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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. This guy has a lot of insightful things to say about the harsh realities of dating and smv
  2. I think If i had more balance I would be in a better place. Materially, my life is very underdeveloped. I don't have close friends, no romantic relationships, I live with my parents etc. I think if I had a better life i would feel way better about my spiritual progress and plateaus. I REALLY want MONEY, A RELATIONSHIP, and FREEDOM. I want a beautiful and amazing girlfriend. I want to make enough money to be financially free to do whatever I want. I want to be emotionally free.
  3. I feel stuck again. Right now I am now conscious. But I am still suffering. I can feel the tension and pressure of suffering. I don't understand why recognizing my own conscious presence is not enough. I wonder if it's because I am striving too much. Hmm idk. This is very frustrating. Sometimes I feel in tune and surrender comes easy and natural. But then there are moments like now, where there is just tension and frustration. If anyone is reading this and has some insight that would be great. I want to find a way to make money to become independent. I don't know how to do this either. Overall things are progressing, but I'm just so sick and tired of suffering. I want peace and freedom. I want the bliss and clarity of knowing myself as pure consciousness. I want these headaches and pains to end. I even know that accepting the feelings and feeling into them is the key. And i've been trying to do that. But maybe the effort and striving is paradoixally perpetuating the suffering.
  4. Oh yea. Especially with respect to dating, people have software running that completely governs their mate choice, yet they don't understand why or how they like what they like.
  5. He's kind of all over the place so it's hard to sum up. But he talks about why certain groups of people are more successful in pua and why that is. I like how raw and authentic he is Yeah I can't say that's what I like him haha. I just like how raw he is about the reality of dating and value.
  6. I never said he was perfect
  7. @Harlen Kelly Well this guy is speaking the truth, so it applies to pua as well
  8. This guys' videos are hilarious and insightful haha
  9. I was watching this video, and it was interesting to observe how honest and blatantly racist these people were in their answers on racial dating preferences. Almost every single person rated Africans and dark skin the least attractive, and they said without any shame or second thought which I thought was interesting. It got me thinking how very few people can be that blunt in the west, because you will get dragged in the media. Can you even deal with this kind of blatant and overt racism? How do you change people's views?
  10. @aetheroar Great post man. Do you have any thoughts on the relationship between realizing peace and physical changes to our body and health? I'm really starting to appreciate how much suffering comes from aversion of subtle feelings of the body, and as I start to accept and reintegrate all these sensations I can feel tremendous physical pressure in my head and face. It's like I have a deep tissue massage going on in the inside of my skull, and the more I relax the more I can let go of the deep tension of the head. Have you experienced anything like what I described above? And have you had any dramatic changes in your health/body since finding peace. Thanks
  11. In my view thoughts are just a smokescreen screen that distract from the subtle feelings and sensations of the body. Learning to sink into these sensations by sinking into our own aware presence is always the answer. If you're ever distracted by thoughts, take a moment to notice if there are any underlying feelings you are resisting. Sometimes it can be quite subtle the feelings and sensations we avoid
  12. “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.” ― Rumi Reading this makes my entire body vibrate
  13. What does this mean in the context of the discussion?
  14. @Mz Hyde no problem, and thanks. good luck to you too
  15. Every part of our being is controlled by genetic processes that are occurring unconsciously so is it possible to become so conscious that you can change your own gene expression. I wonder if you could become so conscious you can produce specific hormones at will. Perhaps our own being is beyond the individual body so maybe you could expand outside of the human form and retain conscious awareness.
  16. No I didn't. I think it might be, I'm just not ready to undertake the journey yet maybe. Basically, I realized the value of surrendering to awareness from psychidelics, and I realized how much these experiences improved my coordination and reflexes. My idea was to start twitch streaming and talk about meditation and psychidelics, I figured it was in alignment with everything i've been focusing on these past few years. But I struggled to embody the psychidelic insights and so my idea was basically pointless. I wasn't happy from all spiritual work, and I couldn't embody those heightened states that made me better at games. Now a few years later I feel way better, and I have genuine spiritual progress but I'm still not where I know I can be. Now i'm not sure what my life purpose is. On the one hand I wish I had more money so I can move out and be free, but i'm also content with my spiritual progress because I think i'm close to a watershed moment that should recontexualize things No i'm not. I have a different attitude about how to find purpose. The only useful purpose of the present birth is to turn within and realize the Self- Ramana My plan is to continue with meditation and practicing self inquiry, until I have emotional breakthroughs, and then once i'm in a place of well being and happiness I will decide what to do with my life
  17. Lol. You are very dense to the topic being discussed
  18. Yeah no doubt. This has always been my philosophy growing up a minority. But I was speaking more so about cultural attitudes. I am on the winning of end racial discrimination in Canada, but it's hard to ignore when you see countless people who got the short end
  19. Yeah, I think part of me is ashamed for having similar dating preferences, but I also feel triggered because I know if I lived in that society I would be discriminated against. I think my go to response is to shame them into changing their opinion
  20. Hey I was hoping to find more information on Rumi and his teachings. I'd love it if anyone could share any poems/books/teachings etc from Rumi.
  21. I acknowledge that I have racist beliefs and that is skewing my perspective on this. But I don't think what i'm saying is illogical. I am just bringing this up because I find it interesting. If anything I benefit strongly from the current paradigm so I'm not complaining or playing victim
  22. There are a host of potential issues, but imagine being a black or darker skinned person living amongst the people who view them as inherently less valuable sexually. That would be a terrible place to exist. I'm not saying any of this is inherently right or wrong, I actually don't know. But I think most people on this forum would feel uncomfortable if everyone viewed the same specific racial group as not desirable.
  23. It doesn't go both ways. When you have different groups of people intermixing some groups will be seen as less sexually valuable, and so you create a skewed dating market with clear winners and losers. I never really appreciated just how to savage and ruthless mate choice is in the 21st century
  24. Yeah I bought the course and got through about 40% when I thought I found my lp.