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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. Do you believe that consciousness is limited in it's creative potential by the practice constraints of being a human in the 21st century with certain tech, natural laws, intellectual capacity etc? I was thinking about how cool it would be to create my very own video game and incorporate all the elements I like and basically design the ultimate game i'd love to play, but then I thought there are likely practical constraints that will limit my vision and basically I will never make an amazing game I'd love because i'd be limited by technology. But on the otherhand consciousness seems to be unlimited and so maybe our wildest dreams are really plausible and possible. What does everyone think?
  2. It's like how working through trauma and changing your perspectives can deepen your meditation practice. I think its possible to combine many technologies that will help facilitate deeper insight from meditation etc. It's like you and me both do self inquiry. But you feel your being light up and vibrate, but I just feel the density and tension in the head. How do you account for that difference
  3. It makes sense to me and I agree 100% Unless you value embodiment and your sober quality, you have resigned yourself to suffer 99% of the time for the 1% of time where you get your peak understanding. Fundamentally, what is the point of life. It's to live in harmony moment by moment. Not just have 1/100th of your moments be meaningful and the 99/100 you just reminisce about your past glory
  4. I have a vision in thoughts of how I want the game to unfold. My only concern is that I will be limited by technology and so the entire project will not be feasible. It's like I either want to do it right and execute my vision or i'd rather just place my attention else where. I'm also concerned about the time it would take to finish the product. Right now I am very interested in the topic, and I like just thinking and reflecting on different dynamics of the game, but if someone told me it would take 10 years to finish the project or something idk if I would be as happy to pursue it. Part of me thinks that if I just follow these good thoughts and genuinely want to create something based on my vision, then consciousness will find a way to make it a reality for me. But idk I'm skeptical, even though I want to believe
  5. Does it help you that much? I like the taste of sugar and milf coffee, but I don't find it helps me that much tbh
  6. See when I do self inquiry I just feel the pressure and tension across my whole head and face, and as I became aware of it, it starts to dissolve slowly. But I see your point thanks. When you lose your humility and are ready admired you are a master I want front row tickets to your satsang ??
  7. Is it true that each of us has a destined partner that we are drawn to as some divine plan? I think most people do want to get married and enter into an intimate monogamous relationship so the idea of twin flames seems to complete this ideal, but I know some people are skeptical about this concept. For those who are in serious relationships or marriages, do you believe you are in a relationship with your destined twin flame? I wonder if some people enter into a relationship and try to stick it out, when in reality their more compatible partner was out there if only they were to open themselves up to the opportunity
  8. I wonder how much a belief in the concept of twin flames and help keep a relationship together. If you have two people come together and they both believe they are each others' twin flame then I would bet they would have a healthier and more stable relationship. I guess if it's really delusional the relationship may be doomed because it's based on a foundation of delusion but idk. I think if I were to get married (and I want to at some point) I want to have some confidence that who I choose is consistent with divine order and will be lead somewhere very positive and fulfilling. When there are so many options in the world what is the mechanism by which you simply choose one person to be committed to?
  9. So you are the only one with a pov right now? Wouldn't it be true to say that are both have a pov, but it's just a different expression of the same one consciousness? How is what you wrote not delusional solipsism
  10. So do you believe in the concept relative to marriage and LTR? Or do you not believe in either of those
  11. If you were optimally healthy you would not need black coffee. It's a crutch to compensate for poor health and low consciousness
  12. @Salvijus The poison analogy is a good one. I always thought psychidelics were a kind of poison that forced your body and system to its limit and then thats why it can lead to such dramatic shifts. So you think yoga is the best path to develop your energy sober right?
  13. Lol. So I am not real, but you are the one true consciousness? So what is typing this? Am I a robot? Why do you assume that you are so special as to be the only consciousness in existence. As if you are any different than the rest of us
  14. Probably when I get some 5 meo. I know I'm in god's kingdom, but i'm locked in a closet
  15. I am here to press my claim for the Conscious Throne. Who wants to rally to my banner?
  16. I think it's time to reincorporate psychidelics into my life. I have not tried them for many months, and I believe I am more emotionally and psychologically mature than I was a few months ago. I know the key to good trips is simply being present as awareness. But I don't think I knew this as clearly on my past trips. I will also be doing 5 meo-dmt the most powerful psychidelic in the galaxy lol. jk. But I will be doing 5 meo dmt. From what I've seen it may be a much more direct route to ego dissolution and I expect that I can avoid a lot of the bs I deal with on other psychidelics. I like the idea of an immediate break through, I don't really like the slow come ups of lsd and mushrooms. I'd rather take it in one shot. I think I want to do a vipassana retreat as well. I can sign up for one in feburary and I bet that will be a profound experience. I think being in a meditation pressure cooker will be very good for me. I know I can meditate for days at a time, but I am just so dam lazy I just can't bring myself to meditate for 10+ hours per day at home.
  17. Me and my asian pua mentor just decided to part ways. It's a sad day, but I think it's for the best. I really grew a lot in a short time, but I think I know where I need to focus my energy to achieve what I truly want, and we did not see eye to eye on how to move forward. He helped me so much and I learned so much in so little time I feel bad it ended so abruptly, but I think it's for the best. I started to resent the tough love and I think there is a more efficient route to solve my issue with head tension and suffering. He said it could make months and my tension will resolve when I get life together, but I want to resolve my tension and then get my life together. I do believe that my tension is caused by my perspective(s) on life. If I can change my outlook and beliefs then I believe the knot will dissolve it self. One of the most important lessons I learned is that I will never pursue self development alone for the next while. I realized that working with a mentor is a must, and you will grow so much quicker with a mentor than without one. I always be working with someone until I have resolved my tensions and I am a fully self actualized human being. Until then I am a student and I will seek out masters with great wisdom. I believe I'm getting better at discerning teachers and so I expect even greater results moving forward.
  18. But you can do it without psychidelics right? I don't want to wait a life time to dissolve the tension. Whatever needs to be done will be done. I haven't done psychs in 6 months or so but it may be time to reintroduce them I don't believe your point about psychs draining your energy reserves. Think about how low energy most people are normally. It's not that their reserves are low, it's that they don't know how to access the energy that is within them. I think psychs show you how to tap into that innate energy. Hey, I wonder if this exercise can be useful to you. Can you make a list of both positive and negative qualities and psychidelics for yourself. I believe you have a negative bias aganst psychs, but the list may help to show that psychs are neutral, they have good and bad elements to them.
  19. I can't do it sober. Even though I do self inquiry, I feel like i'm making more progress but still not even close to psychs. I can feel the sense of being myself in self inquiry, but it's like there isn't enough strength with sober awareness to dissolve the sense of me and shift into that profound interconnected being
  20. @Salvijus I've only ever experienced it's dissolution on psychedelics. It's like you become aware of suffering, then you notice all the suffering comes from your sense of being a self. When you bring attention to that self and you keep being aware, it's like awareness dissolves the sense of I am a self, and only awareness remains. And you enter into a state of being where you are fully connected to everything and it's just awareness. My perception becomes super clear and there's no sense of separation from anything
  21. I wonder if he was conscious enough to not suffer from burning himself, why wasn't he conscious to solve his problem or make his point without having to resort to burning himself alive
  22. Hey I wanted to share a technique that can help bring more ease to the mind. It's inspired by Dr John Demartini's breakthrough experience technique, but I haven't got through his book yet so i'm sure his technique has more depth. I think this can be very useful for anyone who is struggling to see tangible results in their well being, despite having insight into spiritual practice, awareness etc. Basically, you want to take any situation, person, event etc in your life that you may have resentful, negative, judgmental, feelings/thoughts towards and consciously reflect on the positive side of that event, etc. So if you hate/judge/resent/etc your mother/job/coworkers/government/etc then take time to actively reflect on the positive side of said thing. Find something you can appreciate and be thankful for. There are positives and negatives to everything, so if you spend long enough you can really find positives about anything, even if it seems difficult at first. Take the holocaust for example. Most of us can see the downsides of genocide, racism etc. But there were also positives to the holocaust. Most people have such a strong negative reaction to the horrors of the holocaust that it will make future holocausts and genocides less likely because people will be much more invested and involved in future world events to prevent it. Look at Germany's political shift as a result, there seems to be a genuine remorse and guilt about the ordeal, which will likely positive impact Germany and other countries in their treatment of minorities etc. You can apply this to everything. I think it can work especially well if we can turn this exercise and point it at ourselves and our own lives. Just taking time to reflect on the positive and good parts of our lives that we may overlook can be profound. I also recommend not to try and logically come up with positive aspects, but rather set an intention to come up with positive aspects of some thing, and simply rest conscious presence, and let your intuition and subconscious bring ideas up for you
  23. Yeah, I definitely felt like that after coming out of the depression. I think it varies from person to person. The thing is, you have to ask yourself where the idea of needing 8 hours of sleep came from. And also about manic episodes, if you are passionately engaged with life then it would make sense that you wouldn't want/need as much sleep because more sleep just takes away time from living life. I guess it depends on what you want, and where you're at in life. But I would much prefer the ability to function on low amounts of sleep, and I wouldn't mind incorporating positive elements of mania, etc. I think it's definitely possible to live on reduced sleep without the dramatic emotional swings, although I don't doubt that this can happen to lots of people. I think it really comes to down how sure you are about the need for sleep, and the reasons for wanting to sleep longer etc. If you inspect it and it really turns out to be true then so be it, but about this topic in particular I am skeptical about conventional wisdom about how sleep you need.
  24. @Salvijus When I felt my best after coming out of a year long depression I only needed like 4 hours of sleep and I felt incredible. It made me question all the conventional wisdom about how much sleep is necessary. I find when I'm not feeling great I spend more time in bed because I like the feeling of laying in bed more than whatever I have going on in the day
  25. life is intelligent, so even by your logic life will give what you want