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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. Okay that's a fair point. I think speaking too broadly about whether they have progressed or regressed may be too narrow. So it's probably better to address specific issues. I think the issue of single motherhood and the relationship between black men and black woman is something that has regressed, and without addressing this regression, the community will continue to struggle and then people will continue to lay blame on alternative factors that avoids the heart of the issue. There cannot be a transition from sd red to blue without intact families and healthy upbringing for children, but the issues that are directly affecting this transition are not discussed. I want an honest conversation about all relevant issues and I never see these kinds of points brought up in a meaningful way when I hear popular leftist or centrist political commentators or people discuss these issues.
  2. Why don't you address the point rather than engage in ridicule? In many ways there has been progress but when you look at the foundations of the community it's objectively worse off. Crime, single motherhood, wealth gap are all substantially worse off now then they were 30 years ago for example. Why don't you address that point? You are literally seeing one side of the issue and then burying your head in the sand to the other side. You think because you're black that gives you some authority on the truth of what's being said. That is nonsense. This why I'm asking you to engage on specific points of issue. So we can address the point rather than you engaging in gate keeping.
  3. This forum is full of dishonest people. I am not going to base my values and assessment of truth on what they have to say. And the fact that you are black doesn't automatically mean you are correct about the topic. That is such a nonsense point.
  4. I am not dehumanizing black woman as a group. I'm calling out the specific behaviors and attitudes of a subset of the population. There are also problems with men, but they are different and this topic never gets addressed. The people i'm talking about literally are the problem. If you have a child out of wedlock and then decide the man you had a child with is no good and you want to trade up, and then you end up raising a child in a single family household. you really are the problem. Deflecting and obfuscating is not helping anyone. I am open to rationale dialogue. Not shaming and dismissing the entire topic. It absolutely is my problem. I live in the world, and those issues are at the forefront of a culture war that has the united states on the brink of civil war. You have no idea what you're talking about with divine masculinity. Nice spiritual bypassing. Not addressing a culture of rampant single motherhood and misandry is madness. There's plenty to disagree with Kevin Samuels about, but you aren't even acknowledging the root issue he is addressing. There is a huge % of woman who call into his show who have children by a man, decide that man isn't worth committing to and salvaging the relationship, and then go on to create a single family household with no father figure. Those children are fucked, they don't even have a fighting chance without a 2 parent household. This is so fundamental and integral to the issues facing black america, and you don't have the integrity to engage with it.
  5. @Consept Okay thanks I'll check out that article. The point about him being the best one to deliver it is fair. But where else is his kind of message being propagated? At the very least there are thousands of young black men and woman who are seeing the consequences of single motherhood and will likely change how they view relationships and sex moving forward.
  6. Exactly, thank you. 2+2=4. That is true, irrespective of race, gender, etc. Imagine coming in and saying I can't comment on whether 2+2=4 because I am not part of x identity group. That's how you keep the self deception going. Rather than actually engage and assimilate the information, you shout down anyone who dares disagree and create an echo chamber of poor ideas. Yeah, I agree with this. Everyone is in some sense innocent, because no one would actively choose to make harmful decisions consciously. But when you see behaviors and cultural norms that are clearly harmful, and then you see people engage in deflection, obfuscation, shaming etc to shut down conversation around said issue there is a problem. The amount of woman I've seen on Kevin Samuel's show who chose to have children out of wedlock and then expressed disdain and disinterest in the very men they chose to procreate with is maddening. But you point this out and shine a spot light on issues like this and you get labeled misogynistic and racist.
  7. No, but it's just a poor way to interact and develop a conversation. You basically tried to shame me into changing my view, without taking the time to actually engage with the points being made. But there's no need to continue the discussion. Your point is taken.
  8. Yeah survivals a bitch eh. I like brown or darker hair (:
  9. @Consept Do you think Kevin Samuels is rooted solely in racism and misogyny? I do not deny he has a shadow, and I take what he says with a grain of salt. But people here are completely missing a key part of his message
  10. You aren't engaging with my points and you are completely blind to the points and issues Kevin Samuel's is addressing in the community. You don't know what it means to be honest so it doesn't make any sense to you. Live from conscious presence and then you will start to see the truth.
  11. @Etherial Cat I'm also attracted to Kevin Samuels because he exposed one of the biggest sources of dysfunction in the black community. Go learn what it means to be honest and then maybe we can have an actual dialogue.
  12. @Etherial Cat Nice attempt to shame me into changing my view rather engaging with the substance of what I'm writing. You would also be wise to learn what it means to be honest. I don't hate black people or black woman in general. I hate the devils in the community that allow and perpetuate nonsense that serves no one.
  13. Well they locked my thread and I got warning points for sexism and racism. This forum is full of dishonest people, mods included. But I'm preaching to the choir.
  14. @captainamerica I know what it means to live from conscious presence. So I am grounded in the truth of being. And I act and think from this space. I wanted to acknowledge his point because its the elephant in the room, I have some racism and it influences my interest in this topic. But that's why I wanted people to engage specifically with my points so we can develop the conversation. But devils will be devils. I don't really "think" hard about these posts, I just write spontaneously what I believe to be true and what makes sense. What kind of research are you doing?
  15. Lol. Devils always run from the truth.
  16. Why don't you address my points rather than shut down the conversation with buzz words. Racism is an evolutionary byproduct we have an instinct for in group preference, and aversion to the out group. But that still doesn't change the points I brought up. If i was motivated purely by hatred of the black community I would actually agree with you because what you're espousing does not work and is part of the reason black America is in the state it's in. If what you're speaking is the truth then why don't you deal with my arguments and show specifically what's not true
  17. Look at the crime rates, single motherhood, wealth gap with and without of the community. How are all these metrics worse now than in the past for the community? I acknowledge that I have some racism but I'm aware of it and it can be separated from my points. And none of what I've wrote has implied that black people's problems are due to their race. This is specifically about cultural factors. You need to learn what it means to be honest
  18. @mandyjw What you are expressing isn't love or truth. You have a huge spiritual ego and huge shadow that has not changed in years of you posting on this forum.
  19. @Terell Kirby One of the main reasons the Black Community is at the bottom is due to rampant single mother households. Woman leading families and communities is a disaster for society. Virtually every other group of people has figured this out, and until black America addresses that root issue they will continue to regress and suffer.
  20. Can you address my topic please. You didn't even acknowledge or address the points I made
  21. Same here. Can you pm me her info? My health sucks and maybe it's time to address it seriously.
  22. I didn't mean to imply that affirmative action is the cause of the dysfunction. I meant that the push for gender equality and prioritizing putting Black females in positions of power has actually had a negative effect on the community, and it would have been wiser to give those privilege's primarily to Black men.
  23. @Salvijus Do you see your ayruveda doctor in person or is it online? What do you learn from her? It seems like the highest conscious people are either ambivalent or anti-vax, at least that's what I noticed. I'm also unsure, but it makes sense to get the vaccine out of necessity to function in society because of the regulations in most developed countries.
  24. By what metrics are Blacks as a group more successful and prospering then ever? Single motherhood, incarceration rates, violence and incarceration, wealth gap, etc. It seems like most of the metrics by which you assess the strength of a community show Black America is worse off now than any time since the end of slavery. I would argue this for Black America as they transition to stage blue. But I would not say this is necessary across the board for all groups. Men are better able to compete and succeed than woman, especially at any spiral stage below Yellow. A stage blue/red matriarchy will never be able to succeed and compete against groups that are predominantly a patriarchy. Hence why if you look at a group like Sikh's in Europe/North America they are one of the most successful groups across every relevant metric.
  25. @Consept Yeah I never said that Kevin Samuels has the whole truth about issues facing black America. My point is that he is addressing issues that are completely ignored by almost everyone who discusses race related issues in the United States, and thus it contributes to polarization because people have an intuitive sense that what's being told to them is not fully true and they are in some sense being deceived. Look at how quick people in the comments are to obfuscate, deflect, engage in ad hominems etc rather than engage with the substance of what he's addressing.