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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. @Chumbimba Sweet. It's an incredible book. Very practical. Highly recommend you read @Nahm's thread on using a dream board. Buy a big white board and put it in your room, or somewhere you will see it everyday. The board is one of the best things I did to improve my life. It's a must imo.
  2. @Chumbimba Okay. My point here is that you have that vision of your life because it feels good to you. The radical truth is you need nothing to feel good. Society, friends, family, all this stuff is limiting beliefs we tell ourselves that blocks our natural goodness. The core of each human being is good feeling. You literally are good. You are in the right place to pursue your goals. Start with the basics. Diet, exercise, meditation, yoga. If you can handle psycidelics i recommend those too but they require a certain degree of mental grounding and clarity so you can handle trips etc. I highly recommend you start listening to positive affirmations about self love/confidence all the time. You will re-program your mind to think positive thoughts, which will in turn lead you to feel better. Learn about emotional regulation too. I want you to read Ask And It Is Given By Abraham Hicks. It will teach you about goal setting/achievement and emotional regulation. Feel free to pm me anytime for advice.
  3. @Chumbimba Why do you want that life? My guess is you want the feeling associated with that life. You imagine if you live on a farm with an RV THEN you will feel good and finally be happy?
  4. @Chumbimba Great start. Focus on basics moving forward. Diet. Exercise. Start using positive affirmations too. Reprograms your mind for happiness.
  5. @Harikrishnan Played them virtually all day for like a week.Now i feel like a different person
  6. Affirmations are game changers. Can't recommend them enough. Literally reprograms your mind.
  7. @Chumbimba How are your basics? Diet. Exercise. Meditation practice. Relationship types(friends/Significant Other/Relatives) As far school's concerned. Focus on finding employment that pays enough to support loans. Don't go to school, for school's sake. Focus on minimizing your life. Save money like a Mother Fucker. You are in the right place to improve your life. You don't have to worry about wasting your life. If you follow advice from this forum properly won't have that problem.
  8. @Sombra That's why i mentioned you lmao. Some people just have a mark of greatness/quality. You got it in bunches.
  9. @LfcCharlie4 Lol sorry man I mean't he could give you more insight. Not me asking for insight
  10. @LfcCharlie4 I recommend you message @Sombra He seems like he's mastered stage orange resource accumulation. Could you give you more insight.
  11. @Raphael I have no experience. I've heard word press is very good. @Pallero Thanks for the insight. @LfcCharlie4 Eventually yes. At first it will just be a blog/website so I can write articles and do coaching. But eventually I'll start doing twitch, and then take content from twitch and put it on my youtube channel. @LfcCharlie4 Actually not sure about youtube/twitch. I prefer keeping a low profile. Fame is toxic. Website and playing should be enough to get attention and money etc. The content will speak for itself. The website and gaming are a must. But youtube/twitch and actually opening myself to the world like that is a maybe.
  12. @Average Investor If you use the drugs with wisdom they can enhance your life in every aspect. So you can still get a benefit if you're not depressed. But you need to be smart and wise with the insights. They have tremendous potential for improvement. But they can also wreak havoc on your life if you're not smart.
  13. @Average Investor I had a peak experience through LSD. Completely changed my outlook and the drugs have effectively killed my depression. Feel free to pm if you are planning on using them for self help reasons.
  14. @VeganAwake You don't really know what you're talking about. You say the right words but you are deluded by spiritual concepts. Enlightenment will improve the individual condition. Spiritual practices work. They will make you a better a person, and make you feel good (god). But talking on forum at ego's is not spiritual practice. This is not giving back. For those seeking enlightenment, inspect beliefs and figure out why you want it. There is a real path, but delusion is difficult to overcome early on the path.
  15. PSA: Get a dream board and put it in your living room. Then write what you want to have in the present tense. Anything you want, literally. You want good feeling. Write "I feel good" or "I am good" etc. You want to be high level gamer. Write "I am a challenger level league of legends player". Writing in the present tense our goals, with continual reminders is very effective.
  16. @Proactive No sorry man. I'm playing with the sole intention of getting really good so I can advertise my website. Not playing for fun, or to make friends etc.
  17. @VeganAwake What practices do you do? You are not done on the path, yet you act like you have hit max level. What exactly do you do all day?
  18. I learned an important lesson. Yesterday i went on a tear. I had the energy and creative power of a manic depressive. But because of the meditation and work I do I was very grounded and did not do anything destructive. I had long conversations with my parents and my uncles. My uncle was very concerned that I was just manic, because i have been depressed before and he classified me as a manic depressive. It was an interesting conversation. I was feeling very good and elated so i sent him an honest list of my plans and what's going on. At first he was shocked, and I could tell by the tone of the texts he thought I was manic depressive. But over time in the conversation I was making so much sense that eventually he just admitted that he no longer thinks i'm manic and he's not concerned. This was an incredible feat. I trust his opinion, and i'm at a point in my life where I can only trust people who see my own greatness. My uncle sees it. It's a great resource because he's very reasonable, and he can help shine light on issues that i'm not considering. As for my parents, i need to just start lying to them and telling them what they want to hear. They think LSD is addictive and bad, even though these drugs have been the biggest reason for my growth. They are basically super strong anti-depressants that work well. But my parents equate all drugs, so it's like if i told them i'm doing pain killers and my life is way better. They don't like it or trust it. I am in full on survival mode now. I have found a new job, and i'm going to get as many shifts as I possibly can. I'm going to stay in law school for as long as possible because my parents will continue to support me in the meantime, and I can use this time to plan my next move and start saving money. My plan moving forward is to save money, start writing content for my website, and practice getting good at league of legends.
  19. @Raphael Take a hot bath. It helped me a lot. I think dealing with ego backlashes with just full surrender, and stopping all unnecessary work to just unwind and relax can be super important.
  20. @LessonsSavesLifes Life purpose is what you're going to do to serve the world. We only have so much time on earth, and so what we do with most of our time, our jobs, has to be meaningful to us. I was hardcore into spirituality right about the time i began the course, and through 2 LSD trips, I found god and I have a clear purpose now. Through purpose you will make money because your motivation will be different. Most people do jobs solely for money, they don't actually care. But when you have purpose your motivation is completely different. You are doing it to serve others. My purpose moving forward is to start a mental health/video game/performance website to help unhappy gamers find more happiness through gaming. I am going to play popular games, get really good and use the games to spread my website, and use high level streamers as free advertising. I was already naturally good at games and sports growing up, so the idea of doing something in line your with past experience made sense to me, and I think there is bliss in gaming, so the notion of following your bliss also makes sense. My purpose for playing is completely different from gamers. The only reason i'm playing games is because I know how miserable gamers are, because I was once a miserable gamer. I am going to shatter everyone and get really good fast because my drive is different. How many pro gamers/high level gamers are playing the game to help people and raise consciousness. I'm pretty sure close to none. That's why life purpose works. I have a life purpose. So i will out compete everyone in the gaming industry and there's no way I won't be successful.
  21. I have spent a large amount of my life trying, mostly unsuccessfully, to be happy and enjoy my life. The pursuit of happiness and joy, turned into the pursuit of awakening and spirituality, so i ended up on actualized.org. I managed to resolve some issues that were causing the pursuit of awakening and enlightenment and now i'm more focused on basic self help and trying to feel better in my life in anyway I can. My current reasons for being on the forum are as follows: I want to learn more about how to feel better in life from people on the forum with experience in these areas. I want to try and help people who seem to be struggling with similar issues i've struggled on the path. I use the forum as an escape from taking action in my life, and use it as a form of procrastination when i have a task i'm trying to accomplish like studying, meditating, or working on the life purpose course. I'm curious for others users here. What your reasons for being here on the forum. Honestly, why are you here?
  22. @VeganAwake I think he's delusional to be honest. But to each their own.
  23. What stage is he in spiral dynamics?
  24. @Pilgrimage of Self Pursue spiritual awakening while working first. Once you achieve some spiritual growth and have some awakenings the life purpose course will be a breeze and you will find your purpose quick. I did this and once i had an awakening i've been breezing through the course, and i'm like 10% into the course and I already found my purpose.
  25. Major success in my life. I convinced my uncle i'm not manic and that I actually know what i'm talking about. My uncle has been a sort of mentor for me growing up. He's hard stage orange, but he's really intelligent so maybe stage orange/yellow. I have been manic in the past, and have had mental health issues so he's been very skeptical of my growth over the past few days. I talked to him over text for a few hours today, and at first he thought I was manic i could tell. But as the convo progressed he eventually came around and told me he thinks i'm all good, and he no longer thinks i'm manic. I've realized I can only associate with people in life who either think I am as great as I think I am, or they themselves are greater than I think I am. There is no in between. People who doubt me from a lower stage are going to be X'd immediately. Sadly, my parents doubt my progress a lot. They equate LSD with Oxycontin and when i told them i have made so much progress from the drugs, they told me that i'm addicted to drugs and the progress doesn't count because it's from the drugs lol. It's sad but its a wake up call. I'm going to start working, writing, and playing basically 24/7 now. I am going to finish the semester of law school and then reassess. I will hopefully try and convince my parents i know what i'm talking about, because I think what's best for me right now is a small allowance to support living expenses while i continue to grow. If they refuse then I will be going solo without parental support.