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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. @Consilience Haha. I deserve it. I came in gun's blazing, and i'm not holding punches so I hope they don't either. The question is always whether you embody the insights. It's all great talking about infinite love, selflessness etc. But when the behavior doesn't align with what's being said, red flags start going off. I know i'm not enlightened yet. But I also know when people are just talking shit based on delusions and projections. When there are no character flaws in the person, or at least I don't sense them, then I will listen to your advice. Otherwise i'm calling it out.
  2. @fridjonk I know. Where is it? Maybe in Leo's next 1000 DMT trips he can learn to just give it to me. But I won't hold my breath
  3. @Consilience This. Thank you for speaking sense
  4. @Serotoninluv I understand distinctions bro. If you could BE leo or the buddha. You ride shotgun with their experience. Now imagine all the seekers on the forum. Would you want any of these people to be like leo. You arent even honest in your life. You are still afraid of judgement and reputation amongst academics. You are in no position to lecture me.
  5. @fridjonk Its not about resisting death. I want ego death. I want love, joy, bliss etc. The question is how to get there asap. I want enlightenment, embodiment and integration, not just insights. And I want it every day all day. I want baseline consciousness to be enough. None of you "geniuses" have this yet. It's so obvious
  6. Good luck. I don't really understand a lot of people, but its crystal clear they have what I dont want. Whatever rabbit hole you're going down with the psychs you couldn't pay me enough money to follow you down it. But Leo's more woke then the buddha right? Lol
  7. @Artaemis Yeah that's true of everyone at bottom. We all suffer from a lack of love, because if we embodied our true love we wouldn't be seeking and we'd be whole. I agree with your analysis thank you. The concern, which @Surfingthewave rightly pointed out, is Leo has a big following of unaware seekers who may follow him down the path of blasting yourself with DMT. It's so obvious there are better ways of going about finding love then what he's doing, but he lacks the self awareness to acknowledge this. Lack of confidence, lack of self-esteem etc all stem from a lack of love. But love is felt, so if Leo were wiser he'd find ways to feel love daily without the drugs. But idk how long it will take him to figure that one out.
  8. @Nak Khid It depends how you define enlightenment. To me insights into love, god, etc don't mean much if you can't integrate them and embody them in your every day life. Leo has claimed that he can only reach those levels with DMT, but sober his baseline consciousness isn't even close to those levels. I define enlightenment as an integrated and embodied god. Not someone who can only reach god state with drugs. Well I can tell, but idk how to teach that skill to others. For me a huge red flag is when a dude claims enlightenment, but then is obviously not happy, not healthy, doesn't have healthy relationships etc.
  9. @fridjonk No you dont. Understanding Is a bottomless pit. Reality is infinitely complex you can seek understanding for eternity. Embodiment and knowing eventually collapse into one, but Leo hasnt collapsed that duality, apparently neither have you @LfcCharlie4 is 10 times more woke than Leo and look at how he calls him out. Leo's not even smart enough to see when people ahead of him are calling out his nonsense. The guys got 0 embodiment without drugs. Literal joke. And you're acting like hes figured out the game of life.
  10. @zeroISinfinity No hes not. If you're on the path for understandings sake then so be it but that's so foolish. I watched Leo's awakenings I had the same type of connection to source after 2 low dose lsd trips. Leo's just state chasing. I know I'm not enlightened and given me and him are basically at similar stages on the path I know this isnt right. If you're "enlightened" but you arent happy and you aren't interested in the happy part then you've lost the plot. Pursuing that path is so stupid it hurts.
  11. Imagine how easy it would be to discipline yourself if you felt relaxed, blissful, peaceful rather then tense, stressed, lethargic. Life is just easier when you feel amazing. There will be less resistance when you want to do something. Many people just try to brute force discipline without focusing on how they feel. I'm going the other way. I'm betting that when I learn to feel good first, everything else will fall into place.
  12. @fridjonk That's a joke. But you are free to pursue your delusion. From my point of view you're delusional. From your point of view i'm delusional. Once again, if you don't see it you don't see it. There are actual enlightened people on the forum calling out Leo's nonsense here. If you think Leo is the most woke then cool, have fun. And lol at me not believing loving your life and having an impact on the world is the name of the game for spiritual seekers. "I can't wait for the part of the path where I do nothing but blast myself with drugs, and become a total hermit"- Said no one ever
  13. @fridjonk Embodiment of love in your life and living in the world. Leo's just sitting in his house getting high. Hes basically being a drug addict but in an enlightened way lmao. Connection with other humans is where it's at. How long it takes him to realize that is anyones guess. I got my popcorn I'm loving the show
  14. @fridjonk Enjoy your life?
  15. @fridjonk You realize Leo's in a seekers trap right? I think it's a joke but I'm a heartless bastard. You should reevaluate this desire for understanding you two love so much
  16. @Leo Gura How do you define enlightenment?
  17. @Surfingthewave
  18. Does anyone have any insights into how they opened their crown chakra? Any techniques, thoughts, additional info etc would be appreciated.
  19. @Surfingthewave I share some your concerns but imo this place is bigger than Leo. Nevet say never about coming back
  20. @Surfingthewave You will be missed ): Good luck on your path. Thank you for your guidance I appreciate your help
  21. @Surfingthewave Yeah any form of seeking is inherently from a place of lack. The idea that Leo is following this current path from a place of higher wisdom doesn't make a lot of sense. People should be open to the idea that maybe Leo is still seeking, and so he's liable to traps that us seekers fall into on the path to enlightenment.
  22. @Surfingthewave I disagree that the drugs are to blame. The drugs are a tool for growth like any other practice, I just think there are risks that come with the rapid growth and insights that come from psychs compared to other practices. With great power comes great responsibility. I think Leo needs an adjustment of his reasons for pursuing truth.
  23. @Surfingthewave I understand. I support your concern, I think Leo has fallen into a trap but i'm not sure how long it will take him to get over this.
  24. The end of this clip has a great talk destiny, and keeping an open mind and an open heart. I feel those words and they make me emotional. But not enough for a full on purge crying, which is what i want. Maybe more movies, more tv shows? Hmm?