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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. @Leo Gura I'm just trying to further my own understanding and its fun to shoot the shit. I'm not a relationship expert, and I am not trying to help anyone right now
  2. This stuff matters. It's about understanding relationship dynamics to better help people get what they want. A world in which 90+ % of people are in happy and satisfying relationships is a better world and one I want to see
  3. I wonder how many people are in relationships where at least one partner is just engaging in all kinds of border line behavior but they don't consider it cheating themselves.
  4. Yeah it's possible there may be an upper limit to how effective game can be. But you also don't know what you don't know, maybe your set could have been run better. Don't you think the girl has to be somewhat receptive to begin with for pua to be effective. That would be pretty crazy if you could get 90+ of married to woman to make out with you if you wanted it.
  5. @Leo Gura But even you admitted that you aren't the best pua out there, so who knows what other guys can do. And still if I was married and my wife made out with another guy that wouldn't too far off from her sleeping with him
  6. @Leo Gura I would say it depends on the relationship quality, and the quality of the pua. Imagine a woman who was in love with her husband, but meets a pua who's so good he can stimulate and evoke emotions in her she has never felt before. People don't know what they want or what they would do until it's in front of them. How many woman on earth have tasted a second of "god" consciousness? Imagine if you could make a girl feel that even for a moment. She could be hooked to you just based on that
  7. @zazen @Leo Gura I talked to a PUA coach once and he said the best one's can pick up woman who are really in love with their partners, but their effect on them is just so intoxicating they will cheat and then regret it. I wonder how many woman would be immune to the best PUA's trying to pull them
  8. Tune into the angry part that gets mad at your friends, and speak to that part. Tell the part he's powerful, i respect you, thank you for keeping me safe and protecting me. I see you to that part. Acknowledge that part of you. What else is possible. Gather evidence that you are living a good life according to your values. Create a small game
  9. @Leo Gura So you don't think it's possible to have heaven on earth?
  10. Yeah but imagine telling someone you're too ugly to breed, people would revolt. I guess the question whether there is a path to make everyone think of themselves and everyone else as 9/10's. As long as there's a scarcity view like what we're saying there will be disharmony with dating because one main's gain is another one's loss. I'm not saying i'm willing to give up my attachment to beautiful woman for the greater good, but I wonder how much conflict can be resolved if dating was brought into harmony
  11. @Etherial Cat I think I have issues with integrating both the masculine and the feminine. I think if I can get in touch more the feminine then it will also lead to a stronger masculine, but the reverse may also be true idk. I'm working on developing my masculinity with a mentor right now and so far I've already noticed shifts in terms of represses emotions coming up. An interesting point is on my good psych trips I would feel this warm soothing energy come over, I think it's my repressed feminine energy. I've defintely repressed parts of myself that I considered gay, and I probably did it with feminine parts too. I've been really drawn to female energy recently which I think is a good step. I find it more soothing and at ease to be around woman then men. But this likely related to shadow masuclinity issues
  12. @Zeroguy Haha nice. Yeah I have a job, I work 4 days a week weighing rocks at a lab. One of my goals is to find a way to make money so I can travel and move out, but I'm not sure what to do. I'm really starting to get at my repressed emotions. I've been doing some energy work to free energy from my stomach, and now I can feel a sense of guilt and a lot of emotion in my stomach when I meditate. So I'm on the right track i think
  13. Napoleon just couldn't accept defeat. Maybe he was the anti-christ
  14. @Zeroguy No this is just fore the love of the history. If I make a game it will encapsulate the energy from this documentary so in a way I am learning. I have stalled for my game, but other aspects of my life are really coming together so if it's authentic desire I trust it will be there in the future. I just love this series so much. I feel emotional just thinking of how much I love it.
  15. "Napoleon who had visited Lanne everyday, wept at news of his death. What a loss for France, and for me....." "Marshal Lanne's death was a great blow to Napoleon and the army. He had proved himself an outstanding commander. As brave as Ney, with the military mind of Soult. The Marshal who led Napoleon's vanguard in 4 of his greatest campaigns..."
  16. Napoleon's most iconic Marshal (rank above General)
  17. @Lyubov Maybe you could think about how you can help her prepare for life after the break up or something. Basically try and help her reach a point where she doesn't need you and is as well prepared as she can be for the situation you fear for her(alone and single in her 40's etc)
  18. @Leo Gura Wow it's that good eh. Any ideas on why it's preferable to the other one's?
  19. @Leo Gura If you could only do 1 for the rest of your life?
  20. @Leo Gura What's your go to psychidelic at this point for spiritual practice? DMT, 5Meo-DMT, or MALT?
  21. @itachi uchiha @Human Mint I had never heard that but I think there is some resemblance
  22. Sweet, I'll check out that website too. Thanks (:
  23. I am sikh, my family is from the Punjab so right on the boarder with Pakistan
  24. "According to some accounts, the emperor sited the French cannon himself, as he had at Lodi 18 years before"