Bridge to Infinity

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Everything posted by Bridge to Infinity

  1. @Shin could you say the ego is consciousness but the one observing the ego is not the ego itself its consciousness
  2. @Nahm Love your stories
  3. @Leo Gura yes its fixed
  4. @erik8lrl i dont know how to do research on such things
  5. @erik8lrl dont know anyone that can provide it, dont know where to get it otherwise.
  6. @Nahm hey man could you use simpler language? i cant understand sorry
  7. @Nahm can i imagine psychedelics and they will appear?
  8. @Nahm if only i knew a way to get legit psychedelics so that i can know what you mean.
  9. @JonasVE12 i have the same issue. I got a prescription for Ritalin, im gonna start taking it next month, meditation seems to solve the issue of concentration, its really magical. But the problem is that meditation is a long term thing, you would have to meditate for 3+ months to start seeing real changes in your ability to focus. I know someone who started meditating a month ago and they already see big changes in their ADHD, so some people can get the results from meditation faster.
  10. @Anton Rogachevski ok
  11. My account is not logged in when I'm viewing the Sub-Forums but the moment I go into a Sub-Forum, I'm automatically logged in. The first image is viewing the Sub-Forums, then the second image is when go into one of them.
  12. @Bill W Haha!
  13. @Preety_India this is your issue, i have no problem using the website
  14. @Preety_India who cares, as long as you get it to work.....
  15. Hey Leo if you would like I could fix the issue for ya, I just need the image of you in full HD.
  16. My OCD Just kicked here @Leo Gura The image of you does not fade in with the black background I circled them in RED, this could easily be fixed with the gradient tool in photoshop.
  17. @Preety_India ok boomer
  18. Hey there, im going to he going some approaches today. Any tips? If u could give me examples the type of conversations to have!
  19. shoot up the school. lol jokes. Start by reading the book "6 Pillars of Self Esteem" actually read it, you can torrent it if you're low on money. Get a Partime Job that you enjoy, more specifically a social job, this will help pay some of the tuition as well as help with socialization -----> More assertivity. Start Lifting weights. Cut out all bull shit youtube self help, including Leos stuff, that kind of content is irrelevant to you. Set little goals and achieve them, eg... Gain 10 pounds of muscle, If change is difficult for you and you cant focus, try ADHD medication (ritalin or adderall) for a couple of months, you will change your life drastically.
  20. Please read this post fully. When i say Street/Hood Culture it is not a label put on any race or specific group of individuals.. rather it is race independent and is to do with an individuals lifestyle/behaviour. Street/Hood culture to me means the following: Impolite behaviour, resorting to physical violence to settle conflicts, bullying people for being different, oriented towards tribalism, gangs, hatred for unconventional artistic expression, drug dealing, social-domination, closed mindedness, "big ego", a disliking of education, lack of emotions, toxic masculinity, violent rap music... In other words alot of stage red habits. In the back of my mind i feel like the judgement and hatred i have for this type of behaviour is ignorant... To put it bluntly: My disliking of this culture is probably stupid. I have had a lot of personal unpleasant and sometimes threatening experiences with street/hood cultured individuals. Here is a short list of experiences i've had with street/stageRed/ hood individuals: Almost getting mugged Asocial behaviour (A guy held the subway train door open until authorities came and took him away) many more like this but this is just the most recent one. My friend got mugged Having stones thrown at me for no logical reason Ridiculed Beat Up Kneed at my job Shouted at and harassed by a "hood culture" manager Stares from strangers that seek to dominate you the list goes on... I fundamentally dislike this behaviour/way of being. Am i wrong? Am i being unconscious about something here? Is it discriminatory to hate this "culture"? if yes... please explain how and what i can do to have a more conscious perspective on this matter. Why does it seem like the popularity of this culture and lifestyle is increasing? I live in the netherlands and I have personally witnessed the rise in this culture/behaviour/lifestyle in the last 5 years.
  21. Okay! That was shocking. I have my doubts about whether this is staged or not, but ive heard sadhguru could also do this at will so my doubts are diminished by open mindedness here. Lets assume this is real. How is such a thing possible, he can practically control his mind as though it was a limb. How could the average spiritual seeker begin to develop such an ability?
  22. @Nickyy Ever since the surge in immigration from countries of lower spiral dynamics development, i have started to notice a rise in primitive and asocial behaviour in the streets.
  23. @Keyhole I dont even want to watch that.
  24. @Serotoninluv Reading your post was very insightful! I understand what it is i must do to understand them better. BUT to investigate further..... Is it wrong or foolish of me to not want to listen to rap music and to not want to be involved with hood cultured people?