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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. @Raphael Great post on love vs discipline. So much truth. Love and you will never have to worry about discipline.
  2. @zeroISinfinity You project your struggles onto seekers in general. Just because you struggle doesn't mean that all will struggle.
  3. @zeroISinfinity Why doesn't Jed say the same thing? You say its rough and harsh, he said ite the best case scenario for life. Isnt he awakened too? I've never once heard him warn me of the stuff you speak about with enlightenment
  4. @trenton Hey good luck on your path to mastery in chess. I'm currently going for challenger in league of legends so I can relate.
  5. Love to @zeroISinfinity. When is this guy getting mod status? I will hunger strike until this injustice is addressed.
  6. @John Doe What kind of kriya yoga do you do?
  7. @Nahm @LfcCharlie4 I got my first transmission yesterday. You'll defs be hearing from me about in the coming weeks. I'm either going to going off about how amazing it is, or I'm going to sink Nahm out of spite ?
  8. Which of these processes resonated with you? I've yet to be able to hit the highest tier on the emotional scale using the techniques in the book. It seems like they work well when you already feel great and want to re-kindle the feeling, but for getting to a good feeling place I haven't been able to have success.
  9. @ElenaO Wow thanks so much. Great insights. I am also not a cryer in everyday life, but I really want to start crying because I think the emotional release is important. I will try that link and report back.
  10. @trenton Just being there and showing strength and love is incredible. Your strength and love will infect your family members and make it easier for them to cope.
  11. @trenton I'm sorry about your father but you show incredible strength and wisdom you will be just fine.
  12. @Visionary Do the transmissions still work if they aren't live?
  13. @LfcCharlie4 Yeah I've been thinking about it for a while now. I'll see if Nahm learns how to do it otherwise i'll start looking for a rasa person.
  14. @ElenaO How long did it take you with the breathwork before you got to a point where you could reliably cry? I've done some breathwork in the past, but nothing formal or extended beyond like 10 minutes of breathing, but I've never gotten close to a full emotional release through crying.
  15. @ZenBlue I asked how you had that specific break through. You didnt have the breakthrough prior to the breakthrough, so clearly you did something in that space. What did you do specifically?
  16. @ZenBlue How did you break through?
  17. @Nahm Can you do it now? Should I go find a teacher who can do it? How much of a game changer is it?
  18. @Michael569 Find something that your target audience respects, like some goal or health benchmark etc, and do that thing using your own advice. You will gain traction because people will be impressed by the achievement and then when they ask how you can hit em with your nutritional advice etc. TLDR: Do something impressive in your niche and use that achievement as a spring board to attract attention to your product
  19. @lostmedstudent I think it means follow what feels good and loving. If you have multiple paths to take in life, choose the one that feels best. Not what you should, must, have to do etc
  20. @zeroISinfinity cetus said he would ban me after i went hardcore spiritual ego, so him lol.
  21. @zeroISinfinity Become red zero and make me green raptor
  22. Love is prior to all experience. Some people are more or less aware of this fact. So for some people they feel loving/amazing prior to anything happening, and their lives are amazing. But some people, many rich people fall into this category, try to use experiences in the world ot make themselves feel good, but they aren't just already feeling love. The trick is to learn to feel good first before anything happens, this is what it means to be on the path to enlightenment imo, so once you master the ability to feel amazing first, then things will naturally fall into place. Listen to Abraham Hicks, she's excellent for merging spirituality with worldly success.
  23. @lostmedstudent Okay sweet I'd love to hear about it.