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Everything posted by Pateedm

  1. @Nahm The experience definitely felt energetic and intuitive, basically the exact same as you describe. I am also intrigued as to what will happen in the future, and I find it interesting that UFO's are becoming more mainstream. What you say about if there is anything actionable, (that the message will be clearly received), is helpful. I am still unsure of how to deliberately encounter more. Or if it is even possible to or even worth it to try to contact more. (Something tells me it is possible to contact more). I am sort of just letting things happen and if a similar experience happens again then it was meant to happen.
  2. Sorry for hijacking the thread. @Nahm Have you had any experiences with UFOs? If so, do you have any clue what encountering one means? I experienced one that was very intimate and basically felt like it was 'meant to happen', but I have no idea what its message was. Maybe no message and simply for the experience?
  3. Hidden Gem.
  4. Ask them if they've actually done Psychedelics. If they haven't then I wouldn't necessarily listen to them at all.