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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. @Waken Why doesn't he resonate?
  2. It was pretty entertaining, I don't know what is the right way to handle it. What's more interesting is how no one condemned her being a racist, and instead everyone sided with her and subtly blamed destiny for in the interaction
  3. @Vzdoh Haha i'm just curious given your posting style. Dw my ego is A OK
  4. @Vzdoh Well you were single up until the few months ago when you met this guy
  5. @Vzdoh Do you think your high standards are the reason you are single at your age?
  6. As long as you have crazy leftists like this woman claiming black people can't be racist while calling this guy a white piece of shit, guys like Tim Pool will continue to make millions
  7. @taotemu How does 5MEO differ from LSD? I've only used LSD and Shrooms, and I've reached a point where I no longer felt a need to seek because I felt so amazing and aware. But it's in consistent with LSD, sometimes you can let it all go and sometimes you can't. Do you think 5 MeO could work well for this kind of dilemma? I'm open to trying 5 MeO but I'm a little hesitant because I don't like the idea of being thrown in the pool without knowing how to swim, with LSD and Shrooms I've never had a sudden and drasatic shift in consciousness
  8. Feel the sensations that present. Feel them deeply and keep attention on the feelings. I can feel a sensation in the center of my head. Stay with the feeling and relax deeper into the feeling. Let the feeling guide you. Breathe into the feeling
  9. @impulse9 @taotemu I'm not saying psychidelics are the only thing that a person should use on the path.
  10. @impulse9 Lol you made a post in June saying you just had your first LSD trip. I don't think you have any idea what you're talking about
  11. @impulse9 By prolonged psych use I don't mean using it indefinitely. Prolonged can be once every 2 weeks for a 3 month stretch. I don't think you understand the scope of what you're saying. You realize you could take a micro dose over a 6 month period, and that would also fall under prolonged psych use. Honestly the language you are using around being transported, ego eradication etc makes me think you're projecting a lack of understanding of what psychs do @Consilience is a good example of a poster who has used psychs more than a few times, and has managed to integrate them into sober understanding
  12. @Moksha I highly value integration, not glimpses and intellectualization. I am questioning Alan watts because his quote gives the impression to some that once you have a glimpse of higher consciousness on psychs then you put them away. For many people glimpses will not be enough to transform your life, and prolonged psych use can be really useful. So if someone were to say to me, or to themselves, well Alan watts said I should put down the phone so I'm gong to stop psych use, I would say well I don't think Alan Watts is a very credible source because whatever his philosophy was, it didn't give him the ability to transcend his addiction and so I don't think we should take this guy as any sort of spiritual authority. I'm not saying anyone has to be perfect. But there should be high standards for people giving out advice about the path and psycjs
  13. Telling people to set aside psychs after two uses when you are still an alcoholic is worth judging.
  14. @taotemu That's interesting i didn't know that. But whatever he did, also didn't work. Alan watts always seemed like a guy who had some insight, but just parroted Buddhist philosophy that resonated with people who had no understanding of spirituality. I don't think he's a credible spiritual teacher, but this is beyond the scope of what we're saying.
  15. @taotemu When it comes to this specific quote I think his history is relevant. I don't know what he meant specifically, but if you are interpreting the quote to mean once you get a glimpse then stop taking them then I think the fact that he was an alcoholic who never cured his disease despite his "awakenings" is very relevant. I want to learn from the best of the best. If you can't beat alcoholism then you aren't very good imo
  16. @impulse9 I'm not saying he didn't have genuine insight. But I'm saying take what hes saying with a grain of salt because he never healed himself fully. You can follow whatever teacher you want. I'm sure there are some fat dudes with good health advice, but I'd be skeptical about someone teaching about health who's addicted to big Macs.
  17. Someone cannot be addicted to alcohol and the greatest spiritual teacher of our time. The path is about happiness and ending suffering. This has nothing to do with cancel culture, this has to do with discernment. Go find a teacher who managed to transcend addiction. There are plenty
  18. @Tim R If his health deteriorates so much he thinks he's going to die I could see him having some kind of NDE. Also, he may get desperate enough to try psychedelic's seriously. The thing is I bet he's done minor doses of psychs and has intellectualized them so they may not work as well as they could.
  19. I've been consuming content about modern dating, and it's got me thinking about the future of relationships. One common trend i've noticed is that many woman are complaining that there are no good men available, and they are either choosing to remain single or they are forced to settle for a men they don't really value. There are some alarming statistics about the % of single woman in developed nations like Japan and South Korea, and I'm assuming these trends will start to emerge North America and Western Europe. It seems like a potential solution would be to back to polygamy. I don't know how this could work with laws etc, but I imagine there are many woman who would rather share a high value man than settle for someone less desirable. This is mainly directed at men, but woman feel free to chime in, but would you be willing to have multiple partners in the future? The biggest deterrent in my mind would be the social stigma against you, but maybe it could be a good experience. There's an argument to be made that society would be better off with the highest quality men, the one's capable of having many partners, having the most children, as opposed to the current dynamic where the highest quality people in society are having less children.
  20. I see your point. I think even if you had multiple wives there would be one or a few that you would end up forming a stronger relationship with than the others. I was also thinking about this in terms of doing other people a favor. Have you seen the stats on single woman in a country like Korea? If your main partner had like 4 single friends who were unable to find a partner, maybe it could work if you add them all to your relationship. The man gets more sexual variety, and the woman get some form of intimacy and connection compared to just dying alone.
  21. Didn't Alan Watts die from alcoholism? If you can't heal your own addiction then you probably shouldn't be giving people advice on how to use psychs
  22. How is it galaxies apart? If anything raising children is much more difficult. Lol I think you do have some editing to do. What's more difficult maintaining a relationship with a self sufficient adult, or raising multiple dependent children.
  23. I guess in light of what you wrote it's about a time period. There may be a generation of lost woman who were unable to find a suitable partner. I think it comes down to what woman will accept. I can't see men all of a sudden getting their shit together by the millions, not to mention the immutable characteristics that woman find attractive, so if woman are willing to settle for what's available this can be avoided @Tangerinedream I disagree. I think the first step is to be able to intimate with yourself.
  24. @Gesundheit2 I hope you don't curse me
  25. @Tangerinedream Do you think it's possible to raise 3 healthy children, while being happy and working on your life purpose? Have you noticed anything I discussed above in your social circle or with relatives?