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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. Have you looked into psychidelics? Taking a psychidelic alone and literally just contemplating about why you are suffering and what is the root can have dramatic effects
  2. I just took like 2-3 grams of mushroom capsules. And threw up a bunch. Psychidelics are incredible. Thank jesus. Take psychidelics. Inspect your suffering. Don't be afraid. And win. I am so afraid of the pain of vomitting and nausea. But in the pain Is where ALL the growth is for me. I wish more spiritual teachers talked about this kind of stuff. This is the path. Tracing your nauseous feelings to their root is the path.
  3. I'm getting sick of listening to these Neo Advaita guys like Jim Newman and Rupert Spira. I get a sense of what they are pointing at, but their teachings seem very surface and don't address how to integrate the teaching into actual emotional and being transformations. I know it's possible to radically transform your state of being with surrendering to what is, and seeing the thinking/mind for what it is. But none of these neo advaita guys talk about the sensations in the third eye, what it feels like for your crown to open, how to release emotional blocks etc. Can anyone relate to this? Or does anyone know of better teachings who address how to achieve an emotional awakening not just a mental one
  4. @vladorion Loch kelly talks about integrating different parts us by recognizing there is always something aware of the parts but I never really understood that part of his teaching. I've had a continuous pattern for months now where... I will meditate at night, I'll feel some tension/sensations in the body begin to dissolve, I start to think Okay this is it, this is the day I let the shit go from my system. Then I pat myself on the back and go do seomthing else because i thought i made progress. Then i regret the next day when I'm just suffering and tangled with the mind
  5. @nistake I'm a big fan of loch kelly, I really liked his effortless mindfulness pointers. But even he fails to really nail down what it means for effortless mindfulness to transform your experience of the body, and how energetic blocks get released. I really wish I could talk to Loch 1-1, but he's too big at this point. Like I have a clear understanding of loch's teachings, and I can follow him step for step, but it's still no where near where I can reach with psychidelics. One of my favorite pointers is, what's here now when there's no problem to solve. And it really points to the sensations and feelings of the body. But then there's still the process of going from this here now, to this feeling like bliss and the energetic knots of the body being released
  6. @RickyFitts Appreciate the post, but this guy is exactly the kind of teacher I'm complaining about in my OP. When are these teachers going to speak about your head cracking open, and knots of tension that get blown out. Or the feeling of being a different creature in the middle of a deep awakening.
  7. @vladorion I agree, you don't really hear many of these teachers talking about grounding in the body sensations. And all my deepest awakenings came from feeling deeply into the sensations of the head and body, and finding certain energetic spots that when I put attention there things changed dramatically. What about stuff like inner child work, or changing the inner voice? How does that relate to deepening your experience of the present moment and the body?
  8. Yeah the memories of play AOE 3 are some of the best of my life. I was still somewhat emotionally open at that point so my ability to enjoy the game was unparalleled
  9. @modmyth I never played AOE 1, but i played a bit of AOE2 it was one of the first games I ever played. I think AOE3 came around at the perfect time for me, it was just so exciting and exhilarating to make armies etc A lot of people really hated AOE3, to this day AOE2 has a significantly larger player based than AOE 3
  10. @Charlotte @Farnaby I've had headaches my whole life, and i've taken a bunch of psychs so I can provide some insight. For me, psychs bring on a feeling of nauseous and headaches etc that are related to the headaches I get normally in life, but the thing is on psychs if you can go deeper and deeper into the feeling of the headache and trace it to it's root in your being, then you can dissolve the headache and lose all the suffering associated with the headache. The thing is you can get sort of stuck in an inbetween phase, where the headache is coming on strong, but you can't surrender/let go enough to dissolve the feeling so it can really suck.
  11. If someone were severely addicted to drugs (like heroin), where there life was consumed by the addiction, but they also spent hours a day meditating with proper technique and good concentration, could they become enlightened while at the same being addicted to drugs. Have there been examples of famous meditation teachers who were addicted to drugs while teaching? I guess one alternative could be the drug addict losing their addiction through the process of meditation and inquiry before they become enlightened.
  12. @The0Self How do you go from recognizing this as it is... to this feeling like bliss
  13. @RendHeaven Beat me to it thank you.
  14. @Blackhawk Have you tried working with low doses of psychs? Or finding a therapist who understands psychs? Psychs have been the single most valuable tool for me. A lot of these concepts that don't resonate or click, have the potential to be realized and understood on a sufficient dose of psychs. You're too stuck in your own mind. Notice how you just shut down everyone and insist you're right about your own perspective. Something needs to change to adjust your thought process
  15. A guy i used to bully in highschool just made a facebook status about some girl blackmailing him with his nude pictures. I sent him a little cheer up message, seems like a good thing to do.
  16. I haven't tried 5Meo yet, but I've heard that you can microdose it. So start with a very small dose, and then work up slowly.
  17. @Nivsch If you think you can handle psychedelics' they can work miracles in terms of how you view yourself and reality. If you take them try following this instruction during the trip. Look for the one who is looking. Look for the you that is behind the eyes. In your direct experience, notice the looker and the looking. Sober this may not provoke any feelings. But on psychs this instruction should produce some kind of energetic/feeling response around the head/eyes region. Then repeat the instruction, and really try and notice the fact there seems to be a looker and all that you see, and follow that energetic sensation of the body.
  18. @Chew211 Sweet, I played a lot of AOE 3 growing up. Some of my happiest memories and best feelings were from playing that game. AOE 4 has a ton of potential imo. I was impressed by the beta. I'm going to post on the forum and see if some of my ideas can actually be implemented by developers
  19. @Esilda How do you experience love if you don't love anyone or anything? This is my dilemma. I know self love is the highest teaching, and the path to happiness. But i don't know what it means to love.
  20. I actually had a 1-1 conversation with her, she seemed like a nice person. I echo what @Consilience wrote above. There's so much left out in these kinds of teachings. Fundamentally people seek spirtual teachers/teachings because of the dissatisfaction with their own experience, and these kinds of uncompromising messages don't really address the seekers dilemma well
  21. Has anyone seen the sub reddit r/femaledatingstrategy? It seems like it's the female version of the redpill... lot's of trashing men and woman claiming to be too high value to find men etc. I guess it makes sense that where would be a female version of the red pill but I was pretty surprised when I came across it. I wonder if any woman here have seen the subreddit and have thoughts on their overall philosophy towards men. I wonder if this sentiment is becoming common amongst woman.
  22. @Wilhelm44 Would you say that if we were talking about Trump
  23. So is Bentinho a guy who understands nonduality intellectually, but the understanding hasn't reached his emotions yet? How does he transition into an authentic teacher? @Batman @Waken @Space