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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. @Gregory1 I agree with you about Rupert. His guided meditations are awesome, and I think he's one of the best non-duality speakers in the popular spiritual circles. But his teachings and methods are incomplete.
  2. The first guy clearly aggressed on kyle in a circumstance that did not require him doing so. Watch the video I linked, he was a mentally deranged man and was looking for violence and chaos. There is no equivalency between the first victims actions and Kyle's actions. You can say Kyle should not have been there, but the truth is no one should have been there that late. Looters remained because they are mentally deranged and want to cause chaos, which provokes vigilantes to protect their community. And so at worst you have a case where two unlawful groups are present. Then when you consider the character and aggression of the the first victim, Rittenhouse responded appropriately. When a lunatic assaults you when you have a gun, after shouting shoot me nigga a few minutes ago, he will rightfully get shot
  3. Have you thought about getting a female therapist?
  4. I do not need luck. I am consciousness, guided by consciousness
  5. Okay I watched it. I remain unconvinced. Mohammed is not the last prophet, and islam is not the one true religion. What is the point of this exercise? He spends half the time raging against atheism, materialism, secularism lol. Don't worry friend, when your doomsday comes I will be here. And then you will be thankful that I am with you
  6. Why are you quoting Leo at me. He is not my authority on god. What is there besides consciousness? Point me to it? No matter where you go, no matter what you do, consciousness will always be there. You are consciousness. There can be nothing without consciousness. Consciousness is axiomatic. The only danger here is your own delusions and misunderstanding the path. You are like the prophets. You are deeply deluded, you will light the rings thinking it will bring you salvation. Be like the master chief. He is not deluded. "Lies for the weak, beacons for the deluded"
  7. That makes no sense. How does how I respond change the fact that this is all consciousness? Where can you go that is not consciousness? What can you do that does not involve, imply, and require consciousness/god. If you come shoot me in the head, it would still be all consciousness. It would be a shot in the head within consciousness. “Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn't matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, yet again , come , come.” - Rumi “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.” ― Rumi Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself. Why should I be unhappy, every parcel of my being is in full bloom. “There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don't you?”
  8. We are all consciousness. Consciousness=god. Your presence, is the presence of god. You are deeply deluded about antichrist, god, illusions. All of this is your own misunderstanding of consciousness work. You are conscious right now as you read this right? You are conscious. Why are you conscious? You have no idea. You have no idea why you are conscious, but yet here you are. Consciously reading this sentence. You are the creator and the creation. Meditate on consciousness as consciousness. Just rest as consciousness see how it feels, what is that like. Also, you will have to process traumatic events to really understand and embody what consciousness can be like. Want to hear something interesting. I shit on the floor as a toddler, and my grandma shamed me. So I developed a trauma around the anus chakra and I never resolved it. Now I resolved it, and I can feel that energy centre and I can drain suffering when I rest in that anus space. That is real spirituality. Prophets, antichrists, all that stuff is worthless noise. If it's real then you will have no power over it because you are an un-pure vessel of consciousness. But if you do heal and learn to live as consciousness, you will not fear it because it is all part of the divine order
  9. God is good. Whatever happens will be for the better. No need to sweat anything
  10. Okay so the rittenhouse saga is done for me. I have said my peace. People are so confident and certain about their perspective, then boom they are hit with the truth and everyone shuts up. We should alll consider ourselves lucky that none of the people in those threads practice true spirituality. I am the truth, and I am the way. There can be no path to god, except through me. They are dabblers. Sociopaths, psychopaths, autistics . There's a wide range. But none of them live the truth. But I do motherfuckers. I am sober right now, and yet I feel like I am on the comedown of an LSD or mushroom trip. This is real spirituality. What I practice is the truth.
  11. How do the Quran and Bible prophesize the downfall of the US economy and the rise of Europe? Sounds like a self fulfilling prophecy. If you really believe this, maybe you'll try to lead the Afghan army
  12. Why were so many people on the forum certain that Rittenhouse was culpable for the killings, but when someone comes and challenges the distorted perspective and speaks the truth no one wants to engage in specific arguments? Probably the simplest answer. The vast majority of people on this forum, mods included, are not honest people. They do not, speak, live, or understand the truth. I have said my peace.
  13. ??? Great advice for anyone who wants to try some form of ethical pick up.
  14. It depends on the circumstance. I would say that concealed carry should be repealed, and people should have non lethal alternatives. People should be free to have weapons to defend themselves, but concealed carry can only work in a functioning society, and the USA is too polarized for people to act rationally while carrying a weapon. But if you were an asian person in Philadelphia for example where people are getting assaulted in the streets, it might make sense to take part in concealed carry
  15. In this case it would be more accurate to say there those puppies are going through town destroying property, blowing up cars, looting etc. When the puppies were given orders to leave the area, long after the initial reason their being there is over then the puppies cannot be surprised when they get punched in the mouth when they attack those in the area trying to maintain order and stability
  16. Yeah, there are many moving parts and we can that change is needed across all aspects of this case. But fundamentally this is about whether Kyle Rittenhouse wss guilty of serious charges relating to the deaths. Given the way the case unfolded its clear that he was provoked into violence by looters and rioters breaking curfew. If you want to say moving forward we need dramatic change to the entire system then I don't disagree, but that's not the point of the thread. Theres an assumption here that rioters and looters have a moral justification for being out there, but rittenhouse has no justification. At worst both sides were clearly in the wrong still being present after curfew and after the protests were over, but Rittenhouse wss aggressed upon and his response was the correct one
  17. You are welcome. This guy has some of the best content related to spirituality and manifestation that I have ever come across. I also highly recommend looking into the demartini method if you have unresolved traumas. He has a book on it too.
  18. Reflect on it for a few days. See if you get some answers
  19. Haha yes I do. If it's possible to have super powers then I will find a way. If there is a war or something I want to be the best I can be. But I have not transcended the fear of death yet, so maybe these concerns will drop away in the future. Still, wouldn't it be awesome to be able to prevent wars before they start? Yeah I get that. I have an intuition that it's all possible, but like you I have no proof yet. After I learn to heal people and make money I want to spend some time learning about magic, occult etc. I want to see what's possible
  20. What would it take for you to believe you could change your personality. I think it's possible you can change your personality When did you realize this "truth" do you remember when you started to see life as not fun and good
  21. Alright. You will have an open invitation. Haha. Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia have some of the most beautiful woman in the world. You are lucky. I am 26, from Canada. Hey I have another question, this is one i've been thinking of a lot. Do you think it's possible to have real super powers? Like x men or the avengers. I haven't read the bible or anything, but I've heard Jesus and some of the other prophets had super human abilities
  22. @Salvijus https://johnelite.com/2021/11/23/how-i-won-a-1k-bet-with-a-student-but-we-both-won-after-figuring-out-how-to-heal-from-tramas/ This is his blog. I do not agree with all his points, and I think he has traumas to resolve himself. But he is a genius.