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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. @Jacob Morres I think 5ft9 is the magic number for subconscious attraction with woman. Use lifts to get you over 5t9, otherwise it's probably unecessary
  2. Ahh. Yeah I guess I never really considered the forum an addiction, but it is. (:
  3. I think i'm about to become a crypto god
  4. Nice. Good luck man. How are your other 2 addictions coming? Are you close to shedding them?
  5. I'm doing semen retention to bro. I'm about a week in, and I don't even desire to jerk off right now. I feel much better
  6. @hello1234 Before the war, were you very passionate about conflicts around the world? Were you posting this aggressively about Afghanistan or the war in Yemen? If not, then try to think about the kind of person you were before the war led you to activism, and think how could you convince your old self to care
  7. I want to start a meta discussion about conspiracy theories. So basically I used to believe that all these conspiracy theories about 9-11, illuminati, jews running the world etc are all bull shit and the people who believe them are crazy. But I'm starting to suspect there might be some truth to it, and as i'm starting to looking into this stuff i'm getting a sense that the common narrative that we have been fed on important topics may be bull shit. I don't want to get into specific conspiracy theories, but what are the chances that there is some truth to this stuff? Has anyone gone full circle from not believing in conspiracy theories, to believing in them, and then finding some balanced perspective on all this stuff?
  8. http://sanjivaniwellness.weebly.com/spontaneous-meditation.html
  9. @John Paul We have nothing to engage about you have no idea what you are talking about. I'm sure your humility and brilliance will be appreciated on other threads
  10. @John Paul You should write a modern bible. You are just so wise it's hard to stomach.
  11. Yeah man, it hurts so much. Thanks for snapping me out my delusions. You seek like a very wise and conscious person, what other advice can you offer me
  12. Yeah this makes sense. Thanks
  13. I want to know the truth about everything. And particularly war and human conflict. There are conspiracies that relate directly to that. It's about a desire for truth and what's real, independent of what anyone else thinks or projects onto you. Maybe conspiracy theories are bull shit and I'll realize that in time, but right now I am open minded and so I am open to all sides
  14. Getting more in touch with my feelings and improving all aspects of my life led me to be curious about conspiracies. I used to think it was all bs, and all conspiracy theorists were as deranged as Alex Jones
  15. Thank you (: Yeah that's the plan, I want to just travel and do whatever I want. I want completely wealth abundance and freedom. I never got to have fun and have lots of sex haha, I always too introverted. I have some making up to do. But eventually I want that too, I want a wife.
  16. I'm not sure exactly what my goals are right now. I have so much energy and my path has so much more clarity so i'm really excited, but right now I want to make a ton of money, i've been researching ideas and trying to figure out where to start, and I want to continue to cleanse my energy centres and increase my energy flow. Like i got advised to do PC clenches, like the muscle you use when trying not to cum, and a forced evil laugh because they target the lower 2 chakras. And already I feel a tremendous different. I didn't even know the pc clench muscle was important, but now I do it everday. I've had a job for a year and a half now. My coworkers and bosses love me, because I treat my job like volunteering. I don't make much money and I want to find a way to make a lot of money with low effort so I can travel and have fun, but i do as much as I can for other people where I work and it's pretty cool to see how much gratitude people have for me at work. Overall my life is really good, I'm finally making consistent and dramatic strides on my path, and there are a lot of things I want to accomplish. My plan is as follows: 1. Get rich so I can move out and travel and have fun(and lots of sex) 2. Continue to develop spirituality and energetically so I can be the best version of myself. 3. Find a LTR and then spend lots of time in solitude trying to contemplate death, how to stop wars and suffering, what is the purpose of existence, etc. Basically I want as much understanding of reality and myself as possible. 4. Give back and start spiritual teaching of some kind. We will see how these plans change, but right now this seems like my trajectory
  17. I thought his response to the allegations was very robotic and scripted, and I did not sense integrity or honesty how he responded to his critics. I like the idea of Dr K as a bridge between many different groups, but this video has really made me think about how to assess people like this. I'm still not sure who is in the right in this drama but I definitely get a sense that Dr K and his wife have large shadow traits and so the fact that they would be irresponsible with ethics is very believable. If I were in Dr K's position I would only refuse an open conversation if I had something to hide, and so his reluctance to answer the criticism directly is really telling.
  18. @Leo Gura I am consciously full of shit. But I know some people who aren't
  19. @Leo Gura Maybe you have some unconscious anger
  20. @Spence94 Did you get initiated into a Kriya lineage?