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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. I'm going to make an effort to clean up my behavior on the forum. I think i've hurt some people here and it's not fair
  2. @ll Ontology ll Wow thanks a lot, this is great stuff. I'm not at a point where i'm actively seeking a partner but when I do i'll keep all this stuff in mind. I think my best chance would be finding a girl who has a male relative, like brother father etc, who is into spirituality and consciousness work etc. Even if she herself isn't actively involved in a meaningful way. This would be target niche. I hope there are a bunch of successful dudes with hot wives who got into meditation once they realized material objects don't bring lasting happiness. I gotta find me a daughter of one of those unions haha
  3. @ll Ontology ll Thanks for the detailed response. How many attractive woman in the first world do you believe are this level of understanding around dating/romance? I'm assuming the more woke a woman is the more open they would be to more open dating preferences. I'm also curious how my dating preferences will change once I deal with the underlying trauma around woman, my mother, ethnic acceptance etc. Like I doubt I'll all of a sudden find super manly and hairy woman attractive, but who knows
  4. Can you expand on this. I'm not sure what you mean.
  5. @ll Ontology ll Yeah I know that. That is fundamental. I am curious to hear about it, that's all. I am working on all of that. I'm not going to get into a relationship until the underlying insecurity is resolved
  6. @ll Ontology ll Haha nice. What do you think of Interracial dating? I'll give you example. I am Indian guy who prefers woman of other ethnicities. I am internally racist, like I would be shocked if I ever found a woman from sub-suharran africa very attractive. Do you think majority of woman will have this same ethnic bias against me? I grew up in a multicultural city so I bet people here are more tolerant, but i'm assuming there is still some degree of racism. Do you think ethnicity makes a difference? Like I have certain euro features so maybe I have a better chance with Russian girl vs Japanese girl because me and russian girl have close ethnic ties? Any other thoughts. Nice journal and attitude btw. Very refreshing here.
  7. @Zeroguy I'm going to start from a place of cleared chakras and emotional stability. I don't want to date regular chicks. I know what I have to do to get what I want. My own racial trauma influences my dating tbh, If i thought Indian woman were most beautiful then I could probably date whoever, but given my preference I gotta be better
  8. @Zeroguy If i rent my own place I'll have to work like 70-80 hours a week because of Vancouver housing prices. I'm not in a rush. Meditation is working for me. When i'm done with spiritual work then I'll move out. Also the kinds of girls I want to date won't date me working at mcdonalds 60 hours a week. You said it yourself. If I want a girl of another ethnicity I have to be above.
  9. @Zeroguy Haha I am anti-social incel, except i've had sex. Vancouver has some pretty attractive woman it's true. Dude no one's going to date me rn, I make 17 dollars an hour and I live at home.
  10. @Zeroguy What countries you think have the most beautiful woman? So far it's looking like Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania by far have most attractive woman.
  11. @Javfly33 Yeah I think if someone thinks of themselves as an expert meditator they should test their understanding against a psychidelic at least a few times in their lives
  12. Only on actualized.org can you tell someone they are out of their minds and they will take it as a compliment haha @mandyjw @LastThursday
  13. 1. Hrv breathing 2. Going to the experience of being aware, recognize you are aware. 3. Rest in that space. 4. Emotions come in the body 5. a) When Emotions Come up (negative) chant Ohm/Amen(no difference) Into the negative emotions or difficult feelings arise. - 5-10/15/20 minutes. Don't need to do it too long. Start with 5 minutes. 5. b) Or use the name of a sacred figure and chant the name into the difficult emotions arising. Jesus, Budhha, etc. Pick one that works for you. You can chant either during the outbreathe or you can chant just resting in the state of awareness. 6. Sit in the clarity. Rest in clarity from the Ohm clearing the negative emotions
  14. Sounds like a pretty awesome problem to have
  15. @Zeroguy Last question. Do you have any fear of death? if you got cancer diagnosis tmrw would you be afraid or completely at peace?
  16. You never answered, or even tried to answer my question. What I am doing is trying to stay as experience of being aware without getting distracted so I can have emotional release and acess parts of myself only available so far in lsd trips. I know what happens when you stay being aware for prolonged period and I want it.
  17. You are deflecting from the question. What i'm doing about it is trying to understand the essence of what people here are talking about.
  18. @Zeroguy Yeah but there could be levels above you. Also, can you give me answer to my question about dream board. If not how can you be highest level?
  19. How can you be sure your assessment is accurate? There's clearly more work to do for let's say Leo. His personality/character is not at the level he believes himself to be
  20. I am the most woke Also, to anyone who believes in dreamboard. Write "10 million dollars for Raptorsin7 by May 20th 2021" on board and please send money. UNCONDITIONAL limitless being. I'll be waiting
  21. @intotheblack People are multidimensional. Some aspects of you might be red, some might be blue etc
  22. I wonder why zero stopped being interested in spirituality. I've been reading @zeroISinfinity's original posts, the guy was a legit seeker with great insight. I wish we had more people who were actually seeking enlightenment on here.
  23. I bet within a few years his personality/character will be much more loving. I think he has to act a certain way too because of business and his dependence on actualized.org If he came out here like Matt Khan who knows what kind of effect that would have on his business. I wouldn't be surprised to see him take some time off and step away from actualized.org for a bit and then come with a completely transformed personality.