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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. @Zeroguy that weirdo likely has daddy issues and you are triggering some deep need for male authority in him. He wants you to set him in his place and then have sex with him haha. Do you have any sense of what that guy wants with you?
  2. I feel bad for this guy. If you want don't want to be monogamous and you don't even find the guy sexually attractive just leave and let him be with someone who appreciates what he has to offer. You sound like you're using and manipulating this guy for your own gain, and you are ashamed of him. Good luck finding a guy who's a better fit. At least be honest with the next guy about who you are so wont' you waste any sane people's time
  3. What a great point. I don't think I feel love but I do have experiences of feeling highs throughout the day, like a musical note that touches you deeply, and Idk if this was considered love.
  4. @Lyubov Hey i've been thinking about getting involved in twitch here are some thoughts. I highly recommend doing something to differentiate yourself from people in your niche, and also pay attention to what others are dong that are popular in a similar niche. On twitch video games are huge. I don't know if your interested in video games, but if you learned to become proficient at a popular game you could attach your content to your status as a high level gamer. For example, League of legends has around 200k viewers peak during a day, if you were masters or challengers rank and you were producing quality content on the side you would be very unique and interesting. It doesn't need to be games. Maybe you can run ultra marathons, or something like that
  5. Hey what do you think of this inquiry question? Ask yourself why this moment, this sense of presence, is not heaven. If right here right now is all we ever experience, then you're either experiencing heaven or you are not. And maybe this inquiry can point to what is blocking people from experiencing this moment as heaven. I haven't tried it yet but it seems promising
  6. Yeah I've realized that recently. I use tinder to check out different countries etc, and I was shocked when I found estonia, latvia, and lithuania (the big 3 haha). Even compared to like Sweden, Germany etc it is not close. It's like 25% of their population is 9/10 heavenly beautiful. You can find woman like that in other areas, but the proportion/% is much much smaller.
  7. @Leo Gura Have you thought about doing a video where you go over the liabilites, risks, etc of following your path and working with psychidelics? I see you're getting a lot of pushback here for how you approach psychs, but if you had a video where you laid your entire philosophy on the dangers of psychs, who should and shouldn't do it etc. Could go a long way to protecting you from any fall out of people who ruin their lives and then try to drag your name down because you are an obvious scapegoat for influencing psychidelic use.
  8. I think Sadguru killed his wife. There's something off about him, and his story about his wife makes 0 sense. To all the sadguru cultists here. Your prophet is a lie I think. I've noticed a few of those kinds of guys on the forum. Fake spirituality, I can sense it a mile a way.
  9. @soos_mite_ah Wow you are strikingly beautiful haha
  10. I see a very cute girl at subway twice now. Maybr she is on similar schedule and I'll see her again. "Hey come back to my parents basement" haha
  11. I will prove all my doubters wrong. Watch what I become
  12. Yeah I know that. I think maybe if the girl is highest class and has a father like Jed then maybe i'd have a chance. But average girl no chance. In Canada Indian people here have a decent standing so for many woman they will be open, but in majority white areas it still would be disadvantage. Woman here who grew up in multi cultural environments are open to Indian men i've seen it. In law school i had no problem attracting woman's attention. Yeah they like white people there. But still to actually marry or date you it would still be taboo I bet, especially in Japan. Maybe less so in China. That's interesting. I would have thought she was just some good looking girl, but not surprised. When I am self realized, Millionare, great style, great personality/character etc I don't think a top 1% female of most countries would be quick to overlook me. I wouldn't have interest in average Russian girl and she wouldn't have interest in me
  13. @Zeroguy Oh yeah, I couldn't imagine what it would take. If you were in Japan and homegrown Japanese was interested that would be red flag. And yeah I understand cultural standards. I can fit western beauty standards so I'm not worried. If i were black they would call me a coon, but thank god Indian people have some status and success here so people don't care. Also that Indian girl you posted would be considered 10/10 as far as beauty. But maybe 1% of North Indian woman look like that. And across all of Indian she would be very rare.
  14. @Zeroguy Not too many Japanese here. Only Hawaii has a high population outside of Japan. Japan is one of the most racist societies on earth they don't leave. I went to Japan a few summers ago. So many really attractive Japanese woman. They age so well too omg. But they hate Indians though so idk for me. I think if you live in Japan and you are dating non Japanese, either you are high conscious or there is something wrong with you, why else would you want to deal with such social stigma unless you are defective in some way? Lot's of really pretty chinese girls here though. Yeah she is pretty. But you nailed it, best looking Indian woman have lightest skin. But if you look at countries like Russia, estonia etc that whole region. The woman have the features that makes Indian woman attractive, plus better. Best looking Indian girl is like an 8/10 relative to some beautiful woman of other caucas populations. Look at Estonian girl I posted. She is like 9/10, i've never seen an Indian woman that good looking in my life. Even though she shares same features and same beauty standards. Life isn't fair and honestly it sucks that our culture is so focused on looks and beauty for relationships. But I am 10/10 just looks for Indian and I am going to use that to my advantage. I want the highest quality partner I can find.
  15. There's no harm in exercising a bit of discipline and being better on here. Some people get hurt by comments and I feel bad about it. I still have my board i'm going to start using that again, let's see if it works better this time around. There's also some posters who have great meditation tips
  16. I want really clean up my act on here. I notice the tendency to just shit post and write whatever, but after a few recent convos I think it's time to get some integrity and be deliberate in how I operate. I know better so it's time to do better.
  17. @Zeroguy I agree with your little rant about Leo and phil. When you add concepts you can think you're improving and both parties are getting their ego boost.
  18. I don't know if what I experienced on psychs a few times is love, so assuming it's not i'd say I haven't felt love since I was a kid. But I don't remember it
  19. @spiritualryan Try chanting Ohm or amen, or some other meaning slogan like god, love etc Into the painful sensation. Try for 5-10 mins
  20. If you're curious read through my post history from April 2020 to now. I was suicidal and miserable and thought similarly to you. Maybe something will resonate
  21. @IamMystic I already asked Leo shut it down. It's too much mod work
  22. I'm actually open to many different ethnicities. I'd say I am focused on race just because I have a high bar for looks and I want someone who I find incredibly attractive, but I also want other qualities like femininity, class, intelligence etc and so the pool is already very limited. There's a certain bone structure and hairtype/face that I find really attractive, and I've noticed that certain groups of people have more of these kinds of woman and some have less. I'd say I could find a very attractive girl in almost any population, but the amount varies a lot according to region. For example, I've been swiping internationally on tinder for fun recently and I noticed that Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania have some of the most attractive girls i've ever seen. It's like 10-15% of girls I see on their are really attractive, whereas when I swipe in Vancouver it's like 2% of girls are really attractive, and let's say like 5-10% in Germany. I would never look at a woman and say because she's x race I am interested, but it seems to be the case that certain groups have a higher % of woman i find very attractive. Well for starters if a man has an attractive wife then he has a higher chance of having an attractive daughter, and I value beauty highly. Also, higher income people tender to be more opened minded and intelligent, and I want someone who is intelligent and I think a certain degree of open-mindendness will be required to have a successful interracial relationship. I also think I have many traits of a successful person and so I think a woman with a successful father will value some of my traits more highly than an average person. I think the way some people value their own ehtnicity in dating, some people value their own class(wealth) and so I would do better seeking woman from a higher class who are more likely to overlook ethnic differences because of equal class. I also think if a man is interested in spirituality and high consciousness, it carries within an inherent acceptance of other races, especially Indians, because of the role Indians have played in spirituality. So I wouldn't have to worry about her father looking down on my race or something, or at least there's enough familiarity and respect to where it's not an issue and his daughter doesn't feel the pressure
  23. @Wilhelm44 Can you give a brief summary? How and why did it influence you?
  24. Lol Zero does not fuck around.