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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. His argument is that he would spend the money in a more productive and efficient manner than how the government would spend it. You can't just equate Elon Musk and the spoiled children of billionare families and say they are both billionaires so lets tax the shit out of them. As a society you want more money in the hands of people/groups who spend efficiently and make progress. It's also also a strawman to say he doesn't want billionares taxed. In the video he is not saying he should pay 0 taxes.
  2. Haha. Yeah I am not denying that there are shadow elements motivating the posts. But I could make that same argument for pretty much anyone who posts about anything on this forum. The truth is black america is at the forefront of the culture war that has completely polarized the United States. If Indian people were such a divisive topic then I could see why people are interested in discussing them. I am interested in this. I can lie and just accept what you're saying and smile and nod. But as long as I'm interested I'm going to think about it and follow up, and see where it ends up.
  3. Lol. I am not concerned about woman finding me desirable or maintaining a stable relationship. I am worried about a population of people where you have children being raised without men in the family/community, and the societal consequences that are unfolding/will continue to unfold.
  4. @Etherial Cat Okay. I think we are at a place where we can go back and forth all day on these points. I think in the future I'll have to a find a way to distill the essential points of what i'm saying so it's easier to follow and address the controversial points. I think I'll make another thread in the future and pick a specific point that I think is most important.
  5. I have seen this countless times on his show. It's shocking. We can argue his show is not representative of the entire population, but I had never even considered this as a reason for single motherhood before watching Kevin Samuels. I think it's something like 80% of black divorces are filed by woman. So yes, I am placing more responsibility on woman in this case. But the point is that when it comes to single motherhood woman do deserve a greater spot light because they have full reproductive control once they are pregnant. And woman choose who they have sex with, so if woman are choosing men who are abusers, leave them etc then there is greater onus on woman in this case. I think it's actually woman in the age of like 25-35 that are the highest populations of single mothers in the black community right now. If you choose to have a child with a man, then the bar to leave the man has to be very high or else you end up with a situation like we have now. Obviously black men are not perfect because they struggle with the same issues as black woman, but what i'm seeing is black woman have an incentive to leave their men because of child support and government support for single mothers, so the bar to leave has been lowered which reinforces the issues. This is about the transition from SD red to SD blue. So imo some conservative talking points should be taken seriously and not dismissed out of hand simply due to their conservatism. It would actually be great progress if there were more black republicans and "negative" black stereotypes like Kevin Samuels, because it would be an evolution of the culture and group. This video is a good description of what I think is a huge issue that I don't see addressed. This woman called in getting angry at him for shaming woman for being single mothers. Then she said that neither of her children's fathers were good enough to marry. I would argue that this mindset is rampant in the community. Woman who do not want to see their actions as a negative, who have an opportunity to be with a man (maybe not of high value but I don't think these woman are high value either), which then creates a vicious loop of single motherhood and single woman who cannot find men because single mothers are not attractive options to single men.
  6. I don't understand. I mean the definition of warrant. I agree, but changing them and addressing them is individual. If I want to change my life, who else is going to do it? I could. I have the ability to do, but I don't because I have such a strong negative judgment of single motherhood and the effect on society. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4465800/ This isn't specifically a black woman issue, it's a societal issue, but the effect is more dramatic on the black community because it lacks the foundation and structure of other communities. So with affirmative action and a push for gender equality, black woman have an advantage in getting into university, getting corporate jobs etc. But because of legislation like tidal IX in the USA you can't give priority to men, so you have a large number of economically successful woman compared to men in the community. But it's not leading to an increase in solid families and communities because of differential mate choice between men and woman. If you gave some priority in those positions to black men my claim is it would lead to more families because you would have more economically attractive men and so they would have greater ability to start families. The same is not true for woman.
  7. What do you think of the specific example I gave in the OP? Woman are placed in positions of economic superiority over men in the community. Woman want men of equal or greater economic prospects, whereas men are more comfortable partnering with woman of lower socioeconomic status, and so you have a large number of woman with poor mating prospects because they expect men to value their career achievement and economic stability in mate choice when they don't. What is not true or incomplete about what I wrote above given the way people choose mates and form relationships today?
  8. @Opo Well if we want to say no one is responsible for anything and everything is outside forces that warrant collective responses then that's a different conversation. But where is the room for personal responsibility and individual beliefs and decision making in this conversation? I could go impregnate 10 woman tomorrow and then say it's all collective forces and why is anyone looking at me like I did anything wrong. Idk.
  9. I am not arguing that we should completely stop any kind of collective response. Okay so this is where I would disagree because I think this is an incomplete view. I agree men should be held accountable too, but I think society doesn't have any sympathy for dead beat dads who run out on their children either. Woman also have more responsibility for having children because only they have control over whether the child is carried to term, and they are the one's who choose and allow which men have sex and which one's have children. And as far as woman not choosing single motherhood that's not true in all cases, and maybe not even in most. This comes back to Kevin Samuels. There are countless woman on his show who knowingly and willfully had children with a man, and then decided that the man wasn't good enough for whatever reasons, and chose to become single mothers for a number of reasons. My main point is your perspective is skewed in such a way that accountability and responsibility are being absolved. And so no collective solution can work because the issues are not being assessed in an objective way. But I concede that my view is also partial and lacks empathy for disenfranchised groups, so what I'm saying isn't complete either.
  10. Oh. Well idk why people hold discordant views. It's like when the christians burned witches or killed native amercians in the name of christ. Idk why they held those beliefs and attitudes, but ultimately they were responsible for changing those beliefs and behaviors. No one would say that those christians crusaders were only part of a system and they held no accountability for why they were how they were
  11. I agree, I just wanted to see if you were ideologically consistent.
  12. @Ves Thanks for your response. Yeah I agree with almost all those points. I admit my title and framing is unnecessarily provocative so it's likely if you press my view on any given point I will have an approach that tries to include both systematic and individual factors. I think one of my main issues is a lack of balanced attention on both sides of the issue, especially in left wing thought paradigms. I think they believe if you acknowledge that individual choice and personal responsibility is a part of the plight of black america then that reaffirms some conservative talking points, so there's a reflexive rejection of those insights out right. Once you acknowledge that individuals have some choice and power in determining their own lot in life then asking questions about why people are making certain choices and how to change those individual choices and beliefs, will necessarily prove some conservative talking points have some truth, which triggers ideological minded people.
  13. Hmm. So could we say to that disenfranchised communities too? Like if you're a hardcore BLM supporter and you dedicate your life to fighting injustice and combatting the system would it be true to say you're focusing on just the negatives and that's why you're saying injustice at every corner?
  14. I think this is part of it, but I don't think this line of reasoning gives a complete picture nor does it provide the best insight into the best path forward. You may be right, there's likely parts of what you're saying that I am not fully appreciating, but i'm not saying that there are not lingering effects from slavery and the subsequent years that followed. But I just think it's not true that blaming slavery, jim crow etc for the current issues is a good or productive way to address the issues now. It seems disempowering because it suggests that if you are a black person in the usa now you are where you are because of systemtic issues and so if you want to solve those issues there needs to be structural change and an overhaul to the system, which is seems unrealistic given how slowly politics moves in the USA. But if the narrative was more focused on individual choice and responsibilities then people have a fighting chance because they could look at themselves and say what role am I playing in all of this, and what can I do now to move myself forward and make changes. My perception of what you're saying is that you're not almost pushing a victim narrative that allows people to place blame and responsibility outside of themselves, which is what I see a lot when these issues are discussed at least on popular political channels. I agree, but part of me is worried that it would just create conflict and there wouldn't be anything productive happening because I can't be fully honest. I've watched a lot of left wing political commentary and I think if I presented ideas like this a typical leftist millennial I would simply get shouted down and shamed for holding my view. But I can see that this may not be true for every person. It's something to consider in the future for sure.
  15. Yeah I have. I've done a lot of capsule mushroom and lsd trips, but I tend to get stuck with feelings of nausea and headaches especially my recent trips. It feels like I'm on chemotherapy so it's hard to motivate myself to keep tripping. I haven't done any trips in like 4-6 months at this point, but I've made a lot of progress with just sober insight so I do think now is a good time to get back into tripping because I can probably get more out of it. I actually have some 5 meo malt right now, but I'm waiting for a friend to post their trip report before I do it. You did an Ayahuasca ceremony right? How was that? I've heard with ayahuasca ceremonies they give you some pre-trip herbs to help cleanse your system. I think that's really valuable and I wonder if that's one of the reasons I've gotten stuck with some my past trips. I'll definitely experiment with 5 meo malt and if I don't make progress then maybe i'll look into a ceremony. Interestingly, I actually had my deepest trips and greatest emotional breakthroughs in my early trips a few years ago. But since then I've never really gotten to the same level of release in my past 20-30 trips. So i'm unsure about how to move forward with psychidelics. I know what it means to feel good and have breakthroughs with perception and how I feel, but I don't know how to make it happen
  16. It's not unique to black people, but I just think it's an issue that alternative explanation for some of the issues faced by the community that I don't see brought up in most spaces. I know it's not feasible but I just thought it was a phenomena worth discussing
  17. @Etherial Cat ❤ I do feel guilty about getting to emotional and triggered, but it's not exactly like that. In some way its good because I have really struggled to get in touch with these kinds of emotions so it's good they are coming up and it seems right. Thanks for your kind words
  18. Anyone here watch Kevin Samuels? I used to think he was just a funny red pill entertainer who made money dunking on black woman, but recently I'm starting to see how much good he is doing for the black community. He's calling out all the devilish bull shit that black woman have done for years and it really sheds the light on one of the biggest, yet never spoken about, issues in the black community. Even though i'm Indian, I actually can relate a lot to his content because many of the woman in my family act in similar ways to the woman who call into his show and have a problem with him.
  19. @Judy2 ?
  20. I feel emotionally sick. Like a whirl of regret in my stomach.
  21. "You have learned to bury your guilt with anger. I will teach you to confront it. And to face the truth"
  22. Okay. First, I want to apologize for my tone through this discourse. I got carried away with righteous indignation and I could have handled these conversations in a way more positive manner. I deserved to be called out. I mainly take issue with the fact that whenever I hear discussions about the black community in political spaces, reddit, the forum etc I never see an analysis that acknowledges that yes black people have been terrorized by racism and that accounts for a lot of the issues in the community, but also there are uncomfortable truths like the relationship between the welfare state and rise of single motherhood that has directly contributed to many of the problems facing the community.