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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. Haha yes. What matters to me is if I can help people, and heal their traumas so they can begin to experience what life is like when you live consciously. You know, I'm going to start a podcast soon too. I want to talk to some people from the forum, maybe you would like to come on one day. How old are you and where are you from, if you don't mind me asking
  2. I don't have any qualifications. I'm just a guy with a big ego lol. I just want to help people heal. I have talked to psychiatrists, psychologists, gurus etc. I have learned from so many different people, and now I have found something that really works, combined with my understanding I believe I can heal people. I will either ensure people get results, or I will find another way to help them. I am going to start for free so I can get testimonials and see if what I am saying is really true and can help people. Once I have proof it works, I'm going to charge a lot of money. But I will offer a money back guarantee so there is no risk, and if people cannot afford it I will find a way for honest people to get access
  3. Very interesting. I'm curious why it means so much to you go meet Mooji. What's your life like now?
  4. Time stamp 14:04. This is the guy who provoked Kyle Rittenhouse into shooting him, thereby causing the entire chain of events. Does anyone doubt that this guy is seriously deranged and provoked Kyle into taking lethal action against him. Also, everyone who was out there protesting by that point had repeated warnings to vacate the area. The protests were long over, the only reason to still be out there is to engage in nefarious behavior. There is no political value to protesting at this point, these people were out there to cause problems. And this circumstance would never happened if the protestors were not there breaking curfew, or if the original guy who provoked Kyle wasn't mentally insane. The original victim did exactly this. And his choice cost him his life. This sparked the entire chain of events that forced kyle to act in self defense when he was swarmed by the mob. He was speaking about people looting stores. Looters are not protestors, they are vultures capitalizing on the chaos. This is SD blue responding to red. It can't be more simple than that.
  5. That's interesting thanks. What are you work on at the moment? Are you going to try to heal people or teach? I believe i'm going to take this emotional healing technique from my coach and start using it help people resolve their trauma. The entire process took like 9 hours straight, but it's only 1 day later and I cannot even describe how dramatically things have shifted.
  6. Do you think if you reach high enough in the spiritual it can resolve all physical issues?
  7. Yeah that was very clear nice. I always wondered if someone could be so loving that any conversation or interaction could enlighten someone
  8. @Salvijus You might find this information interesting. When I was doing this emotional processing technique with my pua coach, he said he has partial psychic abilities. He said he can feel the tension from my head in his own being, and it hurts his head. I have had really bad heaches for my whole life, and for the past few months I've had tremendous pressure building in the head, but I can handle it better I don't really suffer from it like I used to. I wasn't sure about paranormal abilites etc, but he was clearly the suffering from my headaches
  9. Sorry if I wasn't clear. I mean, you are trying to share your understanding right? Trying to point people to seeing that fear is an illusion, and intellectual understanding is not sufficient etc. But clearly they are resistant and not accepting what you're saying. What would you have to say so the other people could see clearly what you are saying. So if you're trying to point people to seeing that fear is an illusion because you have seen through the illusion, how can you ensure that the person you're speaking to can recognize the insight you're trying to share. So it would be like: "Hey this is x inisight, now do y and then boom you can recognize what i'm trying to share with you" - Salvijus "Wow I can see exactly what you are pointing to. I no longer experience fear! Amazing!- Veganawake lol
  10. @Salvijus What do you think is stopping you from sharing your understanding with others? Couldn't we say that your understanding is not sufficient unless you can share it with others?
  11. That makes a lot of sense. I cleared a bunch of traumatic events, and now the energy is flowing smoother. I feel right now how I feel on psychidelics, but I'm only on weed. All the energy is starting to collapse into the center of my forehead. And my perception is becoming clearer.
  12. If the police were actively moving to disrupt looting and the destruction of property then I would agree that vigilantism is not necessary. I think the police were given orders not to break up the rioting and looting because politicians did not want to deal with the political storm it would cause. So they took a hands off approach and allowed the looters to burn through the area, like they allow a forest fire to burn itself out. If there were looters and rioters active in Rittenhouse's area then he does have a right to protect community property against looters and rioters. Can you link this. I am operating on the video and the psychology of the police and politicians
  13. Who should protect property if the government refuses to intervene?
  14. I live in Canada. And yeah I trust law enforcement.
  15. Okay so you're saying that the community should accept the destruction and looting of their community and business's So when the government does not enforce the law because of political ineptitude you will be content watching cities and neighborhoods go up in flames because only the government has the right to protect and defend the community? This is easy to say when it's not your community being destroyed. I wonder how you respond if this happened in your neighborhood
  16. What difference does it make who's storefront he is protecting? Apparently he had family members and friends who worked and had business's in that area. So only the actual business owner can protect their specific location? What about their friends, family etc? I'll ask again, do you think that the community should have accepted the destruction and looting of their community, given the government inaction? Also, where is responsibility on those who attacked Rittenhouse and escalated the situation?
  17. So in this case where the government did take action due to politicians fearing backlash, what are the alternatives for business owners and members of the community? if it was your neighborhood, would you be content watching the place go up in flames?
  18. I'm asking what you believe So most "high quality woman" don't have the sense to avoid my scumbag example?
  19. So most "high quality woman" don't have the sense to avoid my scumbag example?
  20. Isn't it part of the definition of high quality that she would have the sense to not get involved with scumbags? "Hey I have 6 children with 6 different woman, you want to be my 7th "- Scumbag "Omg yeah, I would love to do that. I just can't resist"- High quality woman
  21. Lol why do you believe this true? If a woman is high quality don't you believe she would not be attracted to scum bags?
  22. Did you always have this personality? What was your childhood like? Do you ever remember a time in your life where you did think this about yourself?
  23. He likely has ideological presuppositions that underlays his entire paradigm around the issue. He cannot be truly honest because the truth will contradict his core beliefs. To him, he likely thinks he's arguing with a stone walll. I do not have ideological presuppositions, I can be honest and see this situation for what it is. If i'm wrong I will simply admit I'm wrong. I'm curious if anyone has the integrity to answer my specific questions honestly
  24. Not to me. I don't know if he admits he's wrong, he thinks i'm a right wing troll, I'm not worth responding to etc