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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. @PlayTheGame It's not fair to Leo for his students to dicatate how he should and shouldn't act based on how it makes them feel. Leo is on his path. We are lucky he's bringing us along. All of the work on the forum is made possible by Leo. He deserves the right to be a dick and not have everyone freak out and start projecting all their problems onto him. Everything we do is for ourselves. Leo does all this for his own understanding of himself, make no mistake about it.
  2. @Dima What brings you to the forum?
  3. @Beginner Mind I'm not exactly the best example, but @Nahm is the real deal. 10/10 would recommend, he can help you.
  4. @Beginner Mind Haha thanks. I made it right before they won the championship. I was only off by one game. Raptorsin6 has a nice ring to It to lol
  5. @Beginner Mind He's talking about me I think. What i wrote is spiritual arrogance and bullying lol. The sessions aren't bullying and arrogance, it's just guidance on the path. Whatever that means for you, literally.
  6. @zeroISinfinity Okay thank you sir. Very good teaching. How's it feel it to help me? Did your heart swoon in ecstasy?
  7. What do you mean by this. I agree with the above thanks. Do you think just playing the game mindfully is enough? Like right i play mini games to improve my clicking, and i spend time just learning all champions and learning spells etc. But if i just play with love and learn to be mindful is that enough you think? Like i bet no one in game is on the path like me you know, that's my edge. The path is like steroids. I'm like lance armstrong but instead of doping, i'm using the path to improve my performance.
  8. @Beginner Mind I think you're trying to do this. But you think this is what will get you what's above. Why not just go for happiness and feeling good, which is what everyone wants anyways. Why do you want to do literally nothing?? Hmmm, i bet it's because you think you will feel better and be better in the having of it. @Nahm We love doing it the hard way eh
  9. @zeroISinfinity But love and feeling good is prior to the game. Like if i am miserable person, whatever i do is miserable because i am bring this miserable person with me to whatever i do. Like i do love playing games, always played games my whole life, like 12 hours per day easy because it stimulated me, but now i want to get payed for my hard work. But i'd be lying if i said i just play and I feel LOVE. Love is FELT. I don't feel love when playing, i feel stressed, frustrated etc because game is hard and i'm still learning. So the question is how to find love in the game? I want to bring love to the game. Does that make sense? I agree with you no doubt. If i really LOVED the game challenger would be easy peasy because LOVE is the best i know this. But i also know that MYSELF is in better and worse states before playing, like on LSD a few times i felt like soilder of god, full bliss etc. Like if that solider of god version of RAPTORSIN7 was playing league i would be better no? Compare that version of raptorman to normal version typing right now asking how to get better at game, you probably feel the worry and desperation, This version not so useful at mastering the game. i guess the question is basically: How do i love the game. How does on love??
  10. @zeroISinfinity I understand everything you wrote but still doesn't help. I write I am challenger on the board. But then i look and i'm not challenger. Wtf? I will rage non-duality war on Jed if u don't help me so better give a good answer.
  11. Expand? What do you mean it's best thread? Can you explain your theory as to why dream board works? I use the board, but still not sure. Like i write on the board I am challenger ADC in league of legends. But then i look and actual rank of "MindfulPlayer" is Gold 3. Hmm? You think Jed is selling snake oil, or am i doing something wrong with board?
  12. I wonder if Delores knows she's starting a war with a race of beings with infinite intelligence
  13. @zeroISinfinity I know i don't hate him either. On one of my trips i couldn't get his name out of my head lol. It's because i was so harsh and had no compassion for him. But now i see that we have common humanity, so no more judgement and hate. Just understanding.
  14. @Leo Gura Yeah, better is feeling amazing. Which i don't think is achieved by chasing insights to infinity. Seek better feeling, not more understanding. Better feeling has an end point and is satiating, understanding will take you forever.
  15. @Leo Gura We are infinite beings. Won't your understand just go infinitely deep and you'll be chasing your infinite tail for infinity?
  16. @LfcCharlie4 I wonder when everyone will learn that working 1-1 makes the path like 1000 times easier lol
  17. @LfcCharlie4 It's his path. We can only express concern and provide guidance, it's not our place to tell him what to do and how he ought to do his path.
  18. @Derek White If you can totally surrender then it will work. The success of it will be realized in direct experience, you won't need to ask anyone you will know for yourself. I think that's how the Budhha got enlightened. He just got sick of seeking and said fuck it i'm sitting here until i'm enlightened. And like Abraham hicks says, ask and it is given.
  19. @Leo Gura Cold showers are awesome third eye work if you just run the cold water over your head until it hurts.
  20. This video is a good metaphor for awakening. The state change is particularly interesting.
  21. @pluto Do you think you could give me advice that could enlightenment me tonight?
  22. @pluto@pluto But I've already walked in darkness. And I've found light and then lost it into darkness again. Do I really have to keep going through this? Why not just a continual increase in joy and happiness. Rather then ups and downs, why not just steady increase in happiness for all?
  23. @HiddenAway have you had the god realization yet? Have you done psychedelics?