sense of yourself being present and aware of what's happening I just have the feeling that Mindfulness and sitting still is especially challenging with an ADHD Mind. Sometimes I zone out so hard I only come back when the session is about to close. No chance to "gently pull my thoughts back". It feels like I miss the whole practice by drifting off. On other days though I kind of manage what you just described. I hear you can you notice how right now you are aware of your entire experience as a person as you read this? mindfulness is actually effortless because we are always mindful no matter is happening, there's always a background sense of being aware of what's happening even when you're zoing out, or feeling very agitated etc, you are always where you are, just being yourself experiencing what's happening the essence of mindfulness is just to notice this inherent sense of being aware all the time oh wow. that is actually a very interesting perspecitve. haha wow I feel kinda mind blown by this. This makes sense and I think might be really helpful haha awesome, I know it's so incredibly subtle and simple it is yet very profound I really like listening to speakers like rupert spira and loch kelly they give a similar pointer Thank you, i think that perspective helps me alot Well I guess one thing I learned about me is that I always try to do the most optimized, perfet thing. And I fear that the meditation pratice I do is not the correct one. No problem my pleasure if you continue contemplate and learn more about awareness and your own conscious presence that by itself is the only practice you will ever need Yeah but the perspective helps me alot. Since I actually know that you cant "win" at meditation, but sometimes I feel like I wasted a session when I do not manage to focus on beeing present. Its hard to describe and english is not my native language so I hope you kinda understand what I mean So you think I am on the right path here? For a start, learn with the Headspace App and when I learn more about myselfe, discover different techniques? Yeah it sounds like you are open minded and eager to explore meditation Keep exploring other speakers etc, but if you feel better from using head space keep up with it I really like non duality speakers over specific techniques, but techniques have there place too I guess It's all about understanding the importance of your own conscious experience we are conscious as we read this, it's so simple, yet everyone over looks it that is the essential part of life and meditation, this conscious awareness of what's happening Thanks alot for your help! But would you suggest any breathing techniques before meditation to calm the ADHD mind? Or would you say its ok to have an uncalm mind, since its part of the experience? I would say that an uncalm mind is okay, because the mind is secondary to the awareness of what's happening you can always go prior to the mind, to the simple conscious presence of ourselves but at the same time, breathing exercises can work well for people so I wouldn't go so far to say they are not useful But notice that no matter what the state of your mind is, the sense of being present as yourself and being aware of what's happening, is always the same and constant
  17. Hey, I believe I have a good understanding of how to properly practice self inquiry and I want to try test my understanding, and help any people who are confused about how to practice self inquiry. I really believe I clearly understand how to practice and can help other people master this technique, but I could be missing stuff too so I don't mind clarifying questions. Thanks
  18. Is it possible for a person to become so high conscious, awake etc that they develop the ability to defeat entire countries on their own? Consciousness seems limitless in it's imagination, so couldn't consciousness just imagine itself with super human combat abilites?
  19. Breakthrough. I am consciousness
  20. @Stovo Replace you, with the body/person that is here typing. This body could use a fighter jet and kill x enemies. But if the body had siddhi's then I could defeat more There's no good reason to think that what i'm proposing is impossible
  21. This is a great video. The fact that we can't discuss this guy on the forum is foolish
  22. If Jesus was thinking like me he wouldn't have been nailed to a cross