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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. Core aspects: 1. Siege Combat 2. Campaigning into enemy lands and conquering new land like Napoleon. 3. Diplomatic interactions between players like treaties, trading, alliances, joint operations, annexation of civilizations, etc 4. The ability to control your army in a fun and engaging way. And maybe the ability to control a central character with unique abilities. 5. An excellent soundtrack 6. The ability to switch from multiple pov's. So one pov would be an overview of the entire map, one pov would be an rts style view where you have more control over your cities and units in command, and one pov would be a first person or vr view where you can literally see the world and fight and interact from this perspective. I want all views to be active in real time 7. I want excellent AI enemies with their own tactics, personality, and strategy. I want friends to be able to team up and be challenged by the AI enemies in the game, but also have the option to fight amongst themselves. 8. I want the games to last many hours, which may require multiple play throughs to finish a single match. Maybe up to 20-30 hours of gametime for a single game. 9. I want incredible graphics and design. I will not compromise on quality, I want this to be a masterpiece.
  2. Hey, my idea definitely has elements from total war but I would want to create something very different. But the idea of campaigning, controlling large armies, and the importance of tactics and strategy would all be crucial elements. I am not sure about a campaign yet. I might just do a PVE mode that incorporates campaign elements and story aspects, or I'll do a standalone campaign idk. At this point I am focused on visioning fun and engaging game play elements. I want a fun diplomacy aspect to the game as well. I want the battles to mean something so if you win or lose it has effects on your civilization as a whole. I was thinking of having stuff like treaties, land exchanges, alliances, trade partnerships, etc for diplomatic elements of the game. But the focus would be the combat for sure. I think the future is now. If I can get a strong enough vision I think either I will find a way to invent the necessary technology, or someone will have already created it i am just not aware of it yet. My main focus would be creating a fun and amazing game experience. If I can do this right I better have multiple features that revolutionize the genre. What I want to do will never have been done before
  3. @lxlichael Okay thanks. I'll spend some time just writing out ideas, and you can chime in anywhere
  4. @ElenaO I think it's okay to simply enjoy your small victory in any way you see fit (: Maybe order a great meal too why you're at it haha
  5. Thanks man. Do you think it's important to write down what I'm thinking during brain storming sessions? I feel like I am spending some time throughout the day just hoping insights or ideas come to me, or I'll try to think about a portion of the game I want to create, but I always hit a wall
  6. I've gone stale with new ideas. I don't know how to create inspiration and get better insight into what I want to create. I'm even struggling to just to get a vision of the kind of game I want, even if I remove my constraints. Hmm. I guess this is part of the creative process, and I still want to create a game, but I just wish i had a more clear vision and it was easier to get a picture of what I really want. There are so many conflicting parts of my mind on this idea. Idk what way to approach to it. Very frustrating
  7. How do I resolve emotions like Nausea, headaches, guilt, shame etc? I know they are here, and I've let them go on psychidelics, but they are still stuck in my being and idk how to resolve them
  8. So i've been watching the youtuber mrgirl recently and I think it's good that he's pushing boundaries by trying to create more empathy for demonized groups like Pedophiles. But I'm torn on what is the appropriate perspective to have towards pedophiles. On the one hand I think it's possible to transcend pedophilia like it's a mental disorder, but there may be many people who never get that chance in this life time so they will be stuck with sexual attraction to children. Isn't it true to say that pedophilia is actually all good, because reality allows and accepts pedophilia? So from the highest truth there is literally nothing wrong with pedophilia? But at the same time I could not handle if I had kids and they were being sexually abused, but maybe this is my own judgment and projection? It seems like the appropriate response is to accept pedophiles and let them express their desires, but not through actual interaction with children but maybe only fantasy or virtual reality or something? But doesn't this perspective still contain some demonization of pedophiles? I just can't get past the perspective that pedophilia is harmful to society/children, but this seems to contradict the truth that reality is all good.
  9. Okay that's a fair point. So is she reckless and not concerned about her own safety at night? What is your biggest issue with her behavior or mindset?
  10. Okay I think this is a different story. I think it's not fair to expect someone to give you constant updates while they are out. But depending on what she's doing, this may be a deal breaker for you. If you aren't happy with how she lives her life then I would suggest finding someone more compatible with what you want. I'd assume India is full of woman who don't want to go out, and want to spend their time at home caring for their family.
  11. This would concern me. I don't see an issue with her living her life, but if you are struggling with trust and loyalty and she is not willing to be open and honest about what she does then that is a red flag. What do you think she is doing with her friends? And why doesn't she want to be open about what she's doing when you're away?
  12. I've made an appointment with a tantra teacher. I think this go a long way to help heal my sexual repression issues and will lead to me overcoming my emotional traumas. I think this will lead to breakthroughs. Sexual repression leads to a loss of sexual energy, and until this issue is resolved I think you will be handicapped on the path
  13. This is something I've been reflecting on recently and I'm curious to hear thoughts. This is not a strong view, so I'm very open to honest criticism and alternative views, but please engage specifically with the topic. Basically, due to a push for gender equality and racial equality many black woman have been vaulted into positions of authority in education, corporations etc. Companies are incentivized to hire POC woman more than just POC men. So you end up with a large number of successful black woman, who now have difficulties finding partners and husbands because men do not value a womans economic position in the way woman do. But if the position was reversed, and black men were given access to these positions preferentially over black women it would lead to more successful relationships in the black community because men do not have nearly as big of an issue with partnering with a woman of lower socio economic status. It seems clear that black America would be much better off if affirmative action was way more targeted towards men so it could enhance the formation of productive black families. Instead they empowered their woman without taking into account the differences in how men and woman pick partners and start families
  14. Hmm. You don't need all your needs filled by one person to have a meaningful long term relationship though, right? Maybe sexual needs, intimate needs, companionship needs, bonding needs are met by primarily by one person, but there are still other relationships in your life where you get parts of those needs met, or other needs entirely. I think committing would require some sacrifice, but there would always be benefits. But you could also have a marriage, where you are open to other types of connections. So maybe you wouldn't limit your sexual, emotional, etc connections to just one person. What do you think about marriage in the context of raising a family? Wouldn't it be ideal to have two partners committed to each other if they want to have children? Yeah I think so. But I don't know for certain, it's just an intuitive sense. I see the desire for sex and emotional intimacy as a need. So once that's met, there are other things to focus on. I have so much in life I want to see and do, and a relationship is only one part of that. Hmm that's a good point. I agree that beauty standards need to become more inclusive and holistic, I think that would help a lot with healing relationship issues. I'm open minded to different possibilities though. I like the idea of long term monogamy, but maybe you're right and it's just a fantasy. If that's the case i'll adapt and pursue whatever a conscious relationship like looks like
  15. @MovForward Read psychocybernetics the author talks about this phenomena in his last chapter. I strongly believe you can cure most, if not all, modern diseases with high enough consciousness. Science and medicine is very limited, there are better ways to heal.
  16. Are you sure about this, or are you at a point where you don't know whether this is true or not? Do you think it's possible for anyone to find someone who they are happy being in a long term marriage with? Yeah I hear you. This is definitely a possibility, I guess people can grow apart. But I wonder if both people come into a relationship with healed traumas and minds if they have a better chance of being content with a single person, idk. Maybe polyamory communities where people are constantly switching partners is the way forward? So each man has many partners, and the woman all have plenty of men to choose from. But then you might end up with an unequal distribution of desirability, like all the men want a few woman, or all the woman want a few men.
  17. @Random witch If you could find someone who you were happy with and attracted too for the rest of your life would you prefer to be monogamous? I agree with their skepticism, and I wouldn't choose monogamy if it wasn't actually satisfying and enjoyable for both people. I just think if I had a choice I would want to be sexually and intimately involved with one person in a relationship above others, but if that's not real then I would abandon the idea.
  18. I've tried plugging, but I had a weird response. The trip didn't hit for a few hours, and overall even though there was less nausea I still thought the quality of the trip was worse than when I just took it orally. No I don't. I have tripped with other people before, but I find it's difficult to truly surrender and go deep into the trip when there are other people around. I always feel like part of my attention is caught up with what the other person is doing, and I find it distracting. I've done a lot of trips at this point so I am not too concerned about confronting something I can't handle, but maybe in the future it would make sense to get a trip sitter if at some point I come across something I can't handle alone. I have had full break through trips, or what I perceived as enlightenment, so i have a deep intuitive sense that if I just let go of everything it will be all good. Ahh okay. The one thing I like about the idea of Ayahausca is they give you other substances to help detox you before the trip. But I don't know if there is anything especially valuable about going somewhere to do a trip, compared to just doing DMT in your own setting. I actually have some 5 Meo Malt so that's going to be the next psychidelic I use. I haven't tripped in many months at this point, so I'm a bit hesitant to get back into it, but at this point I think I'm ready to really start exploring with psychidelics again. I have a sense that 5 meo malt will be a really good psychidelic for me, i've been looking for a more direct route to a break through for some time, and from what i've read about DMT the trips are shorter and more direct than other psychidelics.
  19. Money is a magical reality changer
  20. @Lyubov Russia has some of the most top tier beauties, especially if you're into eurasian girls because of the mongols haha. But yeah I hear you, that part of the world is on a different level when it comes to beauty
  21. @Lyubov I did a tinder plus experiment a while back. Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Scandanavia. and Germany had the most attractive woman imo In latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania it was like 4/5 girls I swiped on were above 8/10 it was pretty eye opening
  22. No, just if you're going to commit to someone for the long term I think marriage is a nice way to officiate the union. You don't need one, but I like the idea of having a wife. I think the strength of the relationship will depend on the two people, whether you're married or not is unlikely to influence a healthy union between two people.
  23. I don't need it, but i'd prefer it