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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. @Nahm I truthfully think that guy's an idiot. That is my truth. I want him to feel bad because those ideas are dumb. Long term I know i'm not going to be calling people idiots, there's a better way. I think the ceiling of this forum is you can literally change people's life if you push the right buttons based on the questions they ask, and how you answer. But for now I'm liking the big spiritual ego phase of the path. I just don't want to be banned.
  2. @Nahm What can i call someone who I think is dumb, that is not considered name calling? How do i walk the line of calling dumb ideas out, without getting banned for name calling? Can i call the ideas stupid?
  3. @Nahm I'll do a detailed post in this thread at some point on Reiki, Psychedelics, and Life Coaching.
  4. @Derek White I can call you whatever I want. I don't give a fuck what you, or anyone sais I don't have to listen to anyone. Except the mods because I don't want to be banned lol.
  5. @Derek White I know you have toxic indian immigrant beliefs about drugs, hard work, and success. I know you're an idiot because you are close minded about psychedelics. Imagine someone giving your response to someone advising meditation. I gotta figure some stuff out first before i start meditating etc. Practices are practices. What works, works. You ignore the effective techniques to your own detriment. I know you aren't enlightened. That's all I need to know about anyone.
  6. @NahmI was explaining psychedelics to my aunt and she referenced that Goop show. Great synchronicity.
  7. @Derek White You're a fool. Message me again in 5 years when you do them, and then we can both laugh at the current version of you.
  8. @Mafortu Okay. My point was be careful about judging practices if you do not have direct experience as to their value, or lack thereof. I have done reiki and I have direct experience of it's benefits. It's a "real" practice. But you lumped Reiki in with your list of BS techniques above so I had to correct it.
  9. @Llight Lol you have no idea what you're talking about. Are you as high as you could be on the path? Worry about yourself before you try and act like others' aren't at where you'are at.
  10. @Mafortu Lol i can tell your progress by how you're typing. You're not speaking from your direct experience, you're speaking from anecdotes of your family. What do you know? What have you experienced from these techniques? How far are you on the path? Have you had an awakening? What are your practices?
  11. @Mafortu You just grouped a bunch of different techniques together and dismissed them all. You are just ignorant. Do the work. Try some of those techniques and judge for yourself. You don't progress on the path by thinking about it. You have to actually do something.
  12. @VeganAwake This is nonsense. Practices are necessary for a lot of people early on the path. These neo-adavita guys seems like idiots imo.
  13. @AwakenedSoul444 You gotta update your journal man! Sounds like you figured some stuff out haha
  14. @Martin123 If you have a problem with @Nahm then just block him. You are seriously deluded though if you think he is the problem in your conversation. Grow up. Or learn to practice humility when engaging in discussions that you do not understand.
  15. @traveler The purpose of practices is to eventually not do practices. The purpose of non-dual teachings is to eventually not need teachings. Have you done Leo's life purpose course? I recommend you find a purpose. I found one and it's made the path much easier. The teachings are only pointers so you can realize your own inherent greatness. You are your own highest authority. I think a change in the relationship with "teachers" is needed here. You are the highest authority. Everything else is in service of your authority, that includes all the teachers you listed. If they are not resonating with you then find a different teacher.
  16. @Nahm I understand the inspection more clearly now yeah. So the more common sense/consciousness I apply to my perspectives the better i'll feel. I noticed this with my trips. When I bring myself back to very basic explanations of everything in my reality it helps me calm down and feel better when my mind starts going off and I feel bad.
  17. @Nahm The only problem is when they do stuff that makes me feel bad. Like my family says stuff to me or they say something about others' and i don't like it, it makes me feel bad. So i don't associate with them. But ultimately I have control over how I feel. So if my emotional state is in my own control, which it is, then there is no issue with them.
  18. @4201 I watched that Sadguru video. He is so off on psychedelics. His perspective on the substances is a joke. You can literally apply his logic to any spiritual practice, and you'd end up with no practices lol. Anyone who is dismisses psychedelics like that without any serious thought is a joke imo. The drugs have so much value if you use them with wisdom.
  19. @Nahm Lol that makes a lot of sense. "I" love doing it this way haha. So judgement is at the root here? I know I judge a lot, and I see it in my family, judgement of self and other is basically the name of the game for all my relatives.
  20. @Nahm Why is there discomfort or resistance to surrender? I understand your point here, I can just be present and allow whatever arises to just be. But it doesn't feel like love/bliss/joy. It feels uncomfortable, and there is a push to go back into thinking/distraction and away from the discomfort of the moment.
  21. @Nahm Yeah I know you are not saying that. I am saying that. I'm talking about if someone watches that video and assumes those two have the game of life figured out. There labels around her condition, the conceptions about the brain, their attitude/disposition. I used to do that, I assumed most people had it figured out and the way they operated was normal and the way to do things. Now i realize that I was wrong, and very few people are living how I would want to live. So i classify everyone not living how I want to live as idiots. I understand that you don't do any of this, but there is also a progression. I cannot go from where I am now to cosmic consciousness over night. I also see the arrogance/ego/toxicity in my own perspective here lol. But i prefer this to my old habit of being overly nice/understanding etc which was completely fake and not authentic.
  22. @Nahm I understand. I don't like these kinds of fake intellectual people I think they are idiot/bs pretenders. Why are you afraid to call people out for not being on the path? When I hear people talk about something that I can tell they clearly don't understand I mentally note that they are idiots. This habit has gotten magnified since I started on the path haha, but it's better than the alternative for me which is assuming people know what they are talking about, and others' opinions about reality should be trusted at face value. I clearly see the problem with their perspectives, and I have no desire to be like either of them. But again lol. I don't understand how this pertains to me, and the inspection work/emotional scale/thinking-feeling relationship. I clearly have misguided assumptions underlying thinking that is creating suffering, but how to see through it decisively is another story. I can puncture the narrative in the mind with presence pretty reliably now, but when i come to the present i don't feel bliss/love/joy etc. I just get relief from being lost in thinking about myself.