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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. He wasn't willing and knowingly setting out to do harm to people, but his approach is devoid of integrity, ethics, genuine understanding, and many more facets such that he was unconsciously acting in a way that harmed people. The twisted part is his approach on the surface seemed like he was just a good guy trying to help everyone out, but when you look at the results of his approach you see that there is a stark disconnect between the self image he displays and how people are receiving and being impact by his advice. If no one took Nahm seriously there would be no issue, he would be another delusional seeker who thinks he's a teacher. But it's the illusion of authority and the way he portrayed himself to others that creates a dangerous situation
  2. It was unconscious. If he knew better he would have done better. It's akin to malicious negligence. It didn't come from love, unless you want to say everything anyone does comes from love in which case if someone murders your entire family we could also they acted from love. He is not enlightened, but represented himself as an authority on spirituality which is my biggest issue with his approach and teaching. Fundamentally, he isn't a spiritual authority, and yet presented himself as such (he probably believes he is an authority), and then compounded it incompetence and unethical conduct in a student-guru relationship. I've yet to see anyone dispute these points, or Nahm ever acknowledge the truth of these claims. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and Nahm will likely leave a trail of people like me who don't have the understanding or will to speak out. I bet most of you were very surprised about how many people came out and said they also felt invalidated, harmed, etc by Nahm's conduct
  3. I was a delusional seeker, seeking guidance from someone who represented themselves as an authority and healing and happiness. Where is the responsibility of the teacher, who by definition is in s position of authority? It's not surprising you don't understand this. But I would never take advantage of someone the way nahm did, even back then I couldn't imagine leading someone like that which really baffles me
  4. There are definitely people out there with genuine insight and can help you. But developing your intuition and learning to be discerning takes a lot of work. Some of the wisest people I speak with now, I used to think were weird/unconscious
  5. Thank you, I appreciate it. I have been gaslit out of being critical of Nahm in the past. But I'm in a different place now and someone needs to stand up to the constant gaslighting and deflection. I welcome anyone to point out my dishonesty. And I will in turn point out yours (:
  6. They gaslight you, and act like you are the crazy one for questioning Nahm. In their minds Nahm is god, so they have so much invested in the conception that Nahm is honest and acts with integrity
  7. He has no integrity he can't admit to his own delivry and accept responsibility for what happened To everyone who feels compelled to stand up and defend Nahm
  8. He is a charlatan, and I have taken responsibility. I am doing a service by pointing out his fraud so people can learn from my example. The reason you feel the compulsion to check what I'm saying is likely because you lack integrity and ethics, and so empathize with dishonest folks like Nahm
  9. Okay so then what? So you feel yourself, great I can do that too. But where does that lead? How did realizing you have always been you meaningfully change anything about your life
  10. If he wasn't trying to teach anything then why did he continue to do calls with me for 8 months and accept over 6-8 thousands dollars in donations? Okay so what has this "understanding" done for your life? What changed?
  11. They were donations at first and then he started charging. I am responsible for my actions, I should have known he was a charlatan before I started paying him. He set up a situation where i believed he was an authority and could alleviate my suffering. I thought he had the keys to happiness. And so I end up in a situation where I am paying in hopes of one day finally understanding his great teaching. There are guru-disciple relationships and ethics for a reason
  12. Lol yeah, it was a few years ago but he got me. I don't have an issue with spending money, but I do have an issue when vulnerable people are exploited and led on for financial gain
  13. Well given how many people were shocked to find out about Nahm's conduct i think i do need to prove something. Giving cover and defending dishonest and unethical teachers isn't too great either (:
  14. Can you explain to me exactly how he helped you, and how you benefited?
  15. He pressure me into paying after I had already donated thousands so I can't relate to that.
  16. This how people like Nahm get away with their conduct. People are afraid to speak up and be critical of their behavior because they portray a self imagine of a sincere person trying to help. Nahm is so unconscious he doesn't even realize what he's doing is harmful, but does that mean it shouldn't be addressed or pointed out? I can defend everything i've said about Nahm, show me where i'm lying.
  17. No, i mean I am bitter and part of my post is motivated by shadow motivations so it's not like my criticism is coming from pure harmony. But Nahm isn't a good teacher or an honest person, it just took me a while to realize it. I am being excessive, but Nahm was also unethical and fraudulent.
  18. Ethics is a thought. Can you point to ethics? There's no you who can or can't be ethical. That will be $500
  19. It doesn't really resonate, but I might not really understand what he's saying. I think it's a matter of what you are conscious of. Becoming conscious of suffering and it's causes is the path to higher consciousness. It's tough because these words are limited, like higher consciousness and becoming conscious use the same word but to me they are pointing to different aspects of growth
  20. He is by definition affiliated with the forum because he's a mod with a special title, which brings a sense of authority
  21. Nahm's behavior was incredibly unethical and harmful. But he is so unconscious he doesn't even realize.
  22. Yeah his service ended up with me being suicidal for 4 months. He is not a wise and conscious teacher. I should have known better and seen through it, but I was naive and let him gaslight me and i ate up his nonsense. His service is literally spiritually worthless. The only value was I realized what a charlatan looks like so I had to go find real teachers. The people who parrot what he says on here are sheep, and I feel bad that they are so unconscious they can't see they are being led by a fool
  23. Yeah. Because he's not an honest person, and I was harmed by our interaction. I will calm down eventually, but someone needed to say something to put an end to this madness. Go read that thread and I explain why I'm mad. There are a lot of reasons
  24. An apology, a refund, and an admission of guilt would be nice. And an admittance that you are not an authentic spiritual teacher and you aren't qualified to teach enlightenment.