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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. How to play league? Relax, and have fun. No need to be so serious. Just enjoy. All is well, all is good. Paradoxically, this will produce the best results. I want to do my best. So just be yourself. No need for more than that.
  2. I've actually been slacking on formal practices since my awakening on LSD. The practices are great to ground yourself, but i believe making changes in your life and your relationships is where most growth will occur. Like for example, i dropped out of law school recently, and i basically told one of my uncles, who's been a mentor to me for my whole life, to stop talking to me because i didn't like the way he viewed school and i didn't like advice he gave me. Now these aren't practices, but i've felt so much growth from these 2 things. The best practices imo are enlightenment coaching and psyhcs. Meditation, yoga etc are awesome but they need to be tailored so you are getting max benefit. Like prior to my awakening, which was like 3 months ago, i had been meditation for about 3 years. It was somewhat sporadic, but i was doing some days of like 3 hours of just minduflness meditation, plus yoga classes. But none of that got me close to the god feeling i got on LSD. So while practices were invaluable for me because they were part of the causal chain that got me here. I can't say that my success is because i was following strict practices. Right now i do like 30 minutes total of guided meditations, with some wim hoff breathing like 5 days a week. But i've meaning to make major changes to how i approach spirituality so i will likely have better info for you in the coming months. My advice would be find a teacher and work with them as much as possible. Some of the stuff Nahm has taught me i would never have learned just being on the forum and meditating. It's important to work with an enlightenment master to help you, it will make your progress sooooooo much quicker.
  3. @Dumuzzi I understand your concern but i'm very happy with my decision. I had a close family member express similar concerns as you, but i think it's coming from a place of fear and not love. I made this decision because i want to be happy NOW. Not in 3 years when i graduate law school, not 10 years when i become partner. I learned to tune into my intuition and trust my instincts. This decision is what i want. And i learned that you really can get what you want in this life. No pain no gain is bull shit. My website is a business. And now that i'm not in school i will have more time to pursue retreats etc to further me on the path to enlightenment. For me life is life. There isn't a distinction between work, life. enlightenment etc. It's just life. And all decisions are about getting more love in my life and being happier. This decision was cold and calculated in the direction of love. My faith is strong. I believe in myself, and trust myself and the decisions that come from me. The website idea came during a 2 hour float tank session, it felt divinely inspired to me.
  4. @John Doe I actually had very similar concerns. I haven't fully transcended fear yet, i think for me next on the path is full ego death where it will feel like literal death, and i imagine there is where i will fully transcend fear. During the peak experience i took LSD, and i was laying in my bed trying to relax and meditate. I just kept breathing and it just felt like my head popped and i felt like a weird oozing feeling coming from my third eye being popped open. So, there was fear of the unknown but it wasn't full on terror. I learning to relax and calm your self is most important. I know i've basically carried around chronic stress from a stage blue indian upbrining and i never addressed it because i thought it was normal. As far as fears of demons, hell etc i can't say i've fully transcended it yet. But i know i'm WAY less afraid of that stuff now as i've gone deeper in the path, then when i first started and realized that a lot of my old beliefs were not fully accurate. I think taking time to address the root of the fear is important. What happens prior to the fear taking over? Maybe there are beliefs about your past, family etc that you are afraid to deal with. A useful exercise could be to fully imagine hell for yourself. Imagine the worst possible scenario you can imagine from your meditation, and then accept it. If you can accept the worst case scenario you can imagine then it will hold less power of you. If there's one thing i've learned so far, it's that the path is good bro. Life is good. When we are afraid, scared etc it's because of thinking and our disconnection form the innate goodness that is within us. TLDR: I had similar fears, but as i progressed on the path with psychs, meditation, coaching etc they just subsided without me actively addressing them.
  5. Good job man. Keep going, sounds like shamanic breathing gives you great insights
  6. @LfcCharlie4 I remember when I first started posting, he would post about love all the time I thought the guy was clueless. I was so wrong. (Thank God for that lol)
  7. @zeroISinfinity I got some grey too and i'm only 24. I think i was going bald young but because of the path and lower stress i think i saved my hair haha. You know Jed is bold. I hope i don't join him there lol
  8. @Derek White No problem. No i haven't, I really need to add new practices, i read some quote about how you have to evolve your practices as you awaken and it's really been true for me lately. I'll look into it thanks man.
  9. @John Doe No i would not consider myself enlightened. But i don't want to be fake humble and say i'm not far on the path. I've had peak experiences where i've felt bliss flowing through me, and everything in the world just made sense and it felt like a stream of insights flowing into my head. But i'm also not awake to infinite love and joy, which to me is most important haha so it's tough. But i bet i can help with questions on the path, just take what i say with a grain of salt. Also, i would consider myself to have an excellent eye as to who on the forum is worth listening to and has advice that can change your life. @Nahm is one of the few, and it's basically his job to enlighten seekers so i recommend talking to him too.
  10. @zeroISinfinity Yeah bro, i'm not a big reader but i liked his book. I always respected soilders and generals etc, if this were another era i'd try to be soilder going for gods glory lol. Yeah i'm excited haha. I am now an entrepreneur, like Jeff Bezos (but I have hair lol)
  11. @John Doe It could be useful to create goals within your practice and track them. Like if you meditate for 10 days in a row, I would consider that spiritual progress Also, have you seen @Nahm;s thread on using a dreamboard? That post is what sparked a major awakening for me, which was about 3 months ago, and since that thread my life has completely changed.
  12. @SamueLSD I read his book a few years back before i got really into non-duality. It was interesting, but i would always get triggered when he mentioned god lol. Do you feel good reading his book? I find when some people write, like the buddha, i get a good feeling from certain lines or quotes. Have you experienced this, and would you count The Meditations as something that invokes good feelings.
  13. @LoveandPurpose When i found my life purpose i was doing Leo's course. After i found it, i noticed that all the main concepts in his videos were consistent with my life purpose. There was consistency across my life purpose and his concepts so i had confidence i was on the right track. Once i realized i had everything in my idea that he was talking about, i just stopped doing the course and went all in on pursuing my idea.
  14. So i've officially put an end to a major chapter of my life. I dropped out of law school. I basically told my controlling uncle to chill out and stop telling me what to do. I'm beginning to notice the nuance of words like SHOULD, NEED, MUST, HAVE TO. When i scrutizine my language these words come up, over and over again. But i do not want to live my life like that. I want to live according to what i want. And what i want is to feel love. I want to feel good. So i will live my life according to what feels good, and what i want that will lead to feeling good. I want to be less strict and rigid in my practices as well. The guide for me is feeling now, and it's important to be attentive to how different practices and teachers make me feel. If it doesn't feel good then move on. Find something that feels good. Very simple. I'm so thankful for the path. My life is getting so much better. The trajectory i'm now wasn't even conceivable to me like 4 months ago. I was still a lost law student looking for happiness in all the wrong places. I can't believe how much i've improved and changed. Very excited for the future.
  15. @zeroISinfinity No but I'm enlightened and I realized the self is an illusion that means I must be awake. Please stop spreading info that claims I'm not enlightened because I really need to be enlightened right now ):
  16. How do you define spiritual progress?
  17. @Bazooka Jesus LMAO. I had the same idea.
  18. @SilentTears Hey i tried the guided but it didn't work. I have an energy blockage in the third eye, and i don't feel love but the guided didn't resolve either issue. I had trouble visualizing the light pouring into my chakras, but not sure how to improve that.
  19. Hi everyone. I recently found my life purpose thanks to both Leo's course and my spiritual awakening. I thought it could be fun to do an AMA for people who are thinking about starting the course, or people who are on the fence about purchasing the course or are skeptical of the idea of life purpose in general. If you have ANY question feel free to ask and I will give you as detailed an answer I can. The more specific the question, the better the answer I can give. Also, full disclosure. I feel I have my found my life purpose and I am very confident I'm going to be successful. But as of now I'm in the early stages of my startup/life purpose so I don't want to come across like I've already made it or anything. I am very confident that I have found the path to success, but be skeptical of my advice. And if doesn't make sense to you, or it sounds like bull shit, trust your intuition and don't take my word for it. Find the truth of the situation for yourself.
  20. @zeroISinfinity Thanks a lot man your praise is much appreciated. You are real deal, forum is lucky to have you. Life purpose is awesome, highly recommend. @Key Elements has good topics on it. I wish she was still here, but I think she's moved on to her own website.
  21. Enlightenment is the recognition of your true nature as infinte love, formless being etc. Everyone has different definitions, and so the end of seeking is likely to be different to different people. For me i would consider myself "done" when i can embody the bliss and energy i felt during my god realization on LSD. Once you finish the seeking and find enlightenment, which i haven't done yet so i could be off here, you have nothing to do but to live your life. It goes full circle. Before enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment... (you get the deal). Once you the find the bliss and love and happiness intrinsic in your own being, you are free to do whatever you want. The world becomes heaven and you are free to live as you wish. I've always played video games so this website is really a forward thinking plan on my part, for how i want to spend my life after i'm done seeking. For everyone their path after seeking will be unique based on their life experience. I've always played games, sports, competed etc. There are no shoulds, musts, needs etc with a true awakened being. It's all about what YOU want to do. Because you're god baby and you're free. So do what you want. I want to write and play games, and make money doing it lol.
  22. @Roy Yup. I may also do a conscious toxicity section too haha. When it comes to writing content it's basically anything goes. But MINDSET will most likely be the most important thing i write about, at least at first. I wouldn't consider myself fully enlightened yet so i'm not going to write about straight up enlightenment yet, but eventually that will be the majority of my content.
  23. @lostmedstudent I started working with @Nahm in January. Best decision i've made so far on the path (not sure which is more valuable Nahm or psycsh tbh). I highly recommend finding a teacher who's enlightened. Many of our beliefs we inherited unconsciously. At some point i realized i was operating according to beliefs that i had no idea where they came from. Now i'm starting to have thoughts that i remember specifically hearing from Nahm in our calls. And wala i'm getting better and happier lol.
  24. @Eren Eeager Isn't the purpose of trips to sort out psychological barriers that are preventing optimal mental health? If you were already mentally healthy why would you need do the psychs in the first place? In my view being a spiritual seeker is the recognition that your normal mode is off, and hence you go on the path to find what it means to be healthy and well. @lostmedstudent Be careful of falling into the trap of using drugs to suppress the underlying issues so that you can return to "normal" functioning. I've done LSD about 4-5 times in the past 4 months and i've had 3 full blown bad trips full of misery and suffering. But these trips proved incredibly valuable because i've been making major changes to my life recently, dropping out of law school, cutting out toxic people etc. And in comparison to the misery of those trips this stuff has been a cake walk haha