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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. Haha. There's no you. Now we can all go home, problem solved. https://youtu.be/YebUIUOCo94?t=1468 This the scene that did it. Napolean's best friend died in combat, and for whatever reason it makes me cry. Still not full on sobbing yet, but still it's incredible nonetheless
  2. Overall I'd say I don't have a problem. My life has never been better. I am making quantum leaps in my life almost every few days... at this rate i'll be emperor of the world within a few decades lol I guess faster emotional and spiritual progress would be nice, but honestly things have been unfolding so quickly I think in a few weeks i'll be looking at most of these issues in the rear view mirror. I could probably spend more time just sitting and being, I'm only doing about 30 minutes per day, I think a few hours would be significant. Maybe you can help me with some more existential questions. This is what I really don't understand. Like, why is there so much disorder, chaos, suffering in the world? If there are other conscious beings like myself, how is the world in such a state of disorder? What is the point of life for so many people who just live and then die for needless purposes. Like imagine being in Napolean's army when he marched into Russia. 500 000 went in, and only 20 000 came out. What is the point of that? You are born as consciousness you get sent into Russia and then suffer and die lol. It just makes no sense to me. Why are consciousness teachers so shitty? Why does Rupert spira have 10's of thousands of views? Like this guy must know that most of his audience does not understand his teaching and they are mentally masterbating trying to understand his practice. Stuff like this just makes no sense to me. Why isn't this world heaven? Why would consciousness even allow anything other than Heaven? My life is pretty good, I can see how my only issue is that I do not have the wisdom to see life as perfect. I have literally 0 worldly problems. But for other people this doesn't seem to be the case. If everyone had my life then life would make a bit more sense, but people are living like fools and they are all delusional. I just don't get the purpose to so much of the world. Yeah so if you can help with that, that would be nice
  3. How does this paradigm account for my recent progress. I did a lot of emotional processing and inspection of my shadow. Inspected my mom, dad, brother, etc. Lots of yelling, emdr, forming new beliefs etc. And now I can cry. I haven't been able to cry since I was a little kid. The alternative is just listening to teachers tell me to be aware of my awareness. Which I did for about a year. But I never had the kind of results in my life that I'm getting now. Aware of being aware only truly worked on psychidelics. Its the only time it led to a major energeti shift.
  4. Can you answer my questions? Okay I re-read your post and I see what you're pointing at. What are the major blocks to the natural healing process of awareness? How do I stop believing the thoughts about myself that seem like a real story of myself
  5. @decentralized “Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.”- Rumi “Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.”- Rumi
  6. No the bliss of liberation is not my current experience. But my experience is improved from where it was even 2 weeks ago. More emotions, more clarity, less tension etc I have experienced what seemed like an infinite source of bliss pulsing through me, but it required psychidelics. There's always the same energetic/emotional process on psychidelics for me. The more emotional work I do it seems like I am moving in the same energetic direction I move while on psychidelics, except I'm doing it sober and it takes time rather than in the span of an LSD trip. Do you experience divine bliss 24/7? What was your experience like before the shift into bliss? What changed in your experience? I know you said the answer is to simple be, but I am skeptical because right now I am being myself, just being the sensation of what's here, but it's not bliss. One thing I've been thinking of recently is I have to address the trauma that revolves around me, the personal identity of myself as a human. I think the next step for me is to face everything I have ever done. All my guilt, anger, fear etc. I'm assuming this will end up with the death of myself as a character once I face all the shadows. Did you have a lot of trauma growing up? I think I had an usual amount of trauma so maybe just being was more effective for you, then it was for me.
  7. Well they locked my thread. I'm assuming Leo locked it, but it doesn't say which moderator locked it. I was able to confront the dishonest narrative painted by the majority of forum members, Leo included. So I am content with how things were left. I loved my time on this forum but I think it is almost time for me to move on. Leo is the arbiter of truth here, if you say something he disagrees with you will be censored, regardless if you are speaking the truth. Just like Souchet, I retire undefeated.
  8. See I disagree. I have done aware of being aware meditations, practiced presence, etc. Right now I am being. No thoughts just being. But this isn't happiness and calm. At least for me, the most progress I have made was going into my shadow and bring it to light. Expressing my thoughts about my crazy parents, confronting the memories of being shamed by my grandma for shitting on the floor as a baby. When I confronted these shadows I found the calm of just being. Before I confronted the shadow I could practice being, but all I felt was tension there were no emotions. Yesterday I cried for the first time since I was a child. I don't know how long it would have taken to reach this milestone if I were to just practice being without going into all the memories and experiences that shaped how my mind developed.
  9. I have a few questions about the Kyle Rittenhouse case that I'm curious to hear opinions on. I believe he is innocent because he was aggressed upon and he had a right to defend to property and the community against the violence and rioting of sd red protestors. If Kyle Rittenhouse was at the protest with the purpose to defend property and the community against violent protestors and looters, why is it unacceptable for him to be there? If the government did not respond to violence because of political fears and backlash, who is responsible for protecting and defending business's and property? What is the alternative to individual citizens policing private property when the government will not take responsibility for the violence and looting? Is there an expectation that the community must accept loot and violence because there is some legitimacy to the protesting cause? How would do you expect Kyle Rittenhouse to handle a situation where he is being aggressed upon by a stage red sociopath who is playing their own ideological war in their head? Kyle Rittenhouse did not go into the protest shooting at innocent bystanders and protestors. He was aggressed upon in both situations, and the logical response is to defend yourself against aggressors. He was seen running away, and still the bystanders chose to follow him and aggress upon him. In my view this is stage blue (order and structure) responding to the toxic elements of red (looting and violence) in a protest. I care about the truth and the reality of what happened. I am not ideological and I am open to being wrong, if my core assumptions and beliefs on the case can be challenged and moved.
  10. Quote by a user There is really nothing I can say to you or anybody else that can’t see this as murder and terrorism, that is something they need to process in private with God or with a therapist. There is really NO point on rambling on and on until the post gets locked. Have a good night and may you and me find peace in our hearts. I'm sure there are many on this forum who share this view. To anyone who cares, this is the epitome of devilry. The truth is clear on this topic, and I have expressed it. Attempting to shame people into changing their views by implying god sees this as murder and terrorism is really something.
  11. Yes it was a domino effect. Looters and rioters chose to stay well past the police curfew when the vast majority of protestors had already left. The only purpose for looters and rioters to still be present was to engage in destruction of property, business's, and the community. So the response to looting and rioting is for community members to take responsibility and protect their communities. Rosenbaum was a deranged lunatic and assaulted Rittenhouse, and likely had lethal intent. Why attack someone who is openly carrying a rifle when he had done nothing to provoke you? Assaulting someone who is openly carrying a weapon when he has not provoked a response is a demonstration of lethal intent. Even the mob that rushed kyle claiming they were protecting the crowd from an active shooter. This is also a dishonest narrative. Kyle was running to the police, and his weapon was not drawn. You can see the police lights in the video. It is much more likely that these stage red looters and rioters were looking for an excuse to escalate against the blue lives matter group, and when they saw an opportunity they attacked them. In a perfect world I would agree it is stupid. Can we also agree that looting, rioting, and destroying the community serves 0 purpose in furthering the aims and goals of BLM? Acting like degenerates only serves to embolden people against the goals of BLM. If someone destroys your community and claims to support that organization, how does that help said organization?
  12. Yeah we not disagree on the fundamental issues. Those other factors are relevant and are worthy of their own discussion, but that's not my interest. I am responding to those who were confidently asserting that Rittenhouse was clearly culpable and guilty of some form of murder. There was virtually 0 pushback and I guess people believed they were being honest and speaking the truth on the subject.
  13. Incredible breakthqrough. Today I cried more than I have since I was a child. Learning Napolean cried when Marshal Lanne died makes me cry
  14. @Someone here Hey do you have any ideas on what your core trauma is? I have an intuitive feeling that around a year ago you started to contemplate your own death, or realized that you will die. The anxiety may be fear of death
  15. @Emotionalmosquito If you're worried about premature ejaculation make it a point to prioritize her pleasure. Give her a massage, go down on her etc. And then after a sufficient amount of time you can focus on your own pleasure. Worst case you cum early, but she probably won't even mind because you spent so much time just focusing on her.
  16. @Dryas https://youtu.be/-HQIrhWbHm4 Posted the wrong video, here you go.
  17. There's a lot of nuance to get into but it's unnecessary imo. Fundamentally do you believe Rittenhouse acted in self defence and was thereby justified to defend himself? This is point I'm trying to drive home, the other points don't interest me, although I agree there is more to discuss about gun laws, vigilantism etc
  18. Do you remember exactly when it started happening? Surely something must have happened, if it's within a year that means you likely have good recollection of the events surrounding the time you acquired the anxiety. Did anything major change in your life this past year?
  19. I hear you. I know I will have to face death for full understanding, but I guess that time will come.
  20. Wo we don't allow Slytherin supporters around here. Mods? (If you haven't seen harry potter it won't make sense haha)
  21. Can it help me if I just buy it and put it around me? Or do you engage of specific rituals and worship with it?
  22. I recommend checking out some of his videos and work. You want to find your highest values, things you are naturally drawn to and give you intrinsic well being and motivation. What are you drawn to do spontaneously everyday, things you do effortlessly without anyone reminding you, etc
  23. Hmmm, so what age did it start happening? Even if it's not an exact timing, clearly there was a time where you did not have anxiety and then you developed it. So something happened between those two points that caused the anxiety. I think you have a blind spot. Everyone faces some form of trauma as children, otherwise we would all be saints without any need for inner work. What is your definition of trauma?
  24. Do you remember a point in your life when you didn't have it? When you were a kid did you still have the anxiety? Do you have traumatic events in your life? Molestation, getting beat, are your parent's narcissist's or sociopaths (I'm Indian and lots of Indians have parents who are mentally ill and traumatize them), anything stuff like that?