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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. @zeroISinfinity I will top that. I was telling @Nahm i will be most woke person of all time. No one will be more free than me. Do you have any passions, hobbies etc? Life purpose is for spreading non-duality to the world based on all of our past experience and interests. For me it was video games, gaming, competition.
  2. @zeroISinfinity Right now i'm silver 4 but i'm getting challenger no doubt. It's part of my life purpose. First I get challenger, then i start writing guides etc. I want to teach people enlightenment through video games. People will listen to me because ill be a world class caliber player. I was also top 500 in overwatch so i'm very confident in my abilities to get challenger, and i'm god lol so that too. Gaming culture is super toxic. Many unhappy people playing games, and they aren't even happy playing. I will teach them a better way to play. Will teach them how to use games to become happy by applying all this non-duality stuff to the game. Got a website going and everything, though I might have to change the name i think someone already copy righted lol. Yeah i want to have more. compassion for people. When i think about people's childhood, and what caused them to be who they are, it makes me want to cry.
  3. @Arcangelo I'm okay. No where near NBA level lol. But i'm going to be world class at league of legends. I want to get a release when I post in my journal
  4. How do I feel? I feel content. I feel my third eye popping/cracking. Thoughts about dropping out of law school, which aren't true because i'm right here and that's just a thought. I feel a calm, energy sensation feels like contentment. Thoughts about my uncle and his level of awakening, Thoughts of judgement of other. It doesn't feel good because it's not true, it's just a thought. Thoughts about zero and his awakening when i used to ask him questions. It doesn't feel good because it's just a thought, about myself and zero in thinking which isn't here and now where good feeling is. I want to feel good. I feel good. I am infinite consciousness having an experience of a person
  5. @pluto well said.
  6. Just be yourself. Apply YOURSELF in everything you do. Your best will be accomplished as yourself, and only as yourself. Your best is not in thinking. It's in the now. Right here, right now. Yourself is the best you can do. And that's all we can ask of anyone is for them to do their best, just try your best.
  7. I play for the love of the game. I can't forget that. I am allowing myself to get angry while playing, and it's hurting my performance. I just want to play and have fun. That's what i want. I want to let go of everything else. I just want to play as MYSELF. I believe that will be enough. But "I" am still heavily involved while playing. This needs to be let go.
  8. I want to relax before my games. Maybe some push ups before the game? Trust your intuition. Don't thin. Feel. Tune into your instincts.
  9. @Gili Trawangan Lol not true. I smoke weed all the time, and my mind is rock solid.
  10. @TrynaBeTurquoise Well i'd hope that people who give advice actually believe they are wiser than the people they giving advice to lol, couldn't imagine the opposite of that. I am making the distinction. I am not saying they ARE the same thing. I'm saying they are intertwined. People who moralize, try to tell people how to live, think they are wiser then the people they giving advice to. Or at the very least they think the advice is wiser than the perspective of the person they are giving the advice to. Don't people believe in morals because they think living a moral life is the path to the best experience possible? I feel like we're talking past each other here.
  11. @TrynaBeTurquoise I disagree. Morality is people's attempt at finding the highest wisdom on how to live life. People moralize because they think they are wiser then the people they argue with. I am expressing my opinion because I think it's a wise opinion and i'm trying to be of service, but its based on a judgement of your opinions as wise or unwise in relation to my opinion. I view morality and wisdom as intertwined. You can't discuss without inherently bringing in the other.
  12. @JonasVE12 Yeah i'm definitely projecting my experience onto you. I view everything as not our peak state, as suffering. It's harsh, but I think I'll be proven right. I don't believe in the variety like you do. Yes there is a variety of experience and variety in feeling, but i've felt god's grace and I know there are different tiers that underly the range of experience. You can change your baseline to the point where you are so engrossed by your life that you are no longer seeking a better experience, because the one you're already having is so good.
  13. @JonasVE12 It's all about context. Maybe you want the roof. Maybe another person likes the rain. Enlightented people can do whatever the fuck they want because they are already whole and complete. Your situation there is because you assume one situation feels better than the other. When you're enlightened you will already feel amazing. Decision making isn't about what feels better at that point.
  14. @JonasVE12 You're not done if you're still seeking a better state. One awakening isn't enough. The way to live the best life isn't through thinking about it, that's mistake number 1. Living with truth IS the best subjective experience possible. That's why i'm here anyway lol. If there's a better subjective experience then full embodiment of the truth then point in that direction.
  15. @JonasVE12 As long as the big picture is enlightenment and the acknowledgment that eventually you will get off the drugs because your natural state will be soooo fucking good then you're all good. Weed isn't neurotoxic either, it's not like you're doing meth.
  16. @TrynaBeTurquoise In my opinion the purpose of life is to feel good, be happy, and do your best in whatever you want to do. Does weed do all that for you? Are you better on weed or off weed. If you feel better on weed then keep doing it. Lol claiming what's wise and unwise is moralising. We are making about statements about what people ought to do. We are judging him and giving an opinion.
  17. @DrewNows Do you eat or drink at all? What have been your gains from this lifestyle. What's different?
  18. @BETGR164128 Debating is a poor way to convince people. You have to prove it to people. Best way to spread the word is to find something you're passionate about, hobby etc. Then use enlightenment work to master said subject. Then when people are like omg you are so good how you do it, boom you drop the truth.
  19. @wk197 Have you ever read about the bubonic plague? There's a story of a doctor, i don't remember his name, he was treating people and he got the plague but he lived. There's a reason why some people live through this stuff and never get sick, and some people whither and die. You can be one of the people who doesn't fear the plague because you know it can't touch you. I have 0 fear of the virus. Fuck the virus. If i get infected I will fucking live through it. You can have this same confidence and ability.
  20. @TrynaBeTurquoise If weed makes his life better then i'd say he keep doing it. There's nothing inherently wrong with anything. It's all how we use it. Before i awoke i was smoking weed and doing yoga like every night, in hindsite there was a better way to get the high, but it would be wrong for someone to say what I was doing was wrong because it's part of the causal chain of my awakening. OP if it feels good then do it.
  21. @TrynaBeTurquoise Getting high is getting high. The diminishment has nothing to do with the substance, it's how we're using it. I'm not saying to get high on weed all the time. I'm saying you can find a way to live life where you are just naturally higher then any subtance will ever get you, because that is your default. If you already feel amazing, what's the point of weed, or any drug? If weed makes you feel better and you do better on it, then keep doing it. But realize that you can feel better on your own, you are creating your own reality. Weed is just 1 part of the equation
  22. @TrynaBeTurquoise That's not true. You can be all the high all the time. Or at the very least you will be so smart that when you're not high, and you get pulled out, then you are smart enough to bring yourself back in. God is the ultimate high.
  23. @ShardMare Is there anything in life that makes you feel good? It seems like you're getting clarity on the old way of living as not feeling good to you. Do you have any ideas on what you do want? If you could have anything what would you want?
  24. How to best utilize thinking moving forward. Hmm.
  25. @JonasVE12 Very nice lol. My goal is to be high all the time too. We are fucking gods. The high of enlightenment is the greatest high of all imo. We want to be our best, feel our best, and do our best in everything. Whatever gets us there is what gets us there. For me it was enlightenment. The trap is in seeking the high unconsciouslly. That's how you end up addicted to drugs on the street etc. But me a strategic mother fer going for the high and you will be all good. Bliss chasing is awesome, it's what i'm doing. Follow your bliss baby.