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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. People are free to make their own judgment. And I am free to point out dishonesty and a lack of integrity when and where I see it
  2. @Random witch I agree with what you're saying, and the issue is real. But I think you have a unconscious shadow of dislike/distain for some men, and that's what the men on the forum are reacting to. You aren't going to find too much compassion on here in that respect, so prepare for more pushback because people will likely dismiss your relevant points by questioning your motives etc
  3. @Surfingthewave I think the issue is the way the community was created and the obvious leeching that took place. Using a name that is very similar to Leo's and creating a forum that is virtually identical to Leo's is an obvious attempt to use Leo's legitimacy to create that same sense in their community. Also the attempt to recruit members from this forum is slimy imo. Also, if you follow the series of events that led to the creation of the community it's just a pattern of dishonesty and shadow behaviors. Imo @Nahm wanted to be kicked off the forum and so purposefully engaged in public belittling and ridicule of Leo so he had a pretext for creating his own community.
  4. Baldness is perceived as masculine so it can be an attractive feature. Think of someone like Michael Jordan. But I think it depends on your style and attitude etc. Imo balding is not in the same ball park as something like height, if you can maintain a masculine and confident frame and energy then it will likely be overlooked by most woman. Also I'm almost certain if you develop greater awarenes and control of your life energy you can simply regrow your hair, so maybe that will motivate more consciousness work
  5. 10/10 would recommend a call with @Consept if you want to get some ideas around wealth creation and getting more into alignment with your unique path to financial freedom. Great guy, and the convo was a pure joy.
  6. In three days of desperate fighting through knee deep snow, Napoleon used his imperial guard to hold open the road. As Eugene and Davout's core fought their way through the ambush with heavy losses. Two regiments of the young guard were ordered to make a sacrificial counter attack, and were virtually annihilated. The Russian ambush of Napoleons army on its retreat from Moscow in 1812
  7. Thanks. There are a lot of factors. I've been hardcore seeking for 3 years and I basically became a hermit in that time and stepped away almost totally from normal life. I'd say the biggest differences have come from finding quality mentors and teachings. A course in miracles, having convos with high conscious people, etc I think the best mentor i've come across is this guy But I've still gotten lots of value from other teachers, so I am of the mind the more the merrier. I'd say find a teacher like the guy above, and find a quality teaching like Sadhguru's kriya yoga or some other reputable lineage
  8. @fopylo You can become aware of the part of the mind that is efforting and doing during your meditation sessions. That can be a block to your practice because you think you're meditating etc but the additional sense of effort will undermine your progress. You can learn to tune into the vibration/energy of acceptance and so you will intuitively know when you are accepting as opposed to when you are in resistance
  9. @Pavement I think this spot on. One of my mentors told me that the issue with tapping is you lose life energy when you ejaculate, but its possible to learn to orgasm without cummung. I haven't jerked off in 2 weeks since I started doing pc clenches and I realized how much my mood and energy were depleted by masterbation
  10. @Consept I was just about to post this haha. I'm looking forward to this one
  11. What an amazing past few days. I was feeling very emotional at work, like I was ready to cry.
  12. @Lyubov Nice man glad to hear you're out and safe
  13. I haven't manifested specific things yet, but my life has all sorts of coincidences and bread crumbs towards things I want. And the biggest shift i made recently was doing stuff that put me into a really good feeling mood. For me it was watching napoleon videos that really elevated me, but maybe for you its daydreaming like you said. Even though I haven't manifested specific things yet, I'm pretty sure that if you keep practicing visualizing and imagining things like your dream that make you feel really good, it will have a huge positive impact on the momentum of your life
  14. "Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours" Jesus I think if you can get in touch with how you felt during the good parts of the dream, and also practice imagining and having the thing/feeling you want then you can manifest that thing
  15. @Demeter Yeah I used to want enlightenment now I could careless. I just want to grow and accomplish my goals. I think once you connect with genuine spirtual progress and practice, theres no need to chase enlightenment
  16. Just had one of the craziest dreams of my life after meditating right after I woke up. Wild
  17. @something_else I can't convince you, but if you pay attention to the effect of porn and masterbation on your well being you'll notice it.
  18. It is self evident when you pay attention to the effects on your system. Do you really believe there are no negative consequences to watching modern porn? Don't you think it would affect how you view woman, how your brain responds to dopamine and pleasure stimuli in your environment, etc?
  19. You guys are free to masterbate and watch porn, but don't delude yourselves into thinking it isn't harmful
  20. In very select circumstances maybe it could be useful, but in 99% of cases it's being used in a harmful way
  21. @somegirl Is meth only harmful if you make it so?
  22. There are alternative solutions to horniness and sexual dissatisfaction than porn. It's like eating only mcdonalds to satisfy your hunger and desire for pleasurable food.
  23. Porn and masturbation are cancers to your energy and mind. Emotionally and spirituality healthy people wouldn't watch porn and masterbate, because the shadow drivers for the behavior can be resolved. But no one's perfect and most people aren't living optimally so we all have to make compromises. How would you feel if your girlfriend had a small meth problem? I'd argue porn and masterbation is a microcosm of that genre of behavior
  24. I would say go to a reputable Kriya Yoga lineage and get initiated. I've heard great things from reputable sources about Sadhgurus Kriya Yoga programs. I think if you got a legit Kriya Yoga practice from a good teacher, not learning on your own from a book, you would be blown away by the potential results. But I haven't done Kriya Yoga so I would say try to confirm what I'm saying with other people. Don't waste time on practices where are you aren't certain about the results your getting, there are better ways to go about spirituality and practice