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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. Thanks for the insights, I will keep these in mind as I travel. Good luck
  2. @Carl-Richard @Yarco @Danioover9000 What always interested me was how as people got more conscious they get deeper into right wing conspiracies, conservative values etc @TJ Reeves Used to post on the forum, and I had a few conversations with him a few years ago, and he's deep into Zionist conspiracies, LGBTQ stuff, more conservative, etc. And I'd be surprised if anyone on this forum can look at what he's achieved and experienced and say he's not conscious and highly developed. He told he me was a BLM organizer at his University, but then realized the organization was bull shit. This guy was steps ahead of basically everyone on the forum and that was 5 years ago.
  3. @ndm678 Have you ever done any kind of formal retreat? Or have you spent any time at an ashram/monastery?
  4. @ndm678 Hey i'm planning on doing some travelling for the next year or so and I want to do what you've done to some degree... spend time in isolation to contemplate and I believe that will grow me like crazy. I'm going to spend some time at monestaries and retreats, but also i'm just going to spend time wandering around cities. I'm lucky I have family money, so I basically get a free 3500 dollars per month to travel. Do you have any tips or advice on how to best live this kind of reclusive lifestyle to maximize growth and emotional purging/healing?
  5. The better question is who would you rather have your daughter marry Leo or Andrew Tate.
  6. Isn't it funny how they demonize Andrew Tate, yet act like this in their criticism
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Suvorov Alexander Suvorov. Russian General who died in 1800 right when Napoleon was in the midst of his rise to fame. He is the greatest Russian General to ever live. Undefeated. He knew Napoleon was destined for greatness, and even commented on his military genius early in Napoleon's career.
  8. I'm buying stock in VeganAwake. I used to think he was completely deluded, but the more I see him the more I think he's a good guy.
  9. This forum is full of retards. That's all I got lol
  10. @Razard86 So how do you see community relationships working? So let's say you have a community of 1000 people (or what number do you expect?) would you expect people to pair off and form semi-long term relationships? Or would it just be everyone has multiple gf's/bf's? How would you deal with issues where a few men may be much more desirable than the others and so you have a community where the vast majority of children are offspring of a few men? And would you expect there to be an equal sex ratio? As a man I could see a community where there are more woman than woman being pretty interesting, but the alternative would be chaos imo.
  11. I'm going in October. I'm really excited for this one. I'm going for the 4 day Shambhavi Mudra retreat, but I'm planning on staying at least a few weeks longer. You can rent a private room for 100 dollars per day which is pretty sweet. I'm thinking I'll do my retreat, stay a few weeks longer to just do the practice and absorb the energy, and then I will go travel to Europe. But I may stay longer i'm not sure. I might end up just doing some travelling around the USA during this time, and then go to Europe later. Hmm. My friend told me that all my plans will change after going to the Isha Center in Tenessee, so i'm keeping an open mind and nothing will be decided until after that retreat.
  12. @Lila9 Okay yeah I see where you're coming from now. Thanks for sharing that was a well written response
  13. @Leo Gura It's relative. I'd say most of the internet is toxic, so relative to most of the internet this is a healthy place. But relative to a retreat it's not healthy.
  14. @KH2 Yeah this forum has a collective toxic energy. If you go on a retreat you get pulled into a higher conscious energy. This forum is the opposite.
  15. Not sure how to solve the issue while actually having sex, but you can focus more time on foreplay so you can both at least have fun for longer. Give her a massage, eat her out, fingers etc. You can do a lot before hand, and then even if you do cum early at least she's not left with no pleasure. I believe the root of premature ejaculation is anxiety and inability to truly relax, so anything you do to reduce anxiety and become calmer will help with PE
  16. The guy is also a grammy level music producer in his meantime. What a legend.
  17. I'm going to get initiated in October. I'm already initiated into Suriya Kriya and I find it's an excellent beginners yoga practice. I'm really excited for Shambhavi + Suriya Kriya
  18. @Lila9 But can't you make similar statements about any trait you find attractive? If a man chooses a woman solely on her integrity and kindness, then wouldn't that be objectifying a different trait and then you could say well you only love me because of my integrity and kindness? And how much of attraction between partners can be based on physical factors before it becomes unhealthy iyo? Do you have little to no physical standards? You wouldn't mind a guy who's 5ft0, skinny, poor posture etc?
  19. @Ulax Thanks bro. Yeah i'll definitely check out some travel blogs to get some inspiration and ideas about what to do while travelling. I am undecided about heading to the UK, at this point I doubt i'll go but if I change my mind I'll let you know. And sweet song, I'll definitely listen to that when I check out some of the iconic places haha
  20. Hey, I'm planning on travelling to Europe from September to around December and i'm trying to get a sense of a budget. I'm planning on going to Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Hungary, Lithuania/Latvia/Estona, Greece, Serbia, Italy, Spain, and France. Is this too many countries for a 3 month trip? I can go for 3 months with no visa, but maybe I should apply for a travel visa to stay longer? What's a realistic budget to plan for? I'm planning on doing a bit of partying/clubbing, but I'm mostly just looking to wander and explore the cities and the people. I'm hoping to get a single room too, I don't want to stay in dorm style hostels, but I think i'd be happy if I could get a single room that's reasonably clean in a hostel. Anything I haven't thought of or other insights and thoughts would be appreciated.
  21. Tate's a G Listen to this song and then tell me with a straight face it isn't pretty good.
  22. @thepixelmonk Why so reactive to my posts? How many more psychedelic trips will you need before you can overcome such juvenile emotional reactivity?
  23. @Federico del pueblo Okay yeah I just saw the second part. I'm pretty sure that same woman made a video defending him, saying its part of their role play. It's possible he's an evil psychopath and these woman are being held against the will and are victims, but I highly doubt that.
  24. No I didn't I only saw the first part. I'll check again. But there was another video where a woman spoke out and said there was no issue and it was consensual, is that the same woman?