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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. zero's next journal title... "Wrath of the random serb"
  2. People like nice looking things. When I see a beautiful woman theres something that lights up in me. You will get treated better all else equal the more good looking you are. Classic halo effect. Source. r/iamverygoodlooking
  3. @Adamq8 Who are the best non-dual teachers in your opinion?
  4. @Inva why are you pushing our good friend zero?
  5. @Consilience I wonder if doing psychideilcs has allowed you go to deeper into sober meditation than you otherwise could have. I've heard one story on a podcast of someone claiming that after smoking DMT a person was able to access those heightened without DMT. It's like DMT opened the pathway, but who knows how long it would have taken to open the pathways without DMT.
  6. Zero's posts can come across as triggering, I know I've felt the desire to respond and call him on his posts sometimes. I wonder what that guy's reasoning was for challenging him. Maybe he was trying to help him by calling him out. That's one thing I've noticed about myself, I do better when someone gets in my face and yells at me. It forces me to be better. It was one of the issues growing up, my dad worked a lot and was avoidant so he never disciplined me and my mom was weak.
  7. Dam I believe my understanding has regressed. It's like I forgot the truth. Yesterday it was so obvious and everything was clicking, but now I don't have the same level of enthusiasm and trust in the process. This has been happening for a while now. In one moment I believe I have moved to a new level of understanding, then within a few days, hours etc I completely lose the understand, only for it to be rediscovered at a later time during meditation etc. I should make a post about this. If anyone reading this has any insight feel free to comment, otherwise i'll make a separate post.
  8. @VeganAwake I'm still waitinf for this to feel like bliss and love.???
  9. @Surfingthewave Thanks for the response. Nice to hear from you too, I wish we had more genuine seekers on here like you tbh. This is probably my biggest road block right now. I have 0 discipline. I eat pretty poorly and the only exercise I get is at work and I spend most of the time sitting there too. I've been clinging to past experiences where singular meditation sessions, combined with psychs, just completely altered my personality for the better so I thought I could bypass those aspects and just focus on meditation but I'm starting to realize there needs to be a balance. From what I understand acceptance and being open is the key. I just re-discovered a bunch of Rupert's videos where he talks about how happiness comes from saying yes to experience as it is right now and it really resonates, I think this is the key. I think that staying with the experience of being aware, acceptance, saying yes etc (I like to think of these as all pointing to the same experience) over a long period of time without getting distracted is where deep growth comes from. I think it takes time for the body to release it's pent up stuff and if you only spend a few minutes being aware and then go unconscious your body can never give up the tensions that are causing so much distress. I am a big believer in the power if singular meditation sessions done properly because of what i've experienced on psychs and I've seen how quickly things can change when you go deep enough inside and can stay silent without being distracted. Thanks I believe I'm making good progress too. My only concern is just getting stuck here in this endless seeking phase. How many teachers have you heard who were seekers for like 20 years etc. I'm ready to move on from spirituality and just go live life
  10. @VeganAwake What's the longest you've just sat/laid down and just lived this understanding? Just being.
  11. Wow nice point, I've never thought about this before
  12. Yeah i've heard these sentiment a lot from different online personalities. You can also look at WNBA players and how much controversy there is around the pay differences. The NBA is losing millions of dollars a year to keep the league running, yet there are many instances of WNBA players be upset over the pay differences. I'm not sure if anyone argued for EQUAL pay but there's definitely a strong sentiment from male and female players that woman deserve to be paid much more, even though economically there is no argument.
  13. The key to happiness is saying yes to experience. This is it. Accept everything that arises as though it were your new born baby. All things are love. Everything is love. The devil is distraction from this truth. By being aware of everything that arises you are accepting it. The simple act of being aware is an inherent acceptance of whatever is arising. That's why being aware of being aware and resting attention is so powerful. By being aware you are accepting, and with deep acceptance comes peace and happiness. The mirror will never smile first- @pluto Thank you @Beginner Mind I was reading through his post history and it really sparked some understanding in me. I believe this is the essence of Rupert Spira's teaching
  14. Is anyone familiar with his teaching? Did he speak about transcending suffering, pain etc as part of his teaching or was he an emotionless zombie neo-advaita teacher? I've had experiences on psychs where I felt nausea, headache, pain etc literally get flushed out of my being by feeling into sensations in the third eye region and I'm not even enlightened. I find it hard to believe that true meditation master could suffer intensely from physical pain.
  15. I've been listening to a youtuber named Kevin James recently and he brought up something about modern dating that i thought was interesting, and i'm about people's thoughts on the phenomena. According to him, woman are becoming more and more successful these days (income, education, etc) and as a result you have a group of woman who are very successful and so they refuse to date men who they consider below them. But because men don't judge woman according to their income/education etc, something I agree with, you have a situation where these woman aren't attractive in the eyes of men they find attractive, but they won't consider dating someone who is not as successful as them. I thought this was interesting predicament and it could generate an interesting discussion.
  16. @Peter Miklis Haha I never said any of that. To be fair I was just messing with that other poster because he was triggered by the title and didn't understand the main point
  17. @Peter Miklis That's even more bull shit than what I wrote. Go try and attract woman if you have no money see how that works for you. Let's see how fast you walk this back
  18. Yeah I agree lawyers are not that smart after all. I went to a pretty good law school and you would be surprised how stupid some people are. ---- Man my meditation practice always feels like 1 step forward 1 step back. I've noticed this pattern of having long meditation sessions followed my migraine headaches right at the third eye region. I've felt this same thing on psychs, it's this nauseating headache. I've managed to transcend the headaches on psychs and release almost all the suffering, but sober meditations I haven't managed to fully let it go. Now i'm hesitant about meditating before work today because the migraine was so bad last night. Oof.
  19. @JJfromSwitzerland Wait until she meets someone way more successful than you... your clock is ticking
  20. Is that my families level of development? Stone age mindset with modern technologies? I guess it makes sense, India is behind modern countries by many generations. I know who you're talking about but I don't see how it's connected haha
  21. Sure I'd love to hear it. I don't understand what you mean by this
  22. I wonder how many friends I have left on this forum. I've basically insulted everyone i've talked to in some major/minor way haha, and I bet some people hold a grudge or just stay clear of me. I want to say I'm sorry for how I've treated people on here, but truth is I'm not really sorry and I bet I will do it again even if I apologize. A sorry doesn't mean much if there isn't a will to change. My parents spoiled me and let me do whatever I want so I think I have an inherent low regard for the feelings and opinions of others. This is low empathy narcissist at it's finest. My parents wanted to do a good job they just didn't really understand that what they were doing was going to end up causing problems later in life. I appreciate the emotionally strong people on the forum who are not phased by my interactions. In my defense, I try to give good advice and I try to be ethical and reasonable in how I give advice. Saying something triggering over the internet is not bad I don't think, considering all that goes in the self help industry. I've also interacted with enough teachers in 1-1 chats and videos etc, and I can do a reasonable job of mimicing some teachers with just a purely logical understanding of their teaching, even though I don't have the same direct experience as them
  23. @Zeroguy I hear you man. I'm with you, how many of these woman will talk about their standards, good man etc but then will end up with complete opposite. That guy was addicted to the first broken girl who he formed an emotional connection with. Hes like a drug addict, and she's his crack. He was talking about love, being with her etc when shes married with kids. What kind of guy wants to commit to a married woman with kids who's a cheater, that's red flag number 1. Best thing a man could do is develop himself and be non needy. I'm basically a man child but in law school woman in my class loved me because I was non needy and was indifferent.
  24. Another good meditation session. Was listening to a talk by Rupert. I think the best videos for me are the one's pointing to the just being aware. The most essential aspect of experience, just being aware. Resting in this space. I could feel some stuff coming up and I kinda retreated into dissoication but overall it was a good session. What is the essential part of experience. Just the fact of having an experience. Being conscious of being conscious. Awareness being aware of itself. He said in the talk that at some point there is a shift. I've had the major shift a few times on psychs, but I believe i'm approaching that same release in meditation. But i gotta be more diligent. I am fucking around way too much.