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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. @Kksd74628 I would not be where I am now without quality teachings. Grace and honest guidance will change your life, but most people can't discern what is good guidance and what is not. I agree I can turn down the hatred, but that should not mean these discussions should not be had. Again, i'd like an alternative view, if Leo comes in and says we can't talk about Nahm and this thread needs to be shut down then it's different
  2. You clearly do care about Nahm given your response when he was banned. You seemed to strongly need there to be harmony between Leo and Nahm to the point that you wanted Nahm to compromise his teaching approach so everyone could stay together. I should have the right to ask another mod to review what you said. If it was Leo it would be different, but if you stay stop talking about a serious topic it should not be acceptable that you have the right to shut down the conversation
  3. You believe if someone talked to Jesus once a week for 8 months they would end up suicidal after?
  4. I want another mod to review this. I think you are acting out of some emotional connection, and I'd like alternative views. You do not have the absolute authority on this forum to decide what is acceptable speech and what is not
  5. @Gili Trawangan @Gesundheit2 The fundamental issue is you have to ask yourself why was Nahm so constantly misunderstood on the forum? If he was genuinely trying his best to teach people how to be happy and live in harmony, why are there so many people left with a sour taste in their mouths, or in a deluded state of thinking everything is going well like I was? I think if Nahm was a genuine teacher, and honest person, then his presence and conduct would have led to greater harmony and people would not be harmed by his behavior. The mark of a Budhha or a Christ would be love and harmony wherever they went. You wouldn't see the trail left by Nahm as a teacher.
  6. it was donation based at first, then he started charging a fixed cost. I was donating a lot because I thought it was working, I think we were both deluded into thinking it was working. Nahm is not conscious that he is a poor teacher, I think he thinks he is doing good. So he thought that taking all the money was fair because I was benefitting.
  7. I think it would be your fault if you gave poor instructions about how to drive a car. In that analogy, Nahm represented himself as an authority on driving and cars, and then when I got in a car accident he shifted blame and said it's my fault for not knowing how to drive and not listening to his advice Charlatan a person who pretends to special knowledge or skill that he or she does not possess; I believe that is an accurate description of Nahm's conduct on the forum and in the calls. I am not frustrated because of the money, that's actually a minor part of it. It's the investment I made emotionally, mentally, spiritually etc and how I was treated and result of the relationship. I can definitely do better in my delivery, but part of what you are doing is shielding Nahm from criticism. Many people have tried to (unconsciously or consciously idk) shut down this conversation because they don't want to see the dark side of Nahm.
  8. I think it would be your fault if you gave poor instructions about how to drive a car. In that analogy, Nahm represented himself as an authority on driving and cars, and then when I got in a car accident he shifted blame and said it's my fault for not knowing how to drive and not listening to his advice @Breakingthewall I don't remember the exact number but I believe it was anywhere from 5-10k over the course of about 8 total months of conversations
  9. I can, and I believe the people who were "genuinely" helped are deluded, and even if some people were helped by him to whatever degree it doesn't change the fact that Nahm is doing genuine harm. A serial killer can be helpful at work, but we wouldn't say that some people were genuinely helped by him so he could avoid scrutiny. If you would have asked me a few years ago did Nahm genuinely help me I would have said hell yes and screamed it from the roof tops. After that phase I was suicidal. So ideally we can skip all of this and get to the truth about his presence and impact.
  10. I am frustrated that there are people on the forum with the same mind virus that I had when I was working with Nahm, and I ended up suicidal and almost killed myself. As long as there are people who genuinely believe Nahm is a saint then I think it's an issue of misperception that no one seems willing or able to address
  11. I acknowledge the role I played in my relationship with Nahm on the forum. I did many things wrong, and in hindsight I would have changed so much about how I interacted with him. I have since completely changed my approach with teachers, and if I sense i'm not getting benefit I will leave quickly, and i'm working on being less of a people pleaser. My issue with Nahm is his approach is harmful. People should not teach until they themselves are living in harmony and can offer quality advice, because when they teach prematurely there will be a trail of harm left. I believe I was harmed by Nahm, and although I am also responsible for what I did to myself, we both we part of the situation. Imagine if a surgery goes wrong on an obese person. Yes, the obese person is likely to blame for many things, maybe they could have been healthier, maybe their fatness played a role in the surgery not working, but you must also look at the conduct of the surgeon. Both parties are responsible. And it's a misnomer to think that teaching can't be effective once a week. It's about the quality of the guidance. If you find quality teachers, which is hard I think it took me many years of seeking before I developed my discernment to where I believe I can sense good teachers, then you will make progress. You don't have to question yourself or be gaslit into believing your making progress, because it will be known energetically and in your behavior and conduct in the world
  12. @Kksd74628 I am trying to show the people on the forum the harm Nahm has caused. You can read the thread I post a few posts ago, I was stuck in the same thought loops and perspective as many of them. I ended up suicidal after working with him, I think he is genuinely dangerous. I understand that I also played a role in my time with Nahm ending in disaster. I was irresponsible, arrogant, abused psychidelics, and many more toxic things and that played a role in the coaching not working, but I have never seen Nahm take responsibility for his role in how things turned out. There are consequences to behavior, and even though Nahm may have genuinely believed he was being helpful and did not do anything wrong, when you observe the reality of what is happening I think there is a malicious pattern forming
  13. @Kksd74628 @Gesundheit2 Okay. I will find a more harmonious way to show Nahm is a charlatan and causes harm to his followers.
  14. Well i'm not asking anyone to believe what i'm saying without verifying it themselves. You can accuse me of whatever you want, I'm happy to discuss. What part specifically is smearing, and what is your definition of smearing?
  15. Look at how they gaslight me. They are so desperate to have me sucked into how they see the world. They use guilt, shame, insults etc. They are so threatened by me expressing my experience and honest perception of Nahm they will do anything to shut this conversation down. This is sad, but this is really sick stuff and I will not stop expressing what I believe to be true.
  16. Can you bring up the thread so we can all see? What perspective did he offer? So now you are free from fear of death, depression, and you never act like a victim?
  17. So why not manifest 1 billion dollars and end poverty? If the board can manifest what you write, then write 1 billion dollars and make a thread where you give us regular updates. Please explain why you wouldn't do this if the board works and you can manifest whatever you want
  18. How did he help you? Can you explain what he said to you, how it affected it you, what changed in your life etc. Please be specific i'd love to know more
  19. Take some time to read my journal. I have post history over 3 years, the first 1/3 is heavily related to Nahm. Read that, read the threads, and then come back. I will answer anything. I do not fear transparency or honesty about anything related to this topic. You fear the truth so much you would rather have me banned then get to the bottom of this. You realize if I gave into the gaslighting in the earlier thread everyone here would still see Nahm as a genuine healer. Who knows how many people here would have gone to him for guidance.
  20. What part isn't making sense to you? I can explain very slowly, in detail.
  21. Yeah, i'm not serious about this work at all. You're ignoring the fact you, and these people, have been been preyed upon by manipulative predator who probably got satisfaction from watching people suffer. I'd love for all the people who love Nahm to come to thread so I can ask them some questions. I will expose every single one. And i won't charge a cent!
  22. Where did you get the impression he capped the donations? And i'm supposed to thank him because he supposedly decided to lower the rate at which he vampirically sucked money from me? Should I thank him as well that I was only suicidal for 4 months after our time spent together? Thanks man!
  23. Yup they gaslight you into staying quiet. See how insidious this can get? I think Nahm is predator, and the more light we expose to this the more clear it will become. Before these threads 99% of the forum thought he was a saint.
  24. @Kksd74628 Why do you fear the truth? I would love to Nahm have come back to the forum so we can all clear the air in public. Theres nothing I'm saying here I wouldn't say to his face
  25. ?? Where are the Nahm cultists now? Please, where is all the gaslighting, deflection, and blame?