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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. I am about 10% through Leo's Life Purpose course and i found my purpose. At least for the near future. I have been a gamer for most of my life, both esports and physical sports. I have decided to start playing competitive video games with lots of viewers, like League Of Legends at the moment, and I plan on playing the game getting very good and starting a website about mental health/mindfulness/happiness/videogames to help gamers that suffered like I used to suffer. I plan on continuing with the life purpose course but I am also going to actively start working on this project during this time. I am accepting more responsibility in my life. My life has basically flipped inside out. I started as a spiritual seeker, looking for happiness for myself so I could finally enjoy my life. Now i've decided to dedicate my life to helping other people overcome the same issues that I have struggled with. I am planning to continue writing on this forum journal as i do more contemplation and writings for my website. But eventually I will stop posting and just start playing, and writing full time. Huge thanks to @Nahm and many others on this forum who assisted me on this path. I'm not done. But I don't think i'm the same seeker I was when i first posted here.
  2. @VeganAwake Spiritual practices are necessary until they aren't. You cannot take an average person with no spiritual background/conceptual understanding tell them they are enlightened and expect anything good to come of it. The practices are important. The work is necessary.
  3. @Joshi3 Go into the bull shit. The bull shit is where higher consciousness is.
  4. What is meditation? Meditation is the practice of training the mind to focus on a single target for sustained periods of time. Many meditation schools begin by teaching practitioners to turn attention to the breathe or the body. The purpose of this task is to train the mind to go from an untrained state, where the mind is scattered, to a trained state where the mind can remain focused on a single target for a long duration. Once the mind is trained to a point where attention can remain on the object of meditation for long periods, then the practitioner has reached a major mile stone because the mind is no longer wild and untamed, but rather the mind can be directed in service of the goals of the practitioner. This is a major mile stone in one's meditation practice. The ability to control one's mind by setting a goal, recognizing when the mind is off the goal, and gently bringing the mind back to the goal is basically a super power in modern society. A trained mind can be effective at satisfying the desire's of each person, and as the person becomes wiser, there is more clarity on what goals are worthy for the mind to accomplish. A clear, trained mind with a clear goal is an unstoppable force. I am beginning to wake up to the power of the mind, and the limits of human imagination seem potentially limitless. But the beauty of the mind cannot be realized without the practice of controlling one's attention. So if you're reading this and do not currently have a meditation practice, I strongly advise to begin as soon as possible. Even just 5 minutes per day can transform your life.
  5. This will be a journal where i contemplate aspects of my life to determine the truth of my current reality. I want to discover for myself what is actually going on. There are many questions and concepts that I assumed I understood but this understanding was the beliefs and knowledge of others that I have accepted as dogma without much questioning. I want to question the very nature of my own reality. What is meditation? What is a goal? What is love? I will try and address topics systemically as they arise in my mind. This journal should be very practical and illuminate so I have there is something to hear that others can learn from.
  6. Be very clear on what you want. What is your goal for yourself in spirituality? Get clear on what you want, and then it will be easier to decide what kind of information to consume because it will be in service of your goal.
  7. PSA: The "work" works. Commit yourself to what you want. And you will get what you want. Be clear on what you want. Meditation works because we train our minds to stay focused on a single goal. For example, my goal is to feel bliss, love etc. But mind gets lost in fear, worry, anxiety etc. But goal is clear i want love bliss etc. Keep bring mind back to goal. Use feelings as guide. When we feel good we are on the path to our goals. When we feel bad we are off the path. All is actually good. So when mind gets lost in fear, and worry etc because mind is scared that maybe not all is good. Truth is all is good. So bring mind back to goal, and use your feelings as a guide to your progress. Be smart with goals. Don't be like dummy who asks for 1 billion dollars. Be like smart person who sais, what does this guy really want? What would the 1 billion actually get him. When we look we realize he just wants to feel good, he wants the feeling associated the 1 billion dollars. He is bliss chasing. Nothing wrong with bliss chasing. Bliss chasing works its how i got so far on the path lol. But always remember why you are doing what you're doing.
  8. @Bill W That's awesome man. It's amazing how well some of this stuff works when we stop questioning it and just let it happen.
  9. @Ero Sounds good. Looking forward to it.
  10. @NonDualism I recommend taking time to just sit down and watch him speak. I am about 10% through the course and I think I found my LP and it's fucking unbelievable how shit is unfolding for me right now in this space. Take your time with the course and be diligent and be true to the work and teachings. Don't treat this like any of Leo's videos where you consume it passively and give yourself a pad on the back for growing your consciousness.
  11. I just had a profound insight into my life purpose during my float tank session. Video Games. Competition. Love. Bliss. Flow. Happiness. These are many of the main values and interests of life. But how to combine them? I'm going to start a mental health/performance/happiness/performance website and write about all these topics and how they relate to video games and performance in video games. I'm also going to start playing very popular video games and getting really good at them so I can get free advertising for my website in high level matches. This stuff is flowing me to like crazy. Ever since i put life purpose on dream board i've had continual thoughts about video games, mental health, performance, and starting a website to share these teachings to people in these communities. I'm not even 10% done the LP course and i've already got these insights lmao. I'm so motivated to finish the course now and get this shit going. Dream Board, Law Of Attraction, Positive affirmations. This stuff is incredible.
  12. Sweet man. Can you give a TLDR of your path so far? What made you get into self actualization? Where have you been, where are you going? You always have good advice on the forum i'm very curious to see how you operate.
  13. Rather than Spam everyone's journal, i'll just put this here for those who are following. Read the book Ask And It Is Given by esther Hicks it explains the law of attraction. Any skepticism or questions feel free to ask, I have a good understanding of the basics and the rationale for why it works. Read. This. Fucking. Book.
  14. I actively follow others' journals on here. But i'm not sure if anyone follows mine lol. If i have any followers who want to ask questions about my path or where i'm at/going then feel free i'd be happy to engage.
  15. @Leo Gura Do you have a plan for nuclear winter and nuclear war?
  16. @Romer02 No problem. Follow the good feelings. If someone sais something to you and it doesn't feel good then fuck that advice and find something that feels good to you. Good luck
  17. You must take 100% responsibility for everything in your life. You have control over the types of thoughts you think. You also have control in the types of emotions you feel. But it's no simple, and these topics have a lot of nuance. Empty your mind of all beliefs and ideas you have about how you think spirituality works. Be humble enough to admit you don't know shit, and everything you think you know how about spirituality is just dogma and beliefs passed on from others. Take time to learn about these topics for yourself. Learn about thoughts. Learn about emotions. Enter this place with a beginners mind. There's a lot to become conscious of here. Which thought feels better? "I have no control over my thoughts and emotions". "I am 100% responsible for all my thoughts and all my emotions"?
  18. @fridjonk Yeah I think so. Throughout the day the types of thoughts we have are influencing how we live our lives. Our thoughts are the driving force behind what is actually playing out in our reality. Most people, myself included, spend a lot of time meditating but we are fluctuating between the object of meditation like the breathe and our typical thought patterns. The issue is most of our typical thought patterns are unhealthy because of societal conditioning and upbringing so we are thinking our selves into happiness with unconscious thinking patterns. Affirmations change the wiring so the default is positive thoughts. Basically brain wash ourselves into thinking healthy and happy thoughts. It works with meditation because rather than making the breathe the object of meditation, or the object of awareness. We turn our attention to positive affirmations as the object of meditation. The more frequently we do this, the more our typical thought patterns become positive rather than negative. And thus the more positive emotion and experience we get in life because we changed the core component of experience, our pattern of thinking.
  19. I am about half way through "Ask And It Is Given" and OMG. Law of attraction makes so much sense. Can't wait to keep learning and master this topic!
  20. @fridjonk Are there float tanks in your area. For the past 3 days i've done 3 hour floats each day. It's been really great. I find the tank allows for easier relaxation and depth compared to a normal sit. I also recommend using affirmations for at least some part of the meditation. Bringing attention to the present moment is great, but when you got lost in thinking it's better if you've conditioned yourself to think positively in the time you're lost in thought.
  21. Build more confidence and self love. As you grow creativity will occur spontaneously on the path. Highly recommend affirmations. Before bed and when you wake up. Much better than strict meditation ime.
  22. @Salvijus Lol why won't you answer the question my dude? Maybe this jaded attitude doesn't feel so good. I don't listen to anyone on here who isn't at least incredibly happy and feels love and joy in virtually all moments of their life. The only reason i'm here is to improve my direct experience and feel the highest joys that life has to offer. If you want something else then so be it. But miss me with that noise.
  23. @Salvijus @Chintan desai It's a jaded perspective but i don't know if he's right or not. @Nahm recommended Reiki to me. So I wonder how Nahm would view the statement that no legit guru would recommend it. @Salvijus What is your existential experience? What do you feel and experience on a daily basis? Is it love, bliss joy,? Or are you experiencing fear, hatred, boredom, irritability?
  24. Had my first reiki session today. Overall it was very fun. My reiki person was very intuitive and I think she has a very high level of consiousness. A lot of the things she said to me made a lot of sense and were consistent with how i view my current stage on the path. She said i'm doing enough and my destiny is coming to me, i just have to be patient and surrender. This is consistent with how i view my path right now. I'm doing all the right things. I just need to be patient and start surrendering to life more. Yoga class today was amazing. I did a new class and the teacher was pulsing good vibes. She's much older than me, but i was insanely attracted to her haha. When i find a long term partner, she will have similar vibes as my instructor. There was something divinely feminine about the way she taught. My main practice moving forward will be affirmations. I've realized no matter how much meditation I do i am still getting drawn back into thinking, and i was not doing anything to address the underlying negative beliefs that were causing me unhappiness. No more. Affirmations for multiple hours per day basically whenever i'm not doing anything will be the key moving forward. I am literally going to brain wash myself into thinking positive happy thoughts lmao. The re-programming of my mind has begun.
  25. @Shroomdoctor Use positive affirmations to re-program your mind to think good feeling thoughts. Spend as much time as possible with the affirmations and get your thinking in line and see how your feelings change.