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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. @RendHeaven I have the same reaction to the injustice of the dating world. I genuinely believe that I can attract any woman I truly desired, or develop my self to the point where the attraction would be undeniable. But 90% of woman are invisible to me in terms of a real relationship, and I'm almost certain theres nothing the bottom 90% could do to make me interested. Theres an entire intersection of here with race too that can get very uncomfortable to discuss
  2. Where can I find the truth in rp without any toxicity? Can you give me examples?
  3. I'd be happy to go into more detail. But there is nothing egregious about that advice. A woman who is so broken she only chooses abusers is not fit to raise a child. I would have more confidence in the man raising that child than her, but I can't say for certain unless I see the clip. And single mothers are not attractive to men pretty much across the board, so it's true that she would have a better chance of getting what she wants if she gave custody to the father
  4. Are you just referencing the exredpill reddit, or was a specific thread? The solution to the toxic elements of redpill is absorb what is useful and true and disregard the rest. I've read that subreddit, they have not integrated the truth of rp
  5. @Emotionalmosquito There are a lot of holes in ideology/worldview I agree, but there's an instinct to outright dismiss him which I think is misguided. The amount of woman on his show who are single mothers who willingly left their men for no good reason was shocking to me. I always thought that the main issue with the black community was men running out on woman, but he showed there is more to the story. Thanks @Emotionalmosquito I just watched the first 10 mins of Brittany Veni's and she is very dishonest and that is not a holistic analysis of his worldview. There is a lot of honest criticism to be levied at him, but this woman is not honest. I want to see a critic actually acknowledge the truth of his world view, while simultaneously exposing the holes and untruths of his perspective. But maybe that's too much to ask from devils.
  6. @Striving for more Nah I think your intuition is spot on. This guy has serious emotional unresolved emotional trauma. But that doesn't mean he also isn't giving some good advice and helping people. Both things can be true.
  7. I had a conversation with someone from the forum about game design, and I now believe all my ideas are completely realistic and possible. That's awesome. One of my biggest concerns was that this just not realistic given where technology is at, but now I see that it's not true, and that everything is here and available to make the game of my dreams. It's still early, and there are other parts of my life that I want to get in order before I pursue this idea, but it's becoming more real and possible everyday
  8. @Gianna I've definitely done some risky things sexually, but yeah I am fortunate I never had an urge to not use a condom. Okay maybe that's enough sexual dialogue, I think some people reading this may be like... ??? Haha
  9. I've never had sex without a condom so... ? But I definitely feel the difference with a blow job. That's like 3/10 to 9/10 difference. Do you feel a difference when a guy wears a condom
  10. @Gianna ? I don't mind using condoms (:
  11. @Gianna Hmm I see where you're coming from but idk. I am terrified of getting someone pregnant so I'm a bit bias lol. Maybe if you master your system you can make millions with alternative birth control methods (:
  12. @Gianna How confident are you that when you have sex you can guarantee you won't get pregnant? I see your point about the pill though, disrupting your hormones like that does not come without some cost
  13. So you know your body so well that you know when to have to sex so you won't get pregnant? And what would you do if you made a mistake and you ended up getting pregnant? Abortions aren't natural either. This seems very risky, but i don't know.
  14. So what kind of birth control do you recommend for woman?
  15. @Consept I see what you're saying, maybe I have to reconsider my position. One thing I think is problematic is that these mandates are only necessary because of the unhealthy portions of the population are at risk. Healthy people have virtually nothing to fear from the virus, so the rest of the population is forced to deal with questionably healthy vaccines being injected into their body. Would you also support mandatory fitness and health standards for the population? If you are obese, a smoker, etc you are forced to enter into health protocols or else the society will limit your access to certain functions? So similar to how unvaccinated you are getting discriminated against, if you're obese and unhealthy then you will be similarly discriminated against. The logic you gave above would also apply to obese/unhealthy people as well right?
  16. @Nos7algiK is the first person who I've heard of who had a similar experience to myself. I haven't fully transcended or embodied all my insights into autism from my trips, but I'm in the process of figuring that out, and given my experience with psychidelics I believe/know it's possible to transcend virtually every characteristic associated with autism. I can't speak for everyone, but if you have an authentic desire to transcend your condition you will find a way. Psychidelics showed me that your physical/mental coordination, emotional capacity/range, etc can be all radically transformed. I literally felt the internal parts of my brain tingling and transforming during my trips, so just because you are older and have a brain condition does mean that it cannot be changed. I'm just sharing that it's possible to transcend this stuff, because theres a belief that this condition is permanent and I just want to burst that bubble. If anyone out there believes they are stuck with their condition, I wanted to call it out as BS
  17. I do have direct experience. I never had an official diagnosis but I had/have many autistic traits growing up, i've had many people comment on me potentially having Asperger Syndrome. I have felt my coordination, mental clarity, emotional capacity all transform from psychidelics. I didn't know it was possible before the trips, but after those experiences it just seems clear that all these things are not set in stone and they can dramatically transformed. I don't know why you people are so attached to living like second class citizens, but at this point I am just sharing what's possible but if people want to remain attached to their autism I don't have the motivation to argue them out of their position
  18. @Loba So it feels to say that your autism is purely genetic and theres nothing you can do to transcend the condition?
  19. How do you know that you know what is best for yourself?
  20. @Loba I don't want to argue or trigger you. But I believe it is possible to reverse every so called negative symptom that you associate with autism. I do not believe it's permanent like you are claiming. Have you ever looked into anyone who claimed they cured their autism? You have no idea what's possible with respect to healing. The genetics argument is a cop out and a convenient scape goat to avoid responsibility.
  21. Yeah only autistic people are qualified to address or deal with autistic people's issues, that sounds like a great philosophy for productivity and success. That's the story you tell yourself, but it's not the truth. You don't have to live with any of that stuff, but you accept it and so it is what it is.
  22. No one IS autistic in the sense that is permanent and unchanging across time. But try to tell that to the people in the video and they will take as an attack on their very identity, and they will look at you like you are crazy
  23. Hey everyone, so I'm making a follow up thread on another problem solving thread I made. Feel free to ask any question about any issue, as long as it's an important issue you want to resolve, and I will see what my intuition comes up with as a potential a solution. I can't guarantee I will solve all your issues, but I do believe I can provide some valuable insight. If you do not feel comfortable sharing your problem in a public thread you can also pm me and I can try to help with your problem. Also, I would appreciate feed back in the comments. If I gave you valuable insight on the forum I would appreciate you posting about how/what I helped, and if you thought I gave shitty advice I would also appreciate you saying how/what was shitty.