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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. Other people's opinions do not influence how I assess the truth. In my view none of you know what you're talking about
  2. Lol. So because 10 people in this thread claim it's trash content that means it's true?
  3. Sometimes the truth hurts (:
  4. Another great video of Kevin Samuels bringing truth to delusion.
  5. I think we are setting dangerous precedents with respect to government control over individual autonomy
  6. Nice explanation, very insight-ful (:
  7. True. We are all just interacting with ourselves, within the self, as ourselves. We are all interconnected and interdependent
  8. So the ultimate reality is great, but we as individual egos are a fraction of that greatness, just goodness?
  9. See from my pov I believe I am being honest about my experience. What am I not being honest about? Or how I would I even know? I am who I am right now, and yet I'm not blissed out. Can you expand this I don't quite understand? Fundamentally there is discord, and I do feel that. Notably in my head, and stomach.
  10. Myself. I don't ever feel relaxed. I'm referring to that which is behind this typing and experiencing reality
  11. Welcome. Yeah I always had a hair cut. My dad a turbin when first came to Canada but after his first day of school after immigration my grandma decided to cut his hair
  12. Great post thanks a lot. You really opened my eyes here, I'm not an investor or anything but I'm much more skeptical about bitcoin after reading this. At least with respect to trying make profit by investing in it
  13. @snowyowl when I become aware of a thought as only thiught, I immediately become aware of the visual field. I can then become aware of just the visual field. Is this the right track? My issue with your relaxation advice is I believe I've done all those things but I don't ever feel truly relaxed. Only psychidelics have ever dissolved all this to where I felt truly good
  14. @snowyowl Nice explanation. Any thoughts on how to dissolve the sense of a thinker, or what to do once you are aware of the I thought. I am aware of thinking, but then what
  15. @Jacobsrw Imo this isn't a health issue in the conventional sense. You are analyzing the problem from the wrong perspective. I have/had similar issues with my stomach for most of my life. My advice would be find a life coach/therapist that can help you understand your childhood trauma and where in life these issues began. You have to understand where this started, and what happened to you that caused your body to tense up like this in the first place. You can pm me if you think I'm on to something I can go into more detail
  16. You just couldn't resist eh? If there was a population of men with multiple children by multiple woman who were then shocked and confused about high quality woman not desiring them then I would absolutely support them being ridiculed and shamed. And he is not shaming woman "across the board". When woman call into the show and are not delusional he treats them with respect. But when most of the woman are delusional so he has to be harsh to shatter their delusion and show them the truth. He does have mommy issues. His mom was one of these toxic black woman he rages against in his show. Kevin Samuels is as much as a devil as you and me. I am not defending him in an absolute sense, he does things I disagree with. But the overarching point and purpose of the show is good, and something that is very necessary. Please wisen up and see the truth of what he's doing
  17. He's not trying to save the woman who call in. He's using them to make a broader point and shed light on the dysfunction in the community. The woman who are watching the show are getting the point, and are very aware of what happens when they make choices like the woman who call into the show. He's doing both. You can make money and get your message across. It's not black and white. That's your opinion, but if you take a step back and look at how he approaches his show and what he's trying to do i think you would change your mind.
  18. I would recommend it to the type of woman I described above. Lord help everyone in this comment section who doesn't understand what he's trying to do
  19. What do you disagree with or not understand? There are is a trend of woman on his show who are overweight/ obese, have children my a man, then leave that men because of nebulous reasons, and expect to find a higher value man to come in and raise their child and financially support them. I don't see how you can say he is at the same level of maturity as these woman. What could he do in your view for you to see him as not being "negative"?
  20. I don't think so. There is truth to what he says, you just have to drop your ideological bias and look
  21. @Meliodas I am Punjabi, and I grew up Sikh. I would say if you have an authentic desire to cut your hair then do it. I know some your family might have a harsh reaction because Indian families are full of lunatics, but you will likely not regret it after only a few weeks. I am a strong advocate for people with turbins to cut their hair if they really want to
  22. @Leo Gura Okay wow. Thanks